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Xpression app downloads orders, invoices, picking lists and the print documents from any XpressionManager portal directly into your Enfocus Switch workflow. The download consists of a folder structure, equal to the order structure. Where the full order number is a folder with the full xml order file, followed by each orderline with an xml orderline and a printable file (pdf).

** As of September 2020, the XpressionManager has become a bundle, and the XpressionManager order update app has been added to update order or sub-order status anywhere in your workflow. **


Order number: 259

Output Folder 259 (Full order number)
 - 259.xml
 - noprinfile.txt (there is no printfile on a full order)
Output Folder 259_1_of_3_1137 (Ordernumber_orderlinenumber_of_totalorderlines_orderlineID)
 - 259_1_of_3_1137.xml
 - printfilename.pdf


XpressionManager is a modern and highly scalable Web2Print and brand management tool. With XpressionManager you can set up a web portal for each of your customers with customer-specific products or materials and custom templates. Customers can then create and order corporate identity products. There are also integrations with various single-sign-on and purchasing (ERP/MIS) systems.

Before you install and configure XpressionManager, please contact GrafiStore or XpressionLabs. If you haven’t changed order statuses yet, XpressionManager will download the full order history from your portal, which can lead to problems. Your will also need credentials for the App to communicate with your brand portal(s).

Contact XpressionLabs for credentials and portal setup:

Phone: +31(0) 591 - 76 91 18
Email: info@xpressionlabs.nl or helpdesk@xpressionlabs.nl

Contact GrafiStore for technical support and implementation:

Phone: +31 (0) 546 – 85 02 31
Email: support@grafistore.nl

Switch Version Required:2019 Fall or higher
Platform:Windows, Mac

App creator

+31 (0) 546 - 85 02 31
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App creator

+31 (0) 546 - 85 02 31
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