AppMatch, a dating agency for app ideas
Didn't find what you need on the Enfocus Appstore? Don't worry, we'll help you out!
AppMatch connects app ideas with app developers. Let us in on your app idea, and maybe you will be the first to get the actual app!
How does it work?

1. Submit your app idea
Fill out a simple form to submit your app idea. Try to explain the idea as clearly as possible.

2. Meet your developer
Your idea will be instantly distributed amongst our pool of app developers.
When a developer wants to turn your idea into an app, we will introduce you to each other.

3. Test and get the app*
During development, you will be the first to test the app and provide feedback.
This ensures a solution for your particular problem is ready for download!
*Disclamer: the app is owned by the developer at all times.
Submitted app ideas
"I'd like to see a simple and user-friendly app that converts the PitStop Preflight report into a readable HTML page which could be viewed by our customers."
"Could you build an app that directly steers my Xerox printer?"