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Webhook message


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Webhook message is a small simple app that makes it possible to pickup messages from a webserver and present them in Switch messages.

When you use HTTP Request to send data and receive data from web services you only get messages if Switch was able to get in contact with the server or not. If you are sending data to a database you have no information if that succeeded or not. That problem will this app solve for you.

In the web pages you are sending data to you have to add some code that sends messages back to Switch over the Webhook functionality. The app itself just receives the data you send and shows it in the Switch Messages. Webhook messages are not receiving any files for the Switch flow, it just sits there and waits for messages from your web server.

Switch Version Required:2021 Fall or higher
Platform:Windows, Mac

App creator

Color Consult AB
+46 707 490774
Online support

App creator

Color Consult AB
+46 707 490774
Online support