GangByHierarchy creates collections or gangs of jobs based on the combination of job hierarchy values and an accumulated count of PDF pages or sheets, or a configured job property. You will configure a desired gang size along with a maximum gang size. When enough jobs are accumulated, the jobs will be moved to a single job folder. Optionally, metadata can be created in XML and/or JSON format. Additionally, a “flush” schedule can be configured that will trigger the creation of gangs with all currently waiting jobs or move the waiting jobs to a redirection connection.
Additional functionality:
- Jobs are processed based on a configured sorting method that can utilize a combination of each job’s priority, sorting date and configured sorting key.
- In the case of an individual job exceeding the configured gang size, several options are available to handle these jobs – see documentation.
- Because all the jobs are copied into a new job folder, any jobs with duplicate names would overwrite each other. Several options are available to handle duplicate jobs – see documentation.
- By default, the metadata includes basic information about each gang. The app provides properties to allow the addition of custom gang and job information.
- The redirection of jobs when flushed can further be controlled by a threshold value. Below the threshold, jobs are redirected; above the threshold, a “short” gang is created with the remaining jobs in the queue.