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Why your web-to-print isn't working

Session details

Dave Hultin
Ken Rosson

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Connect ALL is the very best way for your customers to move native files from their desktops to your production workflow...but it only works if your customers know about it! We’ll explore how to communicate with your customers about the benefits of web-to-print technology, with a specific focus on the web-to-print technology provided by Connect ALL.

Bonus for session attendees

FastTrack (The implementation of Connect ALL offered by Marketing Ideas For Printers) is FREE for selected session attendees for a limited time! Attend the Safari session for details.


About Dave Hultin

During the desktop publishing revolution of the 1980s, Dave Hultin learned that his true passion lay not in his “official” training as a music educator, but instead, in the fast-paced world of quick printing. Dave's printing career started at Express Press, an award-winning print shop in Fargo, North Dakota. His "in the trenches" experiences at Express Press put Dave on the path to become president of Marketing Ideas For Printers, a company that puts content, marketing, and technology expertise within the reach of small and mid-sized commercial printers.

About Ken Rosson

Ken has always had a passion for small business, beginning with part ownership in a construction company in the late 90’s. In 2000, Ken joined Dex Media Inc. as a local marketing consultant and over the last 16 years has helped thousands of small business owners navigate their way through the challenging environment of advertising and marketing. Now, as the Sales and Marketing Director with Marketing Ideas For Printers, Ken and his team are focused on helping printers sell more printing by providing an unbeatable combination of content, marketing, and technology tools designed to meet the unique needs of small and mid-sized commercial printers.