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Post to Trello


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Automatically create, archive, unarchive and delete cards in Trello

Trello is an easy, flexible and visual collaboration tool that organizes your projects into boards. In one glance, Trello tells you what's being worked on, who's working on what, and where a job or parts of a job is in your production process, also on mobile devices.

Automatically create, archive, unarchive and delete cards in Trello, move them in the board, add labels, members, comments, checklists, due date, cover or attachments and retrieve metadata from cards to make decisions in Switch. You can also create lists and archive or unarchive them.

Add PitStop Server to your Switch flow and automatically create thumbnails of the files being processed so that they can be used in Trello to make the boards even more visual.

Click here for a full 19 min demo.

Switch Version Required:2018 or higher
Platform:Windows, Mac

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