Nombre completo: PitStop 24.07: Sincronización de recursos
Resumen: Este es un breve vídeo para explicar cómo los equipos pueden compartir sus recursos (listas de acciones, perfiles de verificación previa, etc.) a través de Enfocus Cloud. Tenga en cuenta que esta función requiere una suscripción a PitStop Pro.
Duración: 2:27
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:movie,free,language:es,
ID: 582
Nombre completo: A destacar en Switch 2022 Fall
Resumen: Este vídeo ofrece una visión general de las nuevas características de Switch Fall 2022.
Duración: 2 minutos
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:movie,product:switch,free,language:es,
ID: 483
Nombre completo: A destacar en Switch 2022 Spring
Resumen: Este vídeo ofrece una visión general de las nuevas características de Switch 2022 Spring:
- Compatibilidad con JSON
- Apps predeterminados
- Novedades destacades
Duración: 8 minutos en total
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:movie,product:switch,free,language:es,
ID: 482
Nombre completo: A destacar en Switch 2021 Spring
Resumen: Este vídeo ofrece una visión general de las nuevas características de Switch.
Duración: 4 minutos
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:movie,product:switch,free,language:es,
ID: 397
Nombre completo: Novedades en PitStop 2022
Resumen: Novedades en PitStop 2022:
- Soporte para PDF 2.0
- Mejoras para sangrado
Duración: 5 minutos
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:movie,free,language:es,
ID: 448
Nombre completo: Activar una suscripción a PitStop Pro
Resumen: Esta es un breve vídeo para demostrar cómo se puede activar una suscripción a PitStop Pro.
Duración: 2 minutos
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:movie,free,language:es,
ID: 430
Nombre completo: Activar una suscripción a PitStop Server
Resumen: Este es un breve vídeo para demostrar cómo se puede activar una suscripción a PitStop Server.
Duración: 2 minutos
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:movie,free,language:es,
ID: 431
Nombre completo: Como Empezar con PitStop Pro - Módulo eLearning 1/4: Instalar y activar una prueba con PitStop Pro
Resumen: En este breve curso aprenderá como instalar PitStop Pro y como
activar una prueba gratuita.
Duración: 5 minutos
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:beginner,product:pitstop,free,language:es,
ID: 158
Nombre completo: Como empezar con PitStop Pro - Módulo eLearning 2/4: La interfaz de usuario de PitStop Pro
Resumen: En este
curso aprenderá los conceptos básicos de PitStop Pro.
- Activar una licencia permanente o
por suscripción
- Explorar la interfaz de usuario
- Definir las preferencias de PitStop
Duración: 20 minutos
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:beginner,product:pitstop,free,language:es,
ID: 159
Nombre completo: Como Empezar con PitStop Pro - Módulo eLearning 3/4: Presets
Resumen: En este
curso aprenderá donde encontrar y como usar Presets (Cambios Globales, Listas
de Acciones y QuickRuns) en PitStop Pro.
- Una breve introducción
- Usar Cambios Globales
- Ejecutar una Lista de Acciones
- Crear una Lista de Acciones
- Utilizar QuickRuns
20 minutos
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:beginner,product:pitstop,free,language:es,
ID: 160
Nombre completo: Como Empezar con PitStop Pro - Módulo eLearning 4/4: Preflight
Resumen: En este
curso aprenderá sobre el control de calidad PDF (la aplicación de
"Preflight") usando PitStop Pro.
- Introducción
- Perfiles Preflight
- Ejecutar una comprobación con
- Automatizar Preflight
15 minutos
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:beginner,product:pitstop,free,language:es,
ID: 161
Nombre completo: Como empezar con PitStop Server
Resumen: Este curso
eLearning explica los conceptos básicos de PitStop Server.
- Introducción
- Instalación y activación
- La interfaz de usuario
- Configuración de HotFolders
- Comprobar archivos procesados
- Preferencias
- Examen
30 minutos
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:beginner,product:pitstop,free,language:es,
ID: 162
Nombre completo: Como empezar con Workgroup Manager
Resumen: Este curso
consiste en las partes siguientes:
- Introducción
- Configurar Workgroup Manager
- Configurar PitStop Pro para
utilizar una licencia desde Workgroup Manager
- Examen
15 minutos
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:beginner,product:pitstop,free,language:es,
ID: 163
Nombre completo: Añadir sangrado con PitStop Pro
Resumen: En este mini curso aprenderá a añadir sangrado con PitStop Pro.
Duración: 5 minutos
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,product:pitstop,level:intermediate,language:es,
ID: 413
Nombre completo: PitStop Pro: Editar objetos
Resumen: Este módulo eLearning consiste en 2 partes:
- Parte 1 - El conjunto de herramientas Editar de PitStop
- Parte 2 - Ejercicio Interactivo
Duración: 15 minutos
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,product:pitstop,level:intermediate,language:es,
ID: 410
Nombre completo: Trabajar con Casillas de Página en PitStop Pro
Resumen: Este módulo eLearning consiste en 5 partes:
Parte 1 - Introducción
Parte 2 - Ver las Propiedades de las Casillas de Página
Parte 3 - Realizar cambios usando el Panel Casilla de Página PitStop
Parte 4 - Aplicar un Trazado de Diseño para Crear Casillas de Página
Parte 5 - Ejercicio
Duración: 20 minutos
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,product:pitstop,level:intermediate,language:es,
ID: 402
Nombre completo: Crear sus propios accesos directos en PitStop Pro
Resumen: En esta corta demostración aprenderá como crear tus propios accesos directos en PitStop Pro.
Duración: 1 minuto
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,product:pitstop,level:intermediate,language:es,
ID: 345
Nombre completo: PitStop Pro: Inspeccionar Objetos
Resumen: Este módulo eLearning consiste en 2 partes:
- Parte 1 - Las Categorías de Inspector
- Parte 2 - Ejercicio Interactivo Usando el Inspector
Duración: 15 minutos
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,product:pitstop,level:intermediate,language:es,
ID: 408
Nombre completo: Certified PDF en PitStop
Resumen: En este curso aprenderás todo sobre el PDF certificado.
Duración: 10 minutos
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,product:pitstop,level:intermediate,language:es,
ID: 349
Nombre completo: Personalizar Informes Preflight
Resumen: En este breve curso aprenderá como personalizar Informes Preflight.
- Parte 1 - Acerca de Informes Preflight
- Parte 2 - Plantillas de Informe
- Parte 3 - Como crear su propia plantilla de Informe
Duración: 15 minutos
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,product:pitstop,level:intermediate,language:es,
ID: 338
Nombre completo: Áreas de Trabajo en PitStop Pro
Resumen: Este curso es una breve introducción a la funcionalidad Áreas de Trabajo en PitStop Pro.
Duración: 5 minutos
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,product:pitstop,level:intermediate,language:es,
ID: 335
Nombre completo: Manejar la sobreimpresión
Resumen: En este curso aprenderá los conceptos básicos de sobreimpresión.
- Problemas con sobreimpresión
- Como funciona estod
- Cómo evitar problemas
- Comprobar y cambiar la preimpresión en PitStop Pro
Duración: 10 minutos
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,product:pitstop,level:intermediate,language:es,
ID: 332
Nombre completo: Versiones y estándares PDF
Resumen: Este módulo eLearning consiste en las partes siguientes:
- Parte 1 - Presentación
- Parte 2 - Versiones de PDF
- Parte 3 - Como determinar la versión de un PDF
- Parte 4 - Variantes del Estándar PDF
- Parte 5 - PDF/X
- Parte 6 - PDF/A
Duración: 10 minutos
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,product:pitstop,level:intermediate,language:es,
ID: 329
Nombre completo: Cómo empezar con Switch - Modulo 1: Instalación, activación y configuración de Switch
Resumen: Este es un curso interactivo de eLearning para nuevos usuarios de Switch.
- Acerca de Switch
- Instalación y activación de Switch
- Configuración de usuarios de Designer Remoto
Duración: 20 minutos
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:beginner,product:switch,free,language:es,
ID: 559
Nombre completo: Cómo empezar con Switch - Modulo 2: Crear su primer flujo
Resumen: Este es un curso interactivo de eLearning para nuevos usuarios de Switch.
- Parte 1: La interfaz de usuario de Switch
- Parte 2: Flujos y elementos de flujo
- Parte 3: Cómo crear un flujo
Duración: 15 minutos
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:beginner,product:switch,free,language:es,
ID: 568
Nombre completo: Cómo empezar con Switch - Modulo 3: Ejercicio
Resumen: Compruebe que ha entendido los dos primeros módulos de Introducción a Switch.
Duración: 15 minutos
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:beginner,product:switch,free,language:es,
ID: 569
Nombre completo: Cómo empezar con Switch - Modulo 4: Metadatos
Resumen: Este módulo eLearning consta de 3 partes:
- Parte 1: metadatos incrustados e información del archivo
- Parte 2: variables
- Parte 3: pruébelo usted mismo
Duración: 20 minutos
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:beginner,product:switch,free,language:es,
ID: 570
Nombre completo: Cómo empezar con Switch - Modulo 5: Carpetas y subcarpetas
Resumen: Este módulo de eLearning consta de 6 partes:
Parte 1: presentación
- Parte 2: desagrupar trabajo
- Parte 3: jerarquía de envío
- Parte 4: jerarquía de archivado
- Parte 5: definir ruta jerárquica
- Parte 6: ejercicio
Duración: 15 minutos
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:beginner,product:switch,free,language:es,
ID: 571
Nombre completo: Cómo empezar con Switch - Modulo 6: consejos y trucos
Resumen: En este curso aprende...
- cómo acceder rápidamente a sus archivos de prueba
- cómo limpiar su flujo entre ejecuciones de prueba
- cómo evitar que se pierdan trabajos
- cómo volver a intentar trabajos problema
- ...
Duración: 15 minutos
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:beginner,product:switch,free,language:es,
ID: 572
Nombre completo: Vidéo 1: Introducción a BoardingPass (vídeo en inglés)
Resumen: Esta es una breve introducción a BoardingPass.
Duración: 2 minutos
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:movie,free,language:es,product:boardingpass,
ID: 380
Nombre completo: Vídeo 2: Configuración de BoardingPass
Resumen: En esta demostración, aprenderás cómo instalar BoardingPass y cómo abrir sesión con tu Enfocus ID.
Duración: 2 minutos
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:movie,free,language:es,product:boardingpass,
ID: 369
Nombre completo: Vídeo 3: Configuración de las Preferencias
Resumen: En esta demostración, aprenderás cómo definir las preferencias
de BoardingPass.
Duración: 2 minutos
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:movie,free,language:es,product:boardingpass,
ID: 370
Nombre completo: Vídeo 4: Abrir archivos en BoardingPass
Resumen: En
esta demostración, aprenderás cómo abrir PDFs que están guardados localmente, archivos adjuntos en emails y archivos descargados desde WeTransfer.
Duración: 2 minutos
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:movie,free,language:es,product:boardingpass,
ID: 371
Nombre completo: Vídeo 5: Inspeccionar archivos en BoardingPass
Resumen: En
esta demostración, aprenderá a comprobar si un archivo ha pasado la validación y a investigar los problemas detectados.
Duración: 5 minutos
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:movie,free,language:es,product:boardingpass,
ID: 372
Nombre completo: Vídeo 6: Tratar archivos en BoardingPass
Resumen: En
esta demostración, aprenderás cómo proceder...
- Cuando el archivo ha fallado la validación
- Cuando el archivo está listo para la preimpresión
Duración: 2 minutos
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:movie,free,language:es,product:boardingpass,
ID: 373
Nombre completo: Vídeo 7: El Panel de Información BoardingPass
Resumen: En esta demostración, aprenderás cómo habilita y consulta tu panel de información personal.
Duración: 2 minutos
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:movie,free,language:es,product:boardingpass,
ID: 366
Nombre completo: Boost your automation with Enfocus Apps
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Davy Verstaen, Appstore Manager, on February 12th, 2025.
In this webinar Davy introduces the following apps that can elevate your workflow’s efficiency and flexibility and transform your automation processes:
Duration: 1h 15 mins
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:webinar,product:switch,free,language:en,
ID: 598
Nombre completo: Enfocus Monthly Workshop February 2025
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Isabelle Noppe, Switch Product Manager on February 5th, 2025.
Topic: Getting Started with Flow Design in Switch
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:switch,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 597
Nombre completo: Enfocus Monthly Workshop - January 2025
Resumen: This is the recording of a workshop given by Loïc Aigon on January 8th, 2025.
- Extend Preflight with custom checks
- New rounding options for Preflight Report Templates
- How to take advantage of Regular Expressions
- Seeing clearer among the moving options
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,testganesh:hello,
ID: 595
Nombre completo: Works with Enfocus Switch: XMPie Personalia
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Davy Verstaen, Appstore Manager, on December 9th, 2024.
Topic: The integration of XMPie's Personalia with Enfocus Switch.
This integration empowers businesses to automate the production of highly personalized print and digital content at scale—saving time and increasing campaign effectiveness.
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:webinar,product:switch,free,language:en,
ID: 594
Nombre completo: Getting Started with Griffin
Resumen: This course introduces Enfocus Griffin:
- Introduction
- Installation and activation
- Creating Layouts with Griffin
- Presets and Preferences
Duration: 10 minutes
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:beginner,product:pitstop,free,language:en,
ID: 584
Nombre completo: Getting started with Enfocus Review
Resumen: This eLearning course explains the basics of Enfocus Review.
- Introduction
- Setup
- Configuration in Switch
- Reviewing a file in the Viewer
- The admin environment
Duration: 20 minutes
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:beginner,free,language:en,product:review,
ID: 535
Nombre completo: Product demo: PitStop and Griffin
Resumen: This is a short product demo of PitStop and Griffin, given by Laurent De Wilde, Solution Architect.
Duration: 30 minutes
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:webinar,free,language:en,product:griffin,
ID: 588
Nombre completo: Product demo: Switch and Review
Resumen: This is a short product demo of Switch and Review, given by Laurent De Wilde, Solution Architect.
Duration: 50 minutes
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:webinar,product:switch,free,language:en,product:review,
ID: 589
Nombre completo: How to purchase a subscription online
Resumen: This short movie demonstrates how you can buy a subscription online, through the Enfocus website.
Duration: 2 minutes
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:movie,product:connect,free,language:en,
ID: 592
Nombre completo: Works with Switch: Discover the AccuZIP integration
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Piet De Pauw, head of marketing at Enfocus, and Steve Belmonte, CEO of AccuZIP inc., on October 24, 2024.
- The AccuZIP integration in Switch
Sample flows can be found on the AccuZIP app page.
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:webinar,product:switch,free,language:en,
ID: 591
Nombre completo: Discover the Xeikon integration in Switch
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Jeroen Van Bauwel (Solutions Director at Xeikon) and Davy Verstaen (Appstore Manager at Enfocus) on August 29th, 2024.
Topic: The Xeikon integration in Switch
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:intermediate,type:webinar,product:switch,free,language:en,
ID: 586
Nombre completo: Discover the Kongsberg Integration in Enfocus Switch
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Sven Govaert and John Wilson (Kongsberg) and Davy Verstaen (Enfocus), on August 27th, 2024.
Topic: The Kongsberg Integration in Switch
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:intermediate,type:webinar,product:switch,free,language:en,
ID: 585
Nombre completo: PitStop 24.07: Sincronizzazione delle risorse
Resumen: Questo è un breve filmato che spiega come i team possono condividere le loro risorse (elenchi di azioni, profili preflight, ecc.) attraverso Enfocus Cloud. Si noti che questa funzione richiede un abbonamento a PitStop Pro.
Durata: 2:27
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:movie,free,language:it,
ID: 581
Nombre completo: PitStop 24.07: Ressourcensynchronisierung
Resumen: In diesem kurzen Film wird erklärt, wie Teams ihre Ressourcen (Aktionslisten, Preflight-Profile usw.) über die Enfocus Cloud gemeinsam nutzen können. Beachten Sie, dass für diese Funktion ein PitStop Pro-Abonnement erforderlich ist.
Dauer: 2:27
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:movie,free,language:de,
ID: 580
Nombre completo: Synchronisation des ressources dans PitStop Pro 24.07
Resumen: Ce court film explique comment les équipes peuvent partager leurs ressources (Listes d'actions, Profils de contrôle en amont, etc.) via Enfocus Cloud. Notez que cette fonctionnalité nécessite un abonnement PitStop Pro.
Durée: 2:27
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:movie,free,language:fr,
ID: 579
Nombre completo: Resource syncing in PitStop 24.07
Resumen: This is a short movie to explain how teams can share their resources (Action Lists, Preflight Profiles, etc) through the Enfocus Cloud. Note that this feature requires a PitStop Pro subscription.
Duration: 2:27
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:movie,free,language:en,
ID: 578
Nombre completo: Bring PitStop Preflighting technology to your online portal thanks to PitStop Library Container
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Loïc Aigon, PitStop Product Manager, and Angelo Manno, Global OEM & Strategic Accounts Manager at Enfocus on April 17th, 2024.
Topic: PitStop Library Container
Pitstop Library Container, in short PLC, is Enfocus’ answer to the need of providing a PDF preflight and correction solution that is Cloud-ready, platform and OS independent, and scales when production peaks changes. It integrates easily with web applications using REST API as the interface, and you’re in control where and how you deploy PLC.
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:webinar,free,language:en,
ID: 573
Nombre completo: Enfocus Review: How to integrate with a form builder
Resumen: This is a short "how to" movie in which Davy Verstaen, Enfocus Review Product Manager, explains:
- How you can create forms that will be used as a redirect with one of the approval options.
- How a customer can upload a new file using one of the forms.
- How the uploaded file can be downloaded back again in Switch.
Duration: 09:06
Tag Names: ,level:intermediate,type:movie,language:en,product:review,
ID: 561
Nombre completo: Discover Griffin
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar, given by Laurent De Wilde, Solution Architect, and David Platt, Application Specialist, on June 27th, 2023.
In this webinar, Laurent introduced Griffin, the wide-format nesting powerhouse! Griffin is an award-winning software that automates and supercharges your job-nesting process, greatly boosting your print business.
- Griffin standalone
- Griffin with Switch integration
- Griffin with PitStop Server integration
- Phoenix teaser (answering the question "what are the differences?")
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:webinar,free,language:en,product:griffin,
ID: 511
Nombre completo: Switch Scripting with Node.js: Expert
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Laurent De Wilde and Freddy Pieters on June 15th, 2023.
Duration: 2 hours
Tag Names: ,level:advanced,type:webinar,product:switch,language:en,
ID: 509
Nombre completo: Works with Switch: Good2Go
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Michael Reiher (Good2Go) and Piet De Pauw (Enfocus) on June 30th, 2023.
Good2Go helps printers capture, organize, and share email orders, document changes and help manage jobs to print approval.
The new App bundle for Good2Go connects the ground-based automation of Switch with a powerful, cloud-based work management system — Good2Go.
With the Good2Go Apps, you can:
- Keep files in the cloud until approved for print.
- Monitor files for status changes to drive automation.
- Send files for online proofing.
- Communicate to Switch when new files are entered.
Good2Go Apps will be available soon and for free from the Enfocus App store.
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:intermediate,type:webinar,product:switch,language:en,
ID: 501
Nombre completo: Switch Scripting with Node.js: Advanced
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Laurent De Wilde and Freddy Pieters on May 11th, 2023.
Topic: Advanced Node.js scripting and npm packages
Duration: 2 hours
Tag Names: ,level:advanced,type:webinar,product:switch,language:en,
ID: 505
Nombre completo: Switch Scripting with Node.js: Introduction
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Laurent De Wilde and Freddy Pieters on April 20th, 2023.
Duration: 2 hours
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:webinar,product:switch,free,language:en,
ID: 503
Nombre completo: Highlights of Switch 2022 Fall
Resumen: What's new in Switch 2022 Fall: Highlights
This product gives a short overview of the new features of Switch 2022 Fall.
Duration: 2 minutes
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:movie,product:switch,free,language:en,
ID: 478
Nombre completo: Switch apps: Mail with OAuth 2.0
Resumen: In this mini-course we explain the use of this app bundle which contains 2 apps:
- Mail receive with OAuth 2.0
- Mail send with OAuth 2.0
We focus on the setup of OAuth 2.0 for Gmail.
Duration: 5 minutes
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:intermediate,product:switch,language:en,
ID: 323
Nombre completo: Webhook scripting with Node.js
Resumen: This is part of the recording of a webinar given by Davy Verstaen about the new scripting features in Switch 2021 Fall.
Duration: 30 minutes
Tag Names: ,level:advanced,type:webinar,product:switch,language:en,
ID: 434
Nombre completo: What's new in PitStop 2022
Resumen: Highlights of PitStop 2022:
- Support for PDF 2.0
- Bleed improvements
Duration: 5 mins in total
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:movie,free,language:en,
ID: 446
Nombre completo: PitStop 2022 - Beta webinar
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar for beta users of PitStop 2022 given by John Dean, PitStop product manager, on February 23rd, 2022.
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:webinar,free,invisible,
ID: 441
Nombre completo: Switch flow elements: Refresh job info
Resumen: This is a short introduction to the Refresh job info flow element.
Duration: 2 minutes
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:intermediate,language:en,product:switchcore,
ID: 428
Nombre completo: Introduction to My Enfocus
Resumen: My Enfocus is your customer portal where you can manage all your Enfocus interactions such as assigning subscriptions, checking your dashboards and finding your product keys. This portal has been totally revamped.
Watch this movie to discover the new and improved My Enfocus.
Duration: 5 minutes
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:movie,product:connect,product:switch,free,language:en,product:boardingpass,
ID: 423
Nombre completo: How to activate a PitStop Pro subscription
Resumen: This is a short demo on how to activate a PitStop Pro subscription.
Duration: 1 minute
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:movie,free,language:en,
ID: 416
Nombre completo: What's new in Switch 2021 Spring
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Toon Van Rossum, Switch
Product Manager about the features of the Switch 2021 Spring release.
Duration: 40 minutes
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:webinar,product:switch,free,language:en,
ID: 400
Nombre completo: What's new in Switch 2021 Spring Scripting | GitHub | npm
Resumen: In this webinar, Freddy Pieters and Laurent De Wilde, Solution Architects @ Enfocus, explain the new scripting features of Switch 2021 Spring.
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:advanced,type:webinar,product:switch,language:en,
ID: 399
Nombre completo: What's new in PitStop 2021 (Customer Webinar)
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Andrew Bails-Collins on April 1st, 2021.
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:webinar,free,language:en,
ID: 389
Nombre completo: PitStop Server New Generation - Part 1: Discovering Switch Core Engine
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Andrew Bailes-Collins, Senior Product Manager, and Laurent De Wilde, Solution Architect at Enfocus.
- Differences between PitStop Server standalone and PitStop Server with Switch Core Engine, our automation platform
- Building a first basic flow
- Using PitStop Server through Switch
- Converting PDF to images with PitStop Server PDF2Image
- Split PDF, Merge PDF, sorting, renaming
- Basic communication elements like mail, FTP
- Variables, conditions
- Unarchive, Ungroup job, Assemble job
- Submit hierarchy, Set hierarchy path, Archive hierarchy
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:webinar,free,language:en,product:switchcore,
ID: 319
Nombre completo: PitStop Server New Generation - Part 2: More possibilities with Switch
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Andrew Bailes-Collins, Senior Product Manager, and Laurent De Wilde, Solution Architect at Enfocus.
- Using apps from the Enfocus Appstore: some basic apps + PitStop Server apps
- Integrating third-party applications
- Smart preflight with Switch
- Advanced metadata: XML, JDF, webhook
- Connecting with rips, ERP, MIS, databases
- Switch Client and the Switch Web Portal
- The PDF Review module
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:webinar,free,language:en,product:switchcore,
ID: 322
Nombre completo: Switch flow elements: Generic application
Resumen: In this short demonstration, you'll learn how to integrate an external hot folder application in your Switch flow, using the Generic application flow element.
Duration: 5 minutes
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:intermediate,language:en,product:switchcore,
ID: 318
Nombre completo: What's new in PitStop 2020
Resumen: Learn about the great new features this upgrade brings:
- Color swatches
- Tracing a shape to create a path
- New bleed check
- Overlay PDF
- Check if visual content exists (based on computer vision technology)
- A number of new powerful Action Lists
Duration: 3 short movies (about 2 minutes each).
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:movie,free,language:en,
ID: 286
Nombre completo: Switch flow elements: Split PDF and Merge PDF
Resumen: This is a short introduction to Split PDF and Merge PDF, two Switch flow elements, which can be found in the Tools category.
Split PDF enables Switch users to divide a PDF into smaller parts.
Merge PDF enables Switch users to combine several small PDFs into one big file.
Duration: 5 minutes
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:intermediate,language:en,product:switchcore,
ID: 314
Nombre completo: Introducing BoardingPass
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Andrew Bailes-Collins, Senior Product Manager at Enfocus, and Deborah Corn on May 28th, 2020.
In this webinar, they give the first demo of our new tool, BoardingPass, which will enable customer facing staff at printing companies to quickly onboard PDF jobs, and give customer feedback in a minute, no prepress required.
Duration: 50 minutes
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:webinar,free,language:en,product:boardingpass,
ID: 294
Nombre completo: Switch: The PitStop Server Configurators
Resumen: In this eLearning module you'll learn how to set up and use the PitStop Server configurator and the PitStop Server PDF2Image configurator in Switch.
The course consists of the following parts:
- Introduction
- Configurator setup
- Properties overview
- Use cases
- Quiz
Duration: 10 minutes
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:intermediate,language:en,product:switchcore,
ID: 127
Nombre completo: Switch flow elements: Split multi-job
Resumen: In this mini-course we explain the use of Split multi-job, one of the Switch flow elements, which can be found in the Basics category.
Other tools that are covered are Archive, Unarchive and Recycle bin.
Duration: 5 minutes
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:intermediate,language:en,product:switchcore,
ID: 315
Nombre completo: Switch flow elements: Sort by preflight state
Resumen: In this course, we demonstrate the use of Sort by preflight state.
Duration: 5 minutes
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:intermediate,language:en,product:switchcore,
ID: 312
Nombre completo: PitStop 2020: Check if visual content exists
Resumen: In this short eLearning course, we explain the use of the 'Check if visual content exists' Action, introduced in PitStop 2020.
Duration: 5 minutes
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,product:pitstop,level:intermediate,language:en,
ID: 265
Nombre completo: Switch flow elements: Sort job
Resumen: This is a short introduction to the 'Sort job' flow element.
Duration: 2 minutes
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:intermediate,language:en,product:switchcore,
ID: 308
Nombre completo: Switch flow elements: File type and Rename job
Resumen: In this eLearning course we'll explain the use of two flow elements that can be used to rename jobs.
Duration: 5 minutes
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:intermediate,language:en,product:switchcore,
ID: 309
Nombre completo: Switch flow elements: Log job info
Resumen: This is a short introduction to Log job info.
Duration: 5 minutes
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:intermediate,language:en,product:switchcore,
ID: 307
Nombre completo: Switch flow elements: Ungroup job, Job dismantler and Assemble job
Resumen: In this course we explain flow elements that enable you to split up and reassemble folders:
- Ungroup job
- Job dismantler
- Assemble job
Duration: 10 minutes
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:intermediate,language:en,product:switchcore,
ID: 306
Nombre completo: Shortcuts in PitStop Pro
Resumen: In this mini eLearning you'll learn how to create your own shortcuts in PitStop Pro.
Duration: 1 minute
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,product:pitstop,level:intermediate,language:en,
ID: 238
Nombre completo: Enfocus online activation
Resumen: This movie has been designed to guide you through the online activation and deactivation process for Enfocus software (only valid for perpetual licenses).
Duration: 6:54
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:movie,product:connect,product:switch,free,language:en,
ID: 191
Nombre completo: Enfocus offline activation
Resumen: This movie has been designed to guide you through the offline activation
and deactivation process for Enfocus software (only valid for perpetual
Offline activation is required when your Enfocus product will be used on a computer that has no access to the internet. We recommend that you first watch the video on online activation, as this video will focus on the differences.
Duration: 4:02
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:movie,product:connect,product:switch,free,language:en,
ID: 192
Nombre completo: What's new in PitStop 2018
Resumen: This is an introduction to the new features of PitStop 2018 (released in April):
- Massive improvements to Pantone color handling to both PitStop Pro and PitStop Server.
- Ability to hard crop line art, allowing you to clean up files quickly and easily.
- Action List Visualizer, a new tool that allows you to troubleshoot your Action Lists.
- New vector editing tools that allow you to combine and divide groups of line art objects.
- New Action that generates barcodes directly in PitStop.
Duration: 2-5 minutes per movie
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:movie,free,language:en,
ID: 132
Nombre completo: What's new in PitStop 2017: Color and transparency improvements
Resumen: PitStop 2017 ships with 40 DeviceLink profiles for color conversion, and enhanced transparency and ink coverage capabilities.
Duration: 5 minutes
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:movie,free,language:en,
ID: 24
Nombre completo: What's new in PitStop 2019
Resumen: This is an introduction to the new features of PitStop 2019:
- Preflighting for digital print: converting pages that "look" black to real black.
- The PitStop Server Dashboard
- Show objects outside page box
- The new Object Browser
- Check barcodes
- Rasterize selection
Duration: short movies (about 2-4 minutes each)
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:movie,free,language:en,
ID: 181
Nombre completo: What's new in PitStop 2017: New features overview
Resumen: Apart
from the PDF Geomapper Technology (see other movie), PitStop 2017 also
has improvements to Ink Coverage check, the possibility to add Round
Cornered Rectangles (Dieline/Cutter Guide), an all-new layer chapter in
the Preflight report, the possibility to re-order and delete pages, and
new scale and resize pages and selections Actions.
Duration: 5 minutes
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:movie,free,language:en,
ID: 23
Nombre completo: What's new in PitStop 2017: PDF Geomapper Technology
Resumen: PitStop 2017 brings an all-new technology to PDF Preflight: the PDF Geomapper Technology.
By preflighting
only the objects needed to render or print a PDF, false errors are
Duration: 3 minutes
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:movie,free,language:en,
ID: 22
Nombre completo: What's new in PitStop 13 update 2
Resumen: These movies highlight the new functionality available in PitStop 13 update 2:
- Overview of new features
- Support for ISO 19593-1 Processing Steps, the specification that outlines how layers and optional content groups should be defined to support the non-printing elements of a complex PDF file.
- New Preflight Profiles for Packaging
Duration: 5-6 mins per movie
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:movie,free,language:en,
ID: 186
Nombre completo: What's new in PitStop 13 update 1
Resumen: This movie gives a brief overview of the new features of PitStop 13 update 1.
Features include:
- Improved processing speed for PitStop Server
- Add copied graphics Action List
- Contour based selections
- Check, select and replace complex pages
- Improved Crop images Action List
- Improved Select pages Action List
- Improved Select spot color Action List
- ...
Duration: 8:50
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:movie,free,language:en,
ID: 187
Nombre completo: What's new in PitStop 13
Resumen: The following movies introduce the new features of PitStop 13:
- Detect missing bleed and fix it with PitStop
- Preflight certain aspects
- Customize Preflight messages
Duration: +- 5 mins per movie
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:movie,free,language:en,
ID: 188
Nombre completo: What's new in PitStop Server 13
Resumen: This movie highlights the new features in PitStop Server 13, such as:
- The option to edit and create Action Lists in PitStop Server
- The Add bleed Action List
- Customized messages
- Preflight restrictions
- Improvements to the CLI version
Duration: 8:48
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:movie,free,language:en,
ID: 202
Nombre completo: What's new in PitStop 12 update 3
Resumen: This is an introduction to the new features in PitStop 12 update 3: Action List changes, support for Yosemite, Layer Actions, ...
Duration: 8:29
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:movie,free,language:en,
ID: 214
Nombre completo: What's new in PitStop 12 update 2
Resumen: This is an introduction to the new features in PitStop 12 update 2 (User units/page scaling factor, customizable shortcuts,...)
Duration: 11:04
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:movie,free,language:en,
ID: 213
Nombre completo: What's new in PitStop 12
Resumen: The following movies the new features of PitStop 12:
- New Image and Layer Action Lists and the Clean up black Action List
- Image editing
- Alignment tools
- Gradient editing
- Ink usage report
Duration: +- 4 minutes per movie
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:movie,free,language:en,
ID: 190
Nombre completo: What's new in Switch 2022 Spring: Highlights
Resumen: Discover the new features in Switch 2022 Spring:
- JSON Support
- Default apps
- Other highlights
Duration: +- 10 minutes in total
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:movie,product:switch,free,language:en,
ID: 479
Nombre completo: What's new in Switch 2019 Fall
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Toon Van Rossum, Switch Product Manager about the features of the Switch 2019 Fall release.
Duration: 35 minutes
Tag Names: ,level:intermediate,type:webinar,language:en,product:switchcore,
ID: 248
Nombre completo: What's new in Switch 2019 Spring
Resumen: This is an introduction to the new features of Switch 2019 Spring:
- Switch Server messages: new design
- Improved Submit points:
- Submit metadata without a file
- Create direct link URLs to a Submit point
- Switch Dashboard enhancements
- The Remote process element
- Inject job improvements
Duration: 5 minutes
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:movie,product:switch,free,language:en,
ID: 225
Nombre completo: What's new in Switch 2018
Resumen: Learn all about the new features of Switch 2018:
- Feature overview: improvements to the Job Client, webhooks, setting and updating private data, ...
- The Switch Web Portal: the new Job finder boards
Duration: 8 minutes
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:movie,product:switch,free,language:en,
ID: 130
Nombre completo: What's new in Switch 2017: The Switch Web Portal
Resumen: Switch 2017 marks the launch of the Web Portal. Get acquainted to the Portal with this in-depth video.
Duration: 10 minutes
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:movie,product:switch,free,language:en,
ID: 41
Nombre completo: What's new in Switch 2017: Highlights
Resumen: This product movie highlights two new features of Switch 2017: 64-bit processing and the job client in a browser.
Duration: 4 minutes
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:movie,product:switch,free,language:en,
ID: 42
Nombre completo: What's new in Switch 13
Resumen: This movie highlights the new features in Switch 13:
- UI improvements
- Web messages
Duration: 4:40
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:movie,product:switch,free,language:en,
ID: 194
Nombre completo: What's new in Switch 12 update 3
Resumen: This movie highlights the new features of Switch 12 update 3:
- Support for Yosemite (Mac OS 10.10)
- The option to document flows
- The HTTP(S) request flow element
Duration: 7:38
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:movie,product:switch,free,language:en,
ID: 197
Nombre completo: Highlights of Switch 2021 Spring
Resumen: This movie gives a short overview of the new features in Switch 2021 Spring (released May 27, 2021).
Duration: 4 minutes
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:movie,product:switch,free,language:en,
ID: 395
Nombre completo: What's new in Switch 12 update 1 and 2
Resumen: This movie highlights the new features in Switch 12 update 1 and 2, such as:
- A fix for the heartbleed security issue
- Option to save flows
- Excel and Powerpoint configurators
- ...
Duration: 6:00
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:movie,product:switch,free,language:en,
ID: 199
Nombre completo: What's new in Switch 12
Resumen: This is an introduction to the new features in Switch 12:
- Switch Remote Designer
- Users and groups
- Submit points and Checkpoints
- Split PDF/Merge PDF
- ...
Duration: 7:33
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:movie,product:switch,free,language:en,
ID: 212
Nombre completo: Points forts de Switch 2022 Fall
Resumen: Découvrez les nouvelles fonctionnalités de Switch 2022 Fall.
Durée: 2,5 minutes
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:movie,product:switch,free,language:fr,
ID: 481
Nombre completo: Points forts de Switch 2022 Spring
Resumen: Découvrez les nouvelles fonctionnalités de Switch 2022 Spring :
- Prise en charge de JSON
- Applications par défaut
- Autre points forts de cette version
Durée: 8 minutes au total
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:movie,product:switch,free,language:fr,
ID: 480
Nombre completo: Points forts de Switch 2021 Spring
Resumen: Ce film donne un aperçu des nouvelles fonctionnalités de Switch 2021 Spring.
Durée: 4 minutes
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:movie,product:switch,free,language:fr,
ID: 396
Nombre completo: Cosa c'è di nuovo in Switch 2022 Fall: Punti salienti
Resumen: Scoprite le nuove funzionalità di Switch 2022 Fall.
Durata: 2 minuti
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:movie,product:switch,free,language:it,
ID: 485
Nombre completo: Cosa c'è di nuovo in Switch 2022 Spring: Punti salienti
Resumen: Scoprite le nuove funzionalità di Switch 2022 Spring:
- Supporte JSON
- App predefinite
- Punti salienti
Durata: 8 minuti in totale
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:movie,product:switch,free,language:it,
ID: 484
Nombre completo: Besonderheiten in Switch 2022 Fall
Resumen: Entdecken Sie die neuen Funktionen von Switch 2022 Fall.
Dauer: 2 Minuten
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:movie,product:switch,free,language:de,
ID: 487
Nombre completo: Besonderheiten in Switch 2022 Spring
Resumen: Entdecken Sie die neuen Funktionen von Switch 2022 Spring:
- Native JSON-Unterstützung
- Standard-Apps
- Andere Besonderheiten
Dauer: insgesamt 8 Minuten
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:movie,product:switch,free,language:de,
ID: 486
Nombre completo: What's new in Connect 13 update 2: HTML Job Ticketing
Resumen: Connect 13 update 2 transforms the job submission process by
giving Connect ALL customers the ability to deploy dynamic HTML job
tickets in their remote Connectors.
These new Connectors enhance the experience of the printer’s
customers, while providing a way to capture important job-related
information that can ultimately flow directly into the printer’s
Duration: 5 minutes
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:movie,product:connect,free,language:en,
ID: 31
Nombre completo: What's new in Connect 13 update 1: PitStop under the hood
Resumen: As from update 1, Connect 13 runs on the PitStop 13 Library.
This brings extremely powerful features to Connect:
- Automatically add bleed to PDF files
- Customizable preflight messages
- A whole new approach to PDF preflight, called Preflight restrictions
Duration: 4 minutes
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:movie,product:connect,free,language:en,
ID: 30
Nombre completo: What's new in Connect 13
Resumen: This product movie highlights the new features of Connect 13.
Duration: 4 minutes
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:movie,product:connect,free,language:en,
ID: 29
Nombre completo: Enfocus Monthly Workshop - December 2024
Resumen: This is the recording of a monthly workshop given by Laurent De Wilde, Solution Architect at Enfocus, and two app creators: Jeordy Bouck (GrafiStore) and Christian Blaise (aasapp) on December 4th, 2024.
Topic: Enfocus Appstore in the spotlight: featured apps
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:switch,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 593
Nombre completo: Enfocus Monthly Workshop - November 2024
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Isabelle Noppe, Switch Product Manager, on November 6th, 2024.
- Get to know Isabelle and what's next for Switch
- What is new in Switch 2024 Fall
- New apps & 'Works with Enfocus Switch' Program
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:intermediate,product:switch,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 590
Nombre completo: Enfocus Monthly Workshop - October 2024
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Loïc Aigon, PitStop Product Manager, on October 2nd, 2024.
- Bounding boxes
- Sequential page numbering
- Wide format (Preflight/Preparation)
- Regular expressions
- Moving objects
- Custom Tools
- Q/A
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 587
Nombre completo: Enfocus Monthly Workshop - July 2024
Resumen: This is the recording of a workshop given by Loïc Aigon, PitStop Product Manager, and Freddy Pieters, Solution Architect, on July 10th, 2024.
Topic: PitStop 24.07:
- Resource syncing
- Object browser ordering
- PS TIFF Export
- Fonts Improvements
- DeviceN Color Conversion
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 583
Nombre completo: Enfocus Monthly Workshop - June 2024
Resumen: This is the recording of a workshop given by Davy Verstaen, Appstore Manager @ Enfocus and two of our App creators, John Trap (Canon Production Printing) and John Callahan (All Systems Integration) on June 12th, 2024.
Topic: Switch apps:
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:intermediate,product:switch,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 575
Nombre completo: Enfocus Monthly Workshop - May 2024
Resumen: This is the recording of a workshop given by Shone Fix, Phoenix and Griffin Product Manager, on May 8th, 2024.
Topic: Optimized imposition and planning for print converters
- What is Griffin?
- Why connect Griffin and PitStop together?
- Best practices in setting up and using Griffin
- Review some sample PitStop Actions for wide format
- Intro to Griffin Auto
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:workshop,free,language:en,product:griffin,
ID: 574
Nombre completo: Enfocus Monthly Workshop - April 2024
Resumen: This is the recording of a workshop given by Loïc Aigon, PitStop Product Manager, and Freddy Pieters, Solution Architect, on April 3rd, 2024.
- PitStop 24 changes
- PitStop 24.03 release
- Some tricks
- Q/A
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,language:en,
ID: 565
Nombre completo: Enfocus Monthly Workshop - March 2024
Resumen: This is the recording of a workshop given by 2 of our App Creators, John Trap (Canon Production Printing) and Thomas Deschamps (Bluewest), on March 6th, 2024.
- John Trap from Canon Production Printing introduces the PRISMAsync app bundle, which allows users of Enfocus Switch to take full advantage of the power of PRISMAsync. All apps can create dynamic decisions and/or settings based on JMF responses from the connected Canon device.
- Thomas Deschamps from Bluewest presents some of the new apps that Bluewest has released, including the PDF Form app, which won the “Most innovative app of 2023”-award on the Enfocus Virtual Channel Event in January earlier this year.
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:intermediate,product:switch,type:workshop,language:en,
ID: 560
Nombre completo: Enfocus Monthly Workshop - February 2024
Resumen: This is the recording of a workshop given by Davy Verstaen, Switch Product Manager, on February 7th, 2024.
Topic: The power of AI
In today's fast-paced
world, these cutting-edge technologies are revolutionizing how we work and
live. Automation streamlines processes, boosting efficiency, while AI brings
unparalleled intelligence, enabling machines to learn and adapt. Together, they
redefine possibilities, making tasks smarter, faster, and more innovative. Join
us on a journey into the future, where automation and AI converge to shape a
world of limitless potential.
In this session, Davy showcases the practical applications and seamless
integration of these apps into your workflow. Additionally, he presents a
project crafted by our Solution Architect, Laurent, which was featured and
demonstrated at last year's Printing United show.
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:intermediate,product:switch,type:workshop,language:en,
ID: 556
Nombre completo: Enfocus Monthly Workshop - January 2024
Resumen: This is the recording of a workshop given by Loïc Aigon, PitStop Product Manager, on January 3rd, 2024.
- Customer cases:
- Adding and using output intents
- Clipping varnish
- PitStop 2023 update 1 release:
- Form XObjects, Transparency, New Actions
- And many more new features!
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 539
Nombre completo: Enfocus Monthly Workshop - December 2023
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Steven Nuyt, Head of Product Management, Chad Stevens (HP Inc.) and Robert Zacherl (Impressed GmbH) on December 6th, 2023.
Topic: Apps created by HP and Impressed Gmbh.
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:intermediate,product:switch,type:workshop,language:en,
ID: 538
Nombre completo: Enfocus Monthly Workshop - November 2023
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Davy Verstaen, Switch Product Manager, on November 8th, 2023.
Topic: Enfocus Review
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:switch,type:workshop,free,language:en,product:review,
ID: 537
Nombre completo: Enfocus Monthly Workshop - October 2023
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Loïc Aigon, PitStop Product Manager, on October 4th, 2023.
- About the Switch 2023 Fall Release
- Using Variables from PitStop Pro to Switch and PitStop Server
- Demo of a flow using variables to maximise performance and efforts.
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,product:switch,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 534
Nombre completo: Getting Started with PitStop Pro - Module 1/4: Installing and activating a trial
Resumen: In this short course you'll learn how to install PitStop Pro and how to activate a free trial.
Duration: 5 minutes
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:beginner,product:pitstop,free,language:en,
ID: 151
Nombre completo: Getting Started with PitStop Pro - Module 2/4: Exploring the user interface
Resumen: In this course you'll learn the basics of PitStop Pro.
- Activating a permanent license or subscription
- Exploring the user interface
- Setting the PitStop Pro preferences
- Try it yourself (interactive exercise)
Duration: 20 minutes
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:beginner,product:pitstop,free,language:en,
ID: 167
Nombre completo: Getting Started with PitStop Pro - Module 3/4: Presets
Resumen: In this course you'll learn where to find and how to use presets (Global Changes, Action Lists and QuickRuns) in Pitstop Pro.
- A short introduction
- Using Global Changes
- Executing an Action List
- Creating an Action List
- Using QuickRuns
Duration: 20 minutes
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:beginner,product:pitstop,free,language:en,
ID: 17
Nombre completo: Getting Started with PitStop Pro - Module 4/4: Preflighting
Resumen: In this course you'll learn about PDF quality control ("Preflighting") using PitStop Pro.
- Introduction
- Preflight Profiles
- Running a Preflight check
- Automating Preflight
Duration: 15 minutes
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:beginner,product:pitstop,free,language:en,
ID: 18
Nombre completo: Getting Started with PitStop Server
Resumen: This eLearning course explains the basics of PitStop Server.
- Introduction
- Installation and activation
- The user interface
- Setting up hot folders
- Checking processed files
- Preferences
- Quiz
Duration: 30 minutes
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:beginner,product:pitstop,free,language:en,
ID: 14
Nombre completo: Getting Started with Workgroup Manager
Resumen: This course consists of the following parts:
- Introduction
- Setting up Workgroup Manager
- Setting up PitStop to use a license from Workgroup Manager
- Quiz
Duration: 15 minutes
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:beginner,product:pitstop,free,language:en,
ID: 102
Nombre completo: PitStop Pro: Adding bleed
Resumen: This is a very short introduction on how to fix bleed issues with PitStop Pro.
Duration: 5 minutes
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,product:pitstop,level:intermediate,language:en,
ID: 21
Nombre completo: PitStop Pro - Action Lists
Resumen: This is a course on Action Lists in PitStop Pro. It consists of 5 modules with a lot of exercises. You can quit whenever you want and resume later.
Each module starts with a short explanation followed by a number of exercises (going from very easy in the first module to quite advanced in the last module). You will be asked to download files with relevant material for the exercises. Note that you must have Acrobat and PitStop Pro installed and activated, so you can practice.
Content of the 5 modules:
- Module 1: Getting Started
- Module 2: Selections
- Module 3: Changes
- Module 4: Checks, informs and settings
- Module 5: Extra exercises
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,product:pitstop,level:advanced,language:en,
ID: 126
Nombre completo: Customizing PitStop Preflight Reports
Resumen: In this course you'll learn how to customize your PitStop Preflight Reports, e.g. change the look and feel and optionally the content. You can for example use your company logo and colors (instead of the Enfocus branding), change the footer of the document, remove optional information that you don't need (e.g.the OPI information chapter), etc.
Content of this course:
- Introduction
- Preflight Report templates
- How to create your own Preflight Report template
Duration: 15 minutes
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,product:pitstop,level:intermediate,language:en,
ID: 103
Nombre completo: PitStop Pro: Inspecting objects
Resumen: This course consists of the following parts:
- Overview of the categories in the PitStop Inspector
- An interactive exercise
Duration: 15 minutes
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,product:pitstop,level:intermediate,language:en,
ID: 20
Nombre completo: PitStop Pro: Working with page boxes
This eLearning module covers the following topics:
- Introduction
- Viewing page box properties
- Making changes using the PitStop Page Box Panel
- Applying a design layout to create page boxes
- Exercise
Duration: 20 minutes
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,product:pitstop,level:intermediate,language:en,
ID: 19
Nombre completo: Smart Preflight in PitStop Pro
This is a course about using Smart Preflight variables in PitStop Pro:
- A short introduction to Smart Preflight
- How to set up Smart Preflight
- Where to find example files and how to use them
- Smart Preflight and Action Lists
- Interactive exercise
Duration: 15 minutes
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,product:pitstop,level:advanced,language:en,
ID: 54
Nombre completo: Overprint in PitStop Pro
Resumen: This is a short introduction to overprint in PitStop Pro.
- Why you should be aware of overprint
- Basic rules
- How to avoid issues
- Checking and changing overprint in PitStop
Duration: 10 minutes
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,product:pitstop,level:intermediate,language:en,
ID: 236
Nombre completo: Smart Preflight in PitStop Server
Resumen: This is a course about using Smart Preflight variables in PitStop SERVER:
- A short introduction to Smart Preflight
- How to set up Smart Preflight
- Where to find example files and how to use them
- Smart Preflight and Action Lists
- Quiz
Duration: 15 minutes
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,product:pitstop,level:advanced,language:en,
ID: 55
Nombre completo: Setting up the PitStop Pro Acrobat Interface
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Michele Collins on July 18th, 2017.
- Customizing the UI for your workflow.
- Creating, Importing and/or editing a custom toolset.
- Setting up PitStop Pro keyboard shortcuts.
- Using preset databases for Action List and Preflight Profiles.
Duration: 30 minutes
Tag Names: ,product:pitstop,level:intermediate,type:webinar,language:en,
ID: 53
Nombre completo: PitStop Pro Workspaces
Resumen: This is a short introduction to the Workspaces functionality in PitStop Pro.
Duration: 5 minutes
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,product:pitstop,level:intermediate,language:en,
ID: 232
Nombre completo: PitStop Pro: Editing objects
Resumen: This course consists of the following parts:
- Overview of the PitStop Edit toolset
- An interactive exercise
Duration: 15 minutes
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,product:pitstop,level:intermediate,language:en,
ID: 101
Nombre completo: Certified PDF
Resumen: This course is a short introduction to Certified PDF.
You'll learn:
- What a Certified PDF is,
- How to create one and
- How to check the Certified PDF status of a PDF.
Duration: 10 minutes
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,product:pitstop,level:intermediate,language:en,
ID: 240
Nombre completo: PDF Versions and Standards
Resumen: This is a short eLearning about PDF versions and standards.
- Brief history of PDF
- PDF versions and ISO standards
- PDF flavors
- PDF/X and PDF/A
- GWG specifications
Duration: 10 minutes
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,product:pitstop,level:intermediate,language:en,
ID: 229
Nombre completo: The Action List Visualizer in PitStop Pro
Resumen: This is a short introduction to the Action List Visualizer, which allows you to see what an Action List is doing when you create or edit it.
Duration: 5 minutes
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,product:pitstop,level:advanced,language:en,
ID: 137
Nombre completo: PitStop Pro and PitStop Server: Technical Support - Tips and tricks
Resumen: This is a recording of a webinar given by Jeff Philips and Michael Reiher on May 20th, 2014.
Jeff Phillips is responsible for education, training and support of Enfocus products for North American customers.
Michael Reiher brings the North American voice to the Enfocus
Product management team in order to deliver even more innovative and
valuable solutions to Enfocus customers.
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,product:pitstop,level:intermediate,type:webinar,language:en,
ID: 26
Nombre completo: How to activate a PitStop Server subscription
Resumen: This is a short demo on how to activate a PitStop Server subscription.
Duration: 1 minute
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:movie,free,language:en,
ID: 422
Nombre completo: Flattening in PitStop Server
Resumen: This movie explains the transparency flattening settings in PitStop Server (introduced in PitStop Server 12).
Duration: 4:13
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:movie,free,language:en,
ID: 203
Nombre completo: Subscription licensing
Resumen: This movie has been designed to guide users through the proper use and management of the Enfocus subscription licensing.
Duration: 5 minutes
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:movie,free,
ID: 189
Nombre completo: PitStop Pro Basics
Resumen: Introduction to the basic tools of PitStop Pro.
This short movie is intended for new users.
Duration: 5 minutes
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:movie,free,language:en,
ID: 185
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop - September 2023
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar, given by Loïc Aigon, PitStop Product Manager, on September 6th, 2023.
- Understanding variables
- Checking books (covers/internal)
- Using the Design Layout Editor
- Useful Switch Apps for books
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 524
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop - July 2023
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar, given by Loïc Aigon, PitStop Product Manager, on July 5th, 2023.
- Looking back at hero features from past versions
- Using Standard resources to ease your onboarding
- Fixing typical pain-points in Digital Cutting with PitStop
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 517
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop - June 2023
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar, given by Loïc Aigon, PitStop Product Manager, and Freddy Pieters, Solution Architect, on June 7th, 2023.
- Color management in PitStop Pro
- FastLane
- Using the Switch FastLane app
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 508
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop - May 2023
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar, given by Loïc Aigon, PitStop Product Manager, on May 3rd 2023.
Topic: PitStop 2023
New Features
- Log as Info
- JSON Reports
- Select Texts with RegEx
- Log Texts properties
- Variable Sets improvements
- FastLane
Other topics
- Speed Improvements
- Default CMM
- Security
- Requirements
- Bug Fixes
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 504
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop - December 2022
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Freddy Pieters, Solution Architect, on December 7th, 2022.
Topic: What's new in PitStop 2022 update 1
Apart from compatibility with MacOS 13 (Ventura), this release brings:
- A new PDF flattening library
- Compliance with the GWG 2022 specifications
- Improved PDF Overlay feature
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 488
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop - November 2022
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Freddy Pieters, Solution Architect, on November 2nd, 2022.
Topic: Color management
- Color management engine support
- Color spaces
- ICC tagging
- Output intents
- Blending color spaces
- Black point compensation
- Device links
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 475
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop - October 2022
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by John Dean, PitStop Product Manager, on October 5th, 2022.
Topic: Introduction for new users who just installed PitStop Pro
- Some settings:
- Overprint
- Copy/Paste
- Customize Quick Tools
- Standard Action Lists
- Standard Preflight Profiles
- Built from industry standards
- Import/Export
- Make your own
- Duplicate a standard
- Start from scratch
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 471
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop - September 2022
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by John Dean, PitStop Product Manager, on September 7th, 2022.
Topics: Wide Format
- Finishing concerns (grommets, hems, pockets)
- Effective resolution
- Page scaling factor
- Paths (cut lines, close paths, trace paths)
- Hard proofs (virtual mockups)
Duration: 50 minutes
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 464
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop - August 2022
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by John Dean, PitStop Product Manager, on August 3rd, 2022.
- Transparency applied to a form
- Soft masks from MS Word
- Logo vs background
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 458
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop - July 2022
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by John Dean, Product Manager, on July 6th, 2022.
- PitStop 2022 Hotfix release
- Strange behavior when adding bleed
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 456
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop - June 2022
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by John Dean, Product Manager, on June 1st, 2022.
Topic: Automated Preflight
- What flows generally look like
- Where to get and put variables
- PitStop Server variables vs Switch metadata
- Get away from hot folders and use Switch Core
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 454
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop - May 2022
This is the recording of a webinar given by John Dean, Product Manager, on May 4th, 2022.
Topic: Smart Preflight
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 452
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop - April 2022
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by John Dean, Product Manager, on April 6th, 2022.
Topic: Using operators in Action Lists (AND, OR, NOT, ROLL)
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 444
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop - March 2022
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by John Dean, Product Manager, on March 2nd, 2022.
Topic: New features of PitStop 2022 (preview)
Duration: 45 mins
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 442
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop - February 2022
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Freddy Pieters and Laurent De Wilde, Solution Architects, on February 2nd, 2022.
- Layer handling:
- Overlay PDF
- Create layers
- Split layers
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 438
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop - January 2022
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by John Dean, Product Manager, on January 5th, 2022.
- Imposition
- Reordering pages
- Create a simple dieline
- Duplicate pages
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 436
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop - December 2021
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by John Dean, Product Manager, on December 1st, 2021.
- New guy behind the wheel
- Greeking out text
- Adding visual trim guides to a softproof
- Splitting a page, but not in half
Duration: 35 minutes
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 429
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop - November 2021
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Andrew Bailes-Collins, Senior Product Manager, on November 3rd, 2021.
- Workshop Review
- PitStop 2021 update 1
- Customer files
- Resources and links
- Top 10 Actions
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 426
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop - October 2021
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Andrew Bailes-Collins, Senior Product Manager, on October 6th, 2021.
- Acrobat update issue
- Customer questions
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 420
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop - September 2021
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Andrew Bailes-Collins, Senior Product Manager, on September 1st, 2021.
- Adding a spine to an imposed cover
- Using masks
- User units (page scaling) explained
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 418
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop - August 2021
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Andrew Bailes-Collins, Senior Product Manager, on August 4th, 2021.
- Transparency flattening issue
- Calculate ink usage on a shape
- Convert spot colors, but not Pantones
- Map specific Pantone colors and convert to CMYK
- Check height of text
- Copy and paste position problem
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 404
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop - July 2021
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Andrew Bailes-Collins, Senior Product Manager, on July 7th, 2021.
Topic: Ink coverage (TAC/TIC) and ink usage
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 401
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop - June 2021
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Andrew Bailes-Collins, Senior Product Manager, on June 2nd, 2021.
- Varnishes
- Cutter guides (contours)
Closing and compound paths - Inserting pages
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 398
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop - May 2021
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Laurent De Wilde, Solutions Architect, on May 5th, 2021.
Topic: Combination of PitStop Server and Switch Core Engine, some automation basics and tips and tricks
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 392
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop - April 2021
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Andrew Bailes-Collins, Senior Product Manager, on April 7th, 2021.
Customer questions:
- Closing a path - why does it not work?
- Color looks flat - Black to 4 Color Black?
- Amount of ink?
- How to make a white underprint?
- Impose Readers pairs with Cover spread
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 393
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop - February 2021
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Andrew Bailes-Collins, Senior Product Manager, on February 3rd, 2021.
- Manual step and repeat
- Delete and add graphics
- Creating dielines and cutter guides by tracing
- PDF Review Module 02 (sneak peek)
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 342
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop - January 2021
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Andrew Bailes-Collins, Senior Product Manager, on January 6th, 2021.
- PitStop 2020 update 1
- Customer case (cutter guides)
Duration: 35 min
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 326
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop - December 2020
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Andrew Bailes-Collins, Senior Product Manager, on December 2nd, 2020.
- PitStop 2020 update 1
- PDF/X-6
All topics and video timeline
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 325
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop - November 2020
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Andrew Bailes-Collins, Senior Product Manager, on November 4th, 2020.
- Adding a postage paid automatically
- Making a Preflight Profile
- Optimize PDF Action List
- Check for empty pages Action List
- Check for single page image Action List (Photoshop PDF)
All topics and video timeline
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 320
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop - October 2020
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Andrew Bailes-Collins, Senior Product Manager, on October 7th, 2020.
- Intelligently splitting pages
- Removing empty forms
- Dense ink issues on a laser cutter
- User units
All topics and video timeline
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 316
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop - September 2020
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Andrew Bailes-Collins, Senior Product Manager, on September 2nd, 2020.
All topics and video timeline
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 310
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop - August 2020
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Andrew Bailes-Collins, Senior Product Manager, on August 5th, 2020.
All topics and video timeline
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 305
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop - July 2020
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Andrew Bailes-Collins, Senior Product Manager, on July 1st, 2020.
Customer cases
- Conditional Color Remapping
- Advanced Color Conversion
PitStop 2020 features
- Find and replace text (variables)
- Add copied graphic - file path and variables
- Normalize Pantone names
- Check for corrupt images
- Check for number of images on a page
- Check for zero-width fill
- Flip selection
- Check for PDF 2.0
All topics and video timeline
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 302
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop - June 2020
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Andrew Bailes-Collins, Senior Product Manager, on June 3rd, 2020.
- Issue with Acrobat update on Windows 10
- Customer case - Roll fold to single panels to spread
All topics and video timeline
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 299
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop - May 2020
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Andrew Bailes-Collins, Senior Product Manager, on May 6th, 2020.
Topic: PitStop 2020
All topics and video timeline
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 292
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop - April 2020
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Andrew Bailes-Collins, Senior Product Manager, on April 1st, 2020.
Topic: Transparency
- History of transparency
- Blend modes
- Blend spaces
- Groups
- Flattening
- Benefits of live transparency
- Preflight of transparency
All topics and video timeline
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 281
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop - March 2020
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Andrew Bailes-Collins, Senior Product Manager, on March 4th, 2020.
- Customer questions
(how to automating duplicating pages 1 and 2 to make 4 pages
best way to reduce file size of a PDF file - Acrobat audit usage) - New features in PitStop 2020
All topics and video timeline
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 282
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop - February 2020
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 267
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop - January 2020
This is the recording of a webinar given by Andrew Bailes-Collins, Senior Product Manager, on January 8th, 2020.
Main topic: Action Lists (Part 2)
All topics and video timeline
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 263
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop - December 2019
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Andrew Bailes-Collins, Senior Product Manager, on December 4th, 2019.
Main topic: Action Lists (Part 1)
All topics and video timeline
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 247
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop - October 2019
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Andrew Bailes-Collins, Senior Product Manager, on October 2nd, 2019.
Main topics:
- Tiling patterns (continued)
- Can I split a page into number of tiles 3x3 total 9 tiles?
- From which menu can I set the orientation for all pages to landscape or portrait?
- How can I control the page reordering specially for left to right or right to left languages after splitting pages into half?
All topics and video timeline
Duration: 58 minutes
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 242
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop - September 2019
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Andrew Bailes-Collins, Senior Product Manager, on September 4th, 2019.
Main topics:
- Tiling patterns
- Pantone colors (remapping, creating and other functionality)
All topics and video timeline
Duration: 57 minutes
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 241
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop - August 2019
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Andrew Bailes-Collins, Senior Product Manager, on August 7th, 2019.
Main topics:
- Splitting pages/Splitting a 3pp Gatefold
- High Gloss Stock, 235% DeviceLink (indigo)
- Rotating and moving objects
- Length of Cutter/Dieline
All topics and video timeline
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 234
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop - July 2019
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Freddy Pieters, Solution Architect, on July 3rd, 2019.
- Introduction (00:00-03:30)
- Design Layouts (03:30-11:30)
- Workspaces (11:30-16:00)
- Shortcuts (16:00-22:00)
- Importing special colors (22:00-end)
All topics and video timeline
Duration: 34 minutes
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 231
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop - May 2019
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Andrew Bailes-Collins, Senior Product Manager, on May 8th, 2019.
Main topics:
- New ways to insert pages
- Splitting a gatefold job into single pages
All topics and video timeline
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 227
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop - April 2019
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Andrew Bailes-Collins, Senior Product Manager, on April 3rd, 2019.
Main topics:
- PitStop 2019 release:
- PitStop Server Dashboard
- Improvements so Insert Pages
- Improvements to Number of Separations Check
- Adding Corners to Rectangles and Page Boxes
- Split Action List
- Watermarks and adding content in general
All topics and video timeline
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 215
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop - March 2019
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Andrew Bailes-Collins, Senior Product Manager, on March 6th, 2019.
Main topics:
- Show objects outside page box
- The Object Browser
All topics and video timeline
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 216
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop - February 2019
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Andrew Bailes-Collins, Senior Product Manager, on February 6th, 2019.
Main topics:
- OpenType SVG fonts update
- Selecting black-and-white images for special handling
- CSR Preflight Profile
All topics and video timeline
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 217
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop - January 2019
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Andrew Bailes-Collins, Senior Product Manager, on January 9th, 2019.
Main topics:
- OpenType SVG fonts in Adobe Illustrator/InDesign 2019
- InDesign 2019 PieceInfo
All topics and video timeline
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 218
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop - December 2018
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Andrew Bailes-Collins, Senior Product Manager, on December 5th, 2018.
Main topics:
- PitStop analytics
- Clean up black
- Converting to black and white (grayscale)
- Black and white (minimum clicks for digital)
- Bleed revisited
- Large format pockets
- Two-sided banners
Agenda and video timeline
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 220
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop - November 2018
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Freddy Pieters, Product Support Manager, on November 7th, 2018.
- Add copied graphics - Grommets
- Copy & paste
- User units - Page scaling factor
- Regular expressions
Agenda and video timeline
Duration: 43 minutes
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 166
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop October 2018
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Freddy Pieters, Product Support Manager, on October 3rd, 2018.
- PDF Layers
- Split layers app
- Resize spine app
- PitStop Server v3 XML Reports
All topics and video timeline
Duration: 50 minutes
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 165
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop August 2018
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Andrew Bailes-Collins, Senior Product Manager, on August 8th, 2018
Main topics:
- Customer questions
- Action List Visualizer
Agenda and video timeline
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 164
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop June 2018
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Jonas Yde, Support Engineer, on June 7, 2018
Main topic: Action Lists
All topics and video timeline
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 144
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop May 2018
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Andrew Bailes-Collins, Senior Product Manager, on May 2nd, 2018
Main topic: PitStop 2018 functionality
All topics and video timeline
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 140
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop April 2018
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 139
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop March 2018
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Andrew Bailes-Collins, Senior Product Manager, on March 7th, 2018
Main topic: New features of PitStop 2018 (preview), such as the User Dashboard, the Action List Visualizer, new Pantone conversion Actions etc.
All topics and video timelineDuration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 136
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop February 2018
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Andrew Bailes-Collins, Senior Product Manager, on February 7th, 2018
All topics and video timelineDuration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 135
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop January 2018
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Andrew Bailes-Collins, Senior Product Manager, on January 3rd, 2018
All topics and video timelineDuration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 134
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop November 2017
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Jeff Philips, on November 1st, 2017
Jeff Phillips is responsible for education, training and support of Enfocus products for North American customers.
Topic: Working with Fonts
All topics and video timeline
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 105
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop October 2017
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Andrew Bailes-Collins, Senior Product Manager, on October 4th, 2017
Main topics:
- Varnish issue
- Clicks, handling of RGB Black and Crop Marks
- Customizing Keyboard Shortcuts in PitStop Pro Preferences
- Alignment of multiple objects in PitStop Pro (Inspector)
- Move/Click/Drag resizing with handles
- Actions to enlarge and reduce page size
- Resizing a page box to a selection like a Cutter Guide/Dieline
All topics and video timeline
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 104
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop September 2017
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 91
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop August 2017
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Andrew Bailes-Collins, Senior Product Manager, on August 2nd, 2017
Main topics:
- Splitting printer pair spreads to single pages in the correct order
- Error handling in Action Lists
- DeviceLink Profiles
- Standard Action Lists (Fonts/Images)
All topics and video timeline
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 90
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop July 2017
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Andrew Bailes-Collins, Senior Product Manager, on July 5th, 2017
Main topic: Latest standards
All topics and video timeline
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 59
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop June 2017
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Andrew Bailes-Collins, Senior Product Manager, on June 7th, 2017.
Main topics:
- PitStop Development – Customer Engagement
- Ghent Workgroup – Digital Large Format Preflight Profiles
- 3 Customer sample files and a number of Action Lists to discuss
All topics and video timeline
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 57
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop May 2017
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Andrew Bailes-Collins, Senior Product Manager, on May 3rd, 2017
Main topic: PDF Geomapper technology released with PitStop 2017
All topics and video timeline
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 56
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop April 2017
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Andrew Bailes-Collins, Senior Product Manager, on April 4th, 2017
Main topics:
- GWG 2017 PDF Survey
- Overview of standard Devicelink profiles in PitStop 13.2
- Customer files: issues with removing separations, drop shadows when converting to CMYK etc.
All topics and video timeline
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 60
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop March 2017
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 61
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop February 2017
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Jeff Philips on February 1st, 2017.
Main topics:
All topics and video timeline
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 62
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop January 2017
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Andrew Bailes-Collins, Senior Product Manager, on January 4th, 2017
Main topics:
- Bleed revisited
- Standard Action Lists discussed
- Color Action Lists
All topics and video timeline
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 63
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop December 2016
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Andrew Bailes-Collins, Senior Product Manager, on 7 December, 2016
Main topics:
- Automatically moving objects from one page and adding them to another.
- Splitting a single PDF into two, a black text PDF, and another file for the remainder.
- A large format Banner, how to add bleed to the back side so the image looks good when the banner is folded to make a seam for grommets or a Pole.
All topics and video timeline
Action Lists used in the session for download
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 64
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop November 2016
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Andrew Bailes-Collins, Senior Product Manager, on November 2nd 2016.
Main topic: Masterclass in the image toning/retouching capabilities within PitStop
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 65
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop October 2016
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Andrew Bailes-Collins, Senior Product Manager, on October 5th, 2016
Main topic:
- Action Lists
- Techniques/tips for dealing with complex PDF files
All topics and video timeline
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 66
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop September 2016
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Andrew Bailes-Collins, Senior Product Manager, on September 7th, 2016.
Main topics: standard Action Lists and Page Boxes
All topics and video timeline
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 67
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop August 2016
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Andrew Bailes-Collins, Senior Product Manager, on August 3rd, 2016.
Main topics:
- Support process - Response times - Support Portal
- How to check you are on the latest PitStop version
All topics and video timeline
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 68
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop July 2016
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Andrew Bailes-Collins, Senior Product Manager, on July 6th, 2016.
Main topic: Getting Started with PitStop Server
All topics and video timeline
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 69
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop June 2016
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Andrew Bailes-Collins, Senior Product Manager, on June 1st, 2016.
Main topic: PitStop 13 update 2 - new features
All topics and video timeline
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 70
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop May 2016
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Andrew Bailes-Collins, Senior Product Manager, on May 4th, 2016
Main topics:
- Finding out if a certain text phrase or a certain color is in or not in a PDF
- Making masks in PitStop
All topics and video timeline
Action List for 2-color job
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 71
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop April 2016
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Andrew Bailes-Collins, Senior Product Manager, on April 6th, 2016
Main topic: Regular Expressions in PitStop
All topics and video timeline
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 72
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop March 2016
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Andrew Bailes-Collins, Senior Product Manager, on March 2nd, 2016
Main topics:
- Customer file analysis - text dropping off when output/pages dropping off when imposed and output
- Preflight Restrictions - practical demos on how Preflight Restrictions can be used
All topics and video timeline
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 73
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop February 2016
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Andrew Bailes-Collins, Senior Product Manager, on February 3rd, 2016
Main topic: Design Layouts
All topics and video timeline
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 74
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop January 2016
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Andrew Bailes-Collins, Senior Product Manager, on January 16th, 2016
Main topic: Spot Colors
All topics and video timeline
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 75
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop December 2015
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Andrew Bailes-Collins, Senior Product Manager, on December 2nd, 2015.
Main topics:
- Adding Document name to the job as text outside Bleed area.
- Removing headers and footers
- Adjusting the Page Boxes
- Using Smart Preflight to run different Action Lists depending on Document Size
All topics and video timeline
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 76
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop November 2015
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Andrew Bailes-Collins, Senior Product Manager, on November 5th, 2015.
Main topic: Overprint
All topics and video timeline
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 77
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop October 2015
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Andrew Bailes-Collins, Senior Product Manager, on October 17th, 2015.
Main topic: Preflight Restrictions
All topics and video timeline
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 78
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop September 2015
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Andrew Bailes-Collins, Senior Product Manager, on September 2nd, 2015
Main topic: PDF Standards
All topics and video timeline
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 79
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop August 2015
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Andrew Bailes-Collins, Senior Product Manager, on August 5th, 2015
Main topic: Add bleed functionality
All topics and video timeline
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 80
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop July 2015
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 81
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop June 2015
Resumen: This is a recording of a webinar given by Jeffrey J. Phillips (Senior Product Specialist) on June 3rd, 2015.
Main topic: Preflight in PitStop Pro
All topics and video timeline
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 82
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop May 2015
Resumen: This is a recording of a webinar given by Jeffrey J. Phillips (Senior Product Specialist) on May 6th, 2015.
Main topic: Working with selections and page boxes
All topics and video timeline
Duration: 1.5 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 83
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop April 2015
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Andrew Bailes-Collins, Senior Product Manager, on April 1st, 2015.
Main topics:
- Page Boxes/Page Sizes
- Smart Preflight
All topics and video timeline
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 84
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop March 2015
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Andrew Bailes-Collins, Senior Product Manager, on March 4th, 2015.
Main topic: Color Management in PitStop
All topics and video timeline
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 85
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop February 2015
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Andrew Bailes-Collins, Senior Product Manager, on February 4th, 2015.
Main topic: Action Lists in PitStop Pro (Andrew elaborates on topics discussed in the January workshop)
All topics and video timeline
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 86
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop January 2015
Resumen: This is a recording of a webinar given by Jeffrey J. Phillips (Senior Product Specialist) on January 7th, 2015.
Main topic: Action Lists in PitStop Pro
All topics and video timeline
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 87
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop December 2014
Resumen: This is a recording of a webinar given by Jeffrey J. Phillips (Senior Product Specialist) on December 3rd, 2014.
Main topics:
- Bleed in PitStop 12
- Adjusting the branding of a Preflight Report
- Workspace configuration
All topics and video timeline
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 88
Nombre completo: PitStop Monthly Workshop November 2014
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Andrew Bailes-Collins, Senior Product Manager, on November 5th, 2014.
Main topics:
- PitStop 12 update 3 features
- Flatten a PDF with transparency
- Ink coverage, ink usage
All topics and video timeline
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 89
Nombre completo: Mise en route de PitStop Pro - Module 1/4 : Installation et activation d'une version d'évaluation de PitStop Pro
Resumen: Dans cette formation, vous apprendrez comment installer PitStop Pro et comment activer une version d'évaluation gratuite.
Durée : 5 minutes
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:beginner,product:pitstop,free,language:fr,
ID: 152
Nombre completo: Mise en route de PitStop Pro - Module 2/4 : Découverte de l’interface utilisateur de PitStop Pro
Resumen: Ce module de formation en ligne comprend quatre parties :
- Partie 1 - Activation de PitStop Pro
- Partie 2 - Découverte de l’interface utilisateur de PitStop Pro
- Partie 3 - Définition des préférences dans PitStop Pro
- Partie 4 - À vous de jouer
Durée : 20 minutes
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:beginner,product:pitstop,free,language:fr,
ID: 153
Nombre completo: Mise en route de PitStop Pro - Module 3/4 : Préselections
Resumen: Dans cette formation, vous allez découvrir les présélections qui existent dans PitStop Pro. Ce module comprend cinq parties :
- Partie 1 - Introduction
- Partie 2 - Changements globaux
- Partie 3 - Utilisation d’un Script d’Actions
- Partie 4 - Création d’un Script d’Actions
- Partie 5 - QuickRuns
Durée : 20 minutes
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:beginner,product:pitstop,free,language:fr,
ID: 154
Nombre completo: Mise en route de PitStop Pro - Module 4/4 : Contrôles en amont
Resumen: Ce module de formation en ligne comprend cinq parties :
- Partie 1 - À propos des contrôles en amont
- Partie 2 - Profils de contrôle en amont
- Partie 3 - Exécution d’un contrôle en amont
- Partie 4 - Rapports de contrôle en amont
- Partie 5 - Contrôles en amont automatiques
Durée : 20 minutes
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:beginner,product:pitstop,free,language:fr,
ID: 155
Nombre completo: Activer une licence d'abonnement PitStop Pro
Resumen: Dans cette formation, vous allez apprendre comment activer und licence d'abonnement PitStop Pro.
Duration: 1 minute
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:movie,free,language:fr,
ID: 425
Nombre completo: Activer une licence de'abonnement PitStop Server
Resumen: Dans cette formation, vous allez apprendre comment activer und licence d'abonnement PitStop Server.
Duration: 1 minute
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:movie,free,language:fr,
ID: 424
Nombre completo: Mise en route de PitStop Server
Resumen: Dans cette formation, vous allez apprendre les bases de PitStop Server. Ce module comprend sept parties :
- Partie 1 - Introduction
- Partie 2 - Installation et activation de PitStop Server
- Partie 3 - Interface utilisateur de PitStop Server
- Partie 4 - Configuration des dossiers actifs
- Partie 5 - Vérification des fichiers traités
- Partie 6 - Préférences de PitStop Server
- Partie 7 - Questionnaire
Durée : 30 minutes
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:beginner,product:pitstop,free,language:fr,
ID: 156
Nombre completo: Mise en route de PitStop Workgroup Manager
Resumen: Ce module de formation en ligne comprend quatre parties :
- Partie 1 - Introduction
- Partie 2 - Configuration de Workgroup Manager
- Partie 3 - Configuration de PitStop Pro pour le fonctionnement avec Workgroup Manager
- Partie 4 - Questionnaire
Durée : 15 minutes
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:beginner,product:pitstop,free,language:fr,
ID: 157
Nombre completo: Ajout d’un fond perdu avec PitStop Pro
Resumen: Dans ce cours, vous allez apprendre comment ajouter un fond perdu avec PitStop Pro.
Durée: 5 minutes
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,product:pitstop,level:intermediate,language:fr,
ID: 412
Nombre completo: PitStop Pro: Inspection des objets
Resumen: Ce module de formation en ligne comprend
deux parties :
- Partie 1 : Les catégories
- Partie 2 : Exercice interactif avec
Durée: 15 minutes
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,product:pitstop,level:intermediate,language:en,invisible,
ID: 405
Nombre completo: PitStop Pro: Edition d'objets
Resumen: Ce module de formation en ligne comprend deux parties :
- Partie 1 - Le jeu d’outils Modification PitStop
- Partie 2 - Exercice interactif
Durée: 15 minutes
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,product:pitstop,level:intermediate,language:fr,
ID: 409
Nombre completo: PitStop Pro: Certified PDF
Resumen: Dans cette formation, vous apprendrez tout sur le Certified PDF.
Ce module de formation en ligne comprend 4 parties :
- Partie 1 – Introduction
- Partie 2 – Lancement d'un flux de travail Certified PDF
- Partie 3 – Vérification des fichiers Certified PDF
- Partie 4 – Questionnaire
Durée: 10 minutes
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,product:pitstop,level:intermediate,language:fr,
ID: 394
Nombre completo: PitStop Pro: Utilisation des zones de page
Resumen: Ce cours sur l'utilisation des zones de page comprend cinq parties:
- Introduction
- Visualisation des propriétés des zones de page
- Modifications à l'aide du panneau Zone de page PitStop
- Application d'une disposition de conception à la creation des zones de page
- Exercice
Durée: 20 minutes
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,product:pitstop,level:intermediate,language:fr,
ID: 347
Nombre completo: Créer ses propres raccourcis dans PitStop Pro
Resumen: Dans cette formation, vous apprendrez comment créer vos propres raccourcis dans PitStop Pro.
Durée: 1 minute
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,product:pitstop,level:intermediate,language:fr,
ID: 344
Nombre completo: Ajout d'un fond perdu avec PitStop Pro
Resumen: Ce cours est une très courte introduction sur la façon de régler les problèmes de fond perdu avec PitStop Pro.
Durée: 5 minutes
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,product:pitstop,level:intermediate,language:fr,invisible,
ID: 340
Nombre completo: Personnalisation des rapports de contrôle en amont
Resumen: Dans cette formation, vous apprendrez comment personnaliser des rapports de contrôle en amont.
Ce module de formation en ligne comprend trois parties :
- Partie 1 À propos des rapports de contrôle en amont
- Partie 2 Modèles de rapport
- Partie 3 Comment créer votre propre modèle de rapport
Durée: 15 minutes
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,product:pitstop,level:intermediate,language:fr,
ID: 337
Nombre completo: PitStop Pro: Espaces de travail
Resumen: Voici une brève introduction à la fonctionnalité Espaces de travail dans Pitstop Pro.
Durée: 5 minutes
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,product:pitstop,level:intermediate,language:fr,
ID: 334
Nombre completo: Traitement de la surimpression
Resumen: Ce module de formation en ligne comprend quatre parties :
- Problèmes de surimpression
- Comment cela fonctionne-t-il ?
- Comment éviter les problèmes
- Vérification et modification de la surimpression dans PitStop Pro
Durée: 10 minutes
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,product:pitstop,level:intermediate,language:fr,
ID: 331
Nombre completo: Versions et normes PDF
Resumen: Dans cette formation, vous apprendrez tout sur les versions PDF, la normalisation ISO, les variantes PDF (PDF/X et PDF/A) et les spécifications GWG.
Durée : 10 minutes
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,product:pitstop,level:intermediate,language:fr,
ID: 328
Nombre completo: Les nouveautés de PitStop 2022
Resumen: Les nouveautés de PitStop 2022:
- Prise en charge de PDF 2.0
- Améliorations concernant les fonds perdus
Durée: 5 minutes
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:movie,free,language:fr,
ID: 447
Nombre completo: Nuove funzioni di PitStop 2022
Resumen: Nuove funzioni di PitStop 2022:
- Supporto di PDF 2.0
- Miglioramenti sull’abbondanza
Durata: 5 minuti
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:movie,free,language:it,
ID: 449
Nombre completo: Attivare un abbonamento a PitStop Pro
Resumen: Questa è una demo molto breve che spiega come attivare un abbonamento a PitStop Pro.
Duration: 2 minutes
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:movie,free,language:it,
ID: 435
Nombre completo: Guida introduttiva di PitStop Pro - Modulo 1/4: Installazione e attivazione di una versione di prova di PitStop Pro
Resumen: In questo breve corso imparerete come installare PitStop Pro e
come attivare una versione di prova gratuita.
Durata: 5 minuti
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:beginner,product:pitstop,free,language:it,
ID: 169
Nombre completo: Guida introduttiva di PitStop Pro - Modulo 2/4: Dell'interfaccia utente di PitStop Pro
Resumen: In questo
corso imparerete le basi di PitStop Pro.
- Attivazione di una licenza
permanente o abbonamento
- Esplorazione dell'interfaccia
- Impostare le preferenze di PitStop
Durata: 20 minuti
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:beginner,product:pitstop,free,language:it,
ID: 170
Nombre completo: Guida introduttiva di PitStop Pro - Modulo 3/4: Preset
Resumen: In questo
corso imparerete dove trovare e come utilizzare i preset (Modifiche Globali,
QuickRun ed Elenchi Azioni) in Pitstop Pro.
- Una breve introduzione
- Usare le Modifiche Globali
- Progettare un Elenco Azioni
- Creare un Elenco Azioni
- Usare le QuickRun
Durata: 20 minuti
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:beginner,product:pitstop,free,language:it,
ID: 171
Nombre completo: Guida introduttiva di PitStop Pro - Modulo 4/4: Preflighting
Resumen: In questo
corso imparerete cosa c'è da sapere sul controllo di qualità dei PDF
("Preflighting") usando PitStop Pro.
- Introduzione
- Profili di preflight
- Esecuzione di un controllo di
- Automatizzazione del preflight
Durata: 15
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:beginner,product:pitstop,free,language:it,
ID: 173
Nombre completo: Guida introduttiva di Workgroup Manager
Resumen: Questo
corso prevede le seguenti parti:
- Introduzione
- Impostazione di Workgroup Manager
- Configurazione di PitStop per l'uso
di una licenza mobile da Workgroup Manager
- Quiz
Durata: 15
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:beginner,product:pitstop,free,language:it,
ID: 174
Nombre completo: Guida introduttiva di PitStop Server
Resumen: Questo
corso in e-learning spiega le basi di PitStop Server.
- Introduzione
- Installazione e attivazione
- Interfaccia utente intuitiva
- Impostazione hot folder
- Controllo dei file elaborati
- Preferenze
- Quiz
Durata: 30 minuti
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:beginner,product:pitstop,free,language:it,
ID: 172
Nombre completo: Aggiunta di area al vivo con PitStop Pro
Resumen: In questo corso imparerai come aggiungere di area al vivo (bleed box) con PitStop Pro.
Durata: 5 minuti
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:intermediate,language:it,product: pitstop,
ID: 414
Nombre completo: PitStop Pro: Ispezionare gli oggeti
Resumen: Questo modulo di e-learning è costituito da 2 parti:
- Parte 1 - Le categorie dell’Ispettore
- Parte 2 - Esercizio interattivo di utilizzo dell’Ispettore
Durata: 15 minuti
Tag Names: ,product:pitstop,level:intermediate,language:en,type:elearnig,
ID: 407
Nombre completo: PitStop Pro: Modificare gli oggetti
Resumen: Questo modulo di e-learning è costituito da 2 parti:
- Parte 1 - Gli strumenti PitStop Modifica
- Parte 2 - Esercizio interattivo
Durata: 15 minuti
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,product:pitstop,level:intermediate,language:it,
ID: 411
Nombre completo: Lavorare con le dimensioni pagina
Resumen: Questo modulo di e-learning è costituito da 5
- Parte 1 - Cosa sono le Dimensioni Pagina
- Parte 2 - Visualizzare le proprietà della
- Parte 3 - Effettuare modifiche usando il
pannello PitStop Dimensione Pagina
- Parte 4 - Applicare un Layout Disegno per
creare Dimensioni Pagina
- Parte 5 - Esercizio
Durata: 20 minuti
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,product:pitstop,level:intermediate,language:it,
ID: 403
Nombre completo: Come creare le proprie scorciatoie in PitStop Pro
Resumen: In questo breve corso imparerete come creare le proprie
scorciatoie in PitStop Pro.
Durata: 1 minuto
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,product:pitstop,level:intermediate,language:it,
ID: 346
Nombre completo: Personalizzare i Report di Preflight
Resumen: In questo breve corso imparerete come personalizzare i Report di Preflight.
Questo modulo di e-learning è costituito da 3 parti:
Parte 1 - Informazioni sui Report di preflight
- Parte 2 - Template di report
- Parte 3 - Come creare i propri template di report
Durata: 15 minuti
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,product:pitstop,level:intermediate,language:it,
ID: 339
Nombre completo: Certified PDF in PitStop Pro
Resumen: Questo corso è una breve introduzione a Certified PDF.
Durata: 10 minuti
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,product:pitstop,level:intermediate,language:it,
ID: 348
Nombre completo: Workspace in PitStop Pro
Resumen: Questo corso è una breve introduzione alla funzionalità dei Workspace in PitStop Pro.
Durata: 10 minuti
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,product:pitstop,level:intermediate,language:it,
ID: 336
Nombre completo: Gestire la sovrastampa
Resumen: In questo corso imparerete come gestire la sovrastampa in PitStop
- Problemi con la sovrastampa
- Come funziona
- Come evitare problemi
- Verificare e modificare la sovrastampa in PitStop Pro
Durata: 10 minuti
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,product:pitstop,level:intermediate,language:it,
ID: 333
Nombre completo: Versioni e Standard PDF
Resumen: Questo corso prevede le seguenti parti:
- Parte 1 - Introduzione
- Parte 2 - Versioni PDF
- Parte 3 - Come determinare la versione di un PDF
- Parte 4 - Tipologie di Standard PDF
- Parte 5 - PDF/X
- Parte 6 - PDF/A
Durata: 10 minuti
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,product:pitstop,level:intermediate,language:it,
ID: 330
Nombre completo: Erste Schritte mit PitStop Pro - Modul 1/4: Installieren und aktivieren
Resumen: In diesem kurzen Kurs erfahren Sie, wie Sie PitStop Pro installieren und eine kostenlose Testversion aktivieren können.
Dauer: 5 Minuten
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:beginner,product:pitstop,free,language:de,
ID: 512
Nombre completo: Erste Schritte mit PitStop Pro - Modul 2/4: Erkunden der Benutzeroberfläche
Resumen: In diesem Kurs lernen Sie die Grundlagen von PitStop Pro kennen.
- Aktivieren einer Dauerlizenz oder eines Abonnements
- Erkunden der Benutzeroberfläche
- Einstellen der PitStop Pro-Einstellungen
- Selbst ausprobieren (interaktive Übung)
Dauer: 20 Minuten
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:beginner,product:pitstop,free,language:de,
ID: 513
Nombre completo: Erste Schritte mit PitStop Pro - Modul 3/4: Voreinstellungen
Resumen: In diesem Kurs lernen Sie, wo Sie in Pitstop Pro die Voreinstellungen (Globale Änderungen, Aktionslisten und QuickRuns) finden und wie Sie sie verwenden können.
Dieses eLearning-Modul besteht aus 5 Teilen:
- Teil 1: Einführung
- Teil 2: Globale Änderungen
- Teil 3: Aktionslisten: Verwenden einer Aktionsliste
- Teil 4: Aktionslisten: Erstellen Ihrer eigenen Aktionsliste
- Teil 5: QuickRuns
Dauer: 20 Minuten
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:beginner,product:pitstop,free,language:de,
ID: 519
Nombre completo: Erste Schritte mit PitStop Pro - Modul 4/4: Preflight
Resumen: In diesem Kurs lernen Sie die PDF-Qualitätskontrolle ("Preflight") mit PitStop Pro kennen.
- Über Preflight
- Preflight-Profile
- Ausführen einer Preflight-Prüfung
- Preflight-Berichte
- Automatisieren des Preflights
Dauer: 15 Minuten
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:beginner,product:pitstop,free,language:de,
ID: 520
Nombre completo: PitStop Pro: Überprüfen von Objekten
Resumen: Dieser Kurs besteht aus den folgenden Teilen:
- Überblick über die Kategorien im PitStop Inspector
- Eine interaktive Übung
Dauer: 15 Minuten
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,product:pitstop,level:intermediate,language:de,
ID: 531
Nombre completo: PitStop Pro: Bearbeiten von Objekten
Resumen: Dieses eLearning-Modul besteht aus 2 Teilen:
- Teil 1 Der Werkzeugsatz “PitStop-Bearbeitung”
- Teil 2 Interaktive Übung
Dauer: 15 Minuten
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,product:pitstop,level:intermediate,language:de,
ID: 532
Nombre completo: PDF-Versionen und -Standards
Resumen: Dies ist ein kurzer E-Learning-Kurs über PDF-Versionen und Standards.
- Kurze Geschichte von PDF
- PDF-Versionen und ISO-Standards
- PDF-Aromen
- PDF/X und PDF/A
- GWG-Spezifikationen
Dauer: 10 Minuten
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,product:pitstop,level:intermediate,language:de,
ID: 530
Nombre completo: PitStop Pro: Handhabung von Überdrucken
Resumen: Dies ist eine kurze Einführung in das Handhaben von Überdrucken in PitStop Pro.
Inhalt dieses Kurses:
- Warum Sie das
Überdrucken kennen sollten
- Funktionsweise
- Vermeiden von Problemen können
- Überprüfen und Ändern von Überdrucken in PitStop Pro
Dauer: 10 Minuten
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,product:pitstop,level:intermediate,language:de,
ID: 529
Nombre completo: PitStop Pro und Certified PDF
Resumen: Dieses eLearning-Modul besteht aus 4 Teilen:
- Teil 1 - Einführung
- Teil 2 - Starten eines Certified PDF-Workflows
- Teil 3 - Überprüfen einer Certified PDF-Dateien
- Teil 4 - Quiz
Dauer: 10 Minuten
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,product:pitstop,level:intermediate,language:de,
ID: 527
Nombre completo: Arbeiten mit Seitenrahmen
Resumen: Dieses eLearning-Modul besteht aus 5 Teilen:
- Teil 1 - Über Seitenrahmen
- Teil 2 - Anzeigen der Eigenschaften der Seitenrahmen
- Teil 3 - Vornehmen von Änderungen mithilfe des Fensters “PitStop-Seitenrahmen”
- Teil 4 - Anwenden eines Design-Layouts auf “Seitenrahmen erstellen”
- Teil 5 - Übung
Dauer: 20 Minuten
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,product:pitstop,level:intermediate,language:de,
ID: 526
Nombre completo: Arbeitsbereiche in PitStop Pro
Resumen: Dies ist eine kurze Einführung in die Funktionalität der Arbeitsbereiche in PitStop Pro.
Dauer: 5 Minuten
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,product:pitstop,level:intermediate,language:de,
ID: 525
Nombre completo: Anpassen von Preflight-Berichten
Resumen: In diesem Kurs lernen Sie, wie Sie Ihre PitStop-Preflight-Berichte anpassen können, z. B. das Erscheinungsbild und optional den Inhalt ändern. Sie können z. B. Ihr Firmenlogo und Ihre Farben verwenden (anstelle des Enfocus-Brandings), die Fußzeile des Dokuments ändern, optionale Informationen entfernen, die Sie nicht benötigen (z. B. das Kapitel mit den OPI-Informationen), usw.
Inhalt dieses Kurses:
- Einführung
- Berichtsvorlagen
- Erstellen Ihrer eigenen Berichtsvorlage
Dauer: 15 Minuten
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,product:pitstop,level:intermediate,language:de,
ID: 516
Nombre completo: Erste Schritte mit PitStop Workgroup Manager
Resumen: Dieser Kurs besteht aus den folgenden Teilen:
- Einführung
- Einrichten von Workgroup Manager
- Einrichten von PitStop zur Verwendung einer Lizenz von Workgroup Manager
- Quiz
Dauer: 15 Minuten
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:beginner,product:pitstop,free,language:de,
ID: 522
Nombre completo: Erste Schritte mit PitStop Server
Resumen: Dieser eLearning-Kurs erklärt die Grundlagen von PitStop Server.
- Teil 1: Einführung
- Teil 2: Installieren und Aktivieren von PitStop Server
- Teil 3: Die PitStop Server-Benutzeroberfläche
- Teil 4: Einrichten von Hot Foldern
- Teil 5: Überprüfen der verarbeiteten Dateien
- Teil 6: PitStop Server-Voreinstellungen
- Teil 7: Quiz
Dauer: 30 Minuten
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:beginner,product:pitstop,free,language:de,
ID: 521
Nombre completo: Kurzbefehle in PitStop Pro
Resumen: In diesem Mini-E-Learning lernen Sie, wie Sie Ihre eigenen Kurzbefehle in PitStop Pro erstellen können.
Dauer: 1 Minute
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:beginner,product:pitstop,free,language:de,
ID: 523
Nombre completo: Aktivieren einer PitStop Server Abonnementlizenz
Resumen: Dies ist eine kurze Demonstration, wie ein PitStop Server-Abonnement aktiviert wird.
Dauer: 1 Minute
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:beginner,product:pitstop,free,language:de,
ID: 515
Nombre completo: Aktivieren einer PitStop Pro Abonnementlizenz
Resumen: Dies ist eine kurze Demo zur Aktivierung eines PitStop Pro-Abonnements.
Dauer: 1 Minute
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:beginner,product:pitstop,free,language:de,
ID: 514
Nombre completo: Anschnitt hinzufügen mit PitStop Pro
Resumen: Dies ist eine sehr kurze Einführung in die Behebung von Anschnittproblemen mit PitStop Pro.
Dauer: 5 Minuten
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,product:pitstop,level:intermediate,language:de,
ID: 510
Nombre completo: Getting Started with Switch - Module 1/6: Installation, activation and configuration
Resumen: This is an interactive eLearning course for new users of Switch.
- About Switch
- Installing and Activating Switch
- Configuring users for Remote Designer
Duration: 20 minutes
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:beginner,product:switch,free,language:en,
ID: 36
Nombre completo: Getting Started with Switch - Module 2/6: Creating your first flow
Resumen: The second Switch Getting Started module consists of the following parts:
- The Switch user interface
- Flows and flow elements
- Creating a flow
Duration: 15 minutes
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:beginner,product:switch,free,language:en,
ID: 37
Nombre completo: Getting Started with Switch - Module 3/6: Exercise
Resumen: Check your understanding of the first two Switch Getting Started modules.
Duration: 15 minutes
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:beginner,product:switch,free,language:en,
ID: 38
Nombre completo: Getting Started with Switch - Module 4/6: Metadata
Resumen: This fourth Switch module consists of the following parts:
- Embedded metadata and file information
- Variables
- Try it yourself (an interactive exercise)
Duration: 20 minutes
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:beginner,product:switch,free,language:en,
ID: 39
Nombre completo: Getting Started with Switch - Module 5/6: Working with folders and subfolders
Resumen: This module covers the following topics:
- Working with folders and subfolders
- Ungroup job
- Submit hierarchy, Archive hierarchy, Set hierarchy path
Duration: 15 minutes
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:beginner,product:switch,free,language:en,
ID: 40
Nombre completo: Getting Started with Switch - Module 6/6: Tips and tricks
Resumen: In this course you'll learn ...
- How to get quick access to your test files
- How to clean up your flow in between test runs
- How to avoid that jobs get lost
- How to retry problem jobs
- ...
Duration: 15 minutes
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:beginner,product:switch,free,language:en,
ID: 250
Nombre completo: Switch Basic Training - Part 1
Resumen: This is the recording of an online training given by Freddy Pieters and Laurent De Wilde, Solution Architects.
Duration: 2h
Tag Names: ,level:intermediate,type:webinar,product:switch,language:en,
ID: 270
Nombre completo: Switch Basic Training - Part 2
Resumen: This is the recording of an online training given by Freddy Pieters and Laurent De Wilde, Solution Architects.
Duration: 2h
Tag Names: ,level:intermediate,type:webinar,product:switch,language:en,
ID: 271
Nombre completo: Switch Basic Training - Part 3
Resumen: This is the recording of an online training given by Freddy Pieters and Laurent De Wilde, Solution Architects.
Duration: 2h
Tag Names: ,level:intermediate,type:webinar,product:switch,language:en,
ID: 272
Nombre completo: The Switch Web Portal: Admin view
Resumen: In this mini-course, you'll learn about the Switch Web Portal features for administrators,
such as:
- Viewing flows and flow properties using the Flow viewer
- Adding annotations to flows
- Starting and stopping flows remotely
- Checking logins and system info
- Placing your company's logo on the Web Portal login page
Duration: 5 minutes
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:intermediate,language:en,product:switchcore,
ID: 301
Nombre completo: The Switch Web Portal
Resumen: This course covers the following topics:
- Introduction to the Switch Web Portal
- Viewing log messages
- Setup for job management through the Web Portal
- Submitting and reviewing jobs
- Job boards and dashboards
Duration: 25 minutes
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:intermediate,language:en,product:switchcore,
ID: 119
Nombre completo: Moving jobs within Switch or from one Switch Server to another
Resumen: In this course we explain how you can easily move jobs within a flow, from one flow to another, or from one Switch Server to another.
The tools explained in this course are:
- Pack job, Unpack job and Monitor confirmation (flow elements)
- Switch2Switch (free app)
- Portals (free app)
Duration: 10 minutes
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:intermediate,language:en,product:switchcore,
ID: 266
Nombre completo: Sending and receiving emails in Switch
Resumen: This course covers 2 Switch flow elements: Mail send and Mail receive.
Duration: 10 minutes
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:intermediate,language:en,product:switchcore,
ID: 284
Nombre completo: Switch flow elements: FTP send and FTP receive
Resumen: This is an introduction to two flow elements in the Communications category: FTP send and FTP receive.
FTP send enables uploading jobs to an FTP site, FTP receive enables downloading jobs from an FTP site to submit them to a Switch flow.
Duration: 10 minutes
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:intermediate,language:en,product:switchcore,
ID: 276
Nombre completo: Switch 2019 Fall highlights
Resumen: This short movie gives an overview of the new features of the Switch 2019 Fall release.
Duration: 3 minutes
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:movie,product:switch,free,language:en,
ID: 246
Nombre completo: Switch Modules: The Reporting Module
Resumen: This is a short introduction to the Switch Reporting Module.
Duration: 3:13
Note that there's also an eLearning course about the Reporting Module.
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:movie,product:switch,free,language:en,
ID: 193
Nombre completo: Smart Preflight in Switch
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Freddy Pieters, Solution Architect.
He explains how you can use Smart Preflight variables with the PitStop Server Configurator.
Tag Names: ,level:advanced,type:webinar,language:en,product:switchcore,
ID: 184
Nombre completo: The Switch Metadata tools
Resumen: This is a short introduction to the Metadata tools in Switch:
- JSON pickup
- XML pickup
- JDF pickup
- XMP pickup
- Opaque pickup
- Export metadata
- XMP inject
"XSLT transform" is also explained in this course.
Duration: 15 minutes
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:intermediate,product:switch,language:en,
ID: 237
Nombre completo: Webhooks
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Freddy Pieters, Solution Architect, in which he explains the concept of Webhooks.
Duration: 20 minutes
Tag Names: ,level:intermediate,type:webinar,language:en,product:switchcore,
ID: 182
Nombre completo: Switch flow elements: Sort files in job
Resumen: This is short course about the Switch 'Sort files in job' flow element.
Duration: 5 minutes
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:intermediate,language:en,product:switchcore,
ID: 311
Nombre completo: Switch flow elements: Hold job
Resumen: This is an introduction to the Switch "Hold job" flow element.
Duration: 10 minutes
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:intermediate,language:en,product:switchcore,
ID: 245
Nombre completo: Introduction to Enfocus TestDrive
Resumen: This is a short introduction to Enfocus TestDrive, a tool that enables you to quickly compare the output of your Switch flows to a set of earlier created reference files. That way you can verify that:
- Your existing flows still work correctly after you have installed a new version of Switch, an app, a third-party application,…
- Your changes or extensions to a flow do not break any existing functionality.
Duration: 15 minutes
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:advanced,product:switch,language:en,
ID: 243
Nombre completo: Switch PDF Review Module
Resumen: Content:
- Introduction
- Setting up the PDF Review Module
- Configuring flows in Switch
- Reviewing files using the PDF Review Module.
Duration: 20 minutes
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:beginner,product:switch,free,language:en,
ID: 13
Nombre completo: Switch flow elements: Inject job
Resumen: This is a short introduction to the Switch "Inject job" flow element.
Duration: 5 minutes
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:intermediate,language:en,product:switchcore,
ID: 106
Nombre completo: Remote processing in Switch
Resumen: In this webinar, Toon Van Rossum, Switch Product Manager, discusses the Remote process flow element.
This flow element was introduced in Switch 2019 Spring and allows users to route Switch jobs out of the flow, process them remotely using a remote service, and then bring them back into the flow after processing.
In this webinar ,Toon explains what you need to know to be able to develop a remote service that can be used with this new flow element.
Duration: 20 minutes
Tag Names: ,level:advanced,type:webinar,product:switch,language:en,
ID: 226
Nombre completo: Regular expressions in Switch
Resumen: This product movie shows you how you can take advantage of the power of regular expressions in Switch.
Duration: 10 minutes
Tag Names: ,type:movie,level:advanced,language:en,product:switchcore,
ID: 43
Nombre completo: Switch Modules: The Core Engine
Resumen: This is a short explanation of the Switch Core Engine, the Switch module that provides the basic functionality for receiving, sorting, routing and tracking of files.
This movie was recorded
with Switch version 12, but the content is still relevant if you're
working with a newer version of Switch.
Duration: 9 minutes
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:movie,product:switch,free,language:en,
ID: 44
Nombre completo: Switch Modules: The Database Module
Resumen: This movie explains the Database Module, which automates the communication between databases and Switch, without the need for additional scripting.
The movie was recorded with Switch version 12, but the content
is still relevant if you're working with a newer version of Switch.
Duration: 6 minutes
Tag Names: ,type:movie,level:advanced,product:switch,language:en,
ID: 47
Nombre completo: Switch Modules: The Configurator Module
Resumen: This movie provides a short introduction to the Switch Configurator Module.
Note that the movies were recorded with Switch version 12, but the
content is still relevant if you're working with a newer version of
Duration: 7 minutes
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:movie,product:switch,free,language:en,
ID: 45
Nombre completo: Switch flow elements: Execute command
Resumen: This is a short introduction to the Switch "Execute command" flow element.
Duration: 5 minutes
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:intermediate,language:en,product:switchcore,
ID: 168
Nombre completo: Switch Modules: The Switch Metadata Module
Resumen: This movie explains the Metadata module, which allows Switch users to work with metadata information e.g. stored in XML or JDF tickets.
The movie was recorded with
Switch version 12, but the content is still relevant if you're working
with a newer version of Switch.
Duration: 6 minutes
Tag Names: ,level:intermediate,type:movie,product:switch,language:en,
ID: 46
Nombre completo: Switch as middleware
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Andrea Mahoney on July 13th, 2016.
Andrea Mahoney is an Information Systems graduate with a database programming background.
Your Web to Print solution is up, running and successful. Now the next step, you want to automate the orders. In steps Enfocus Switch - in this case as a middleware solution. As an example: Andrea Mahoney uses Pageflex metadata to automate
Switch workflows dealing with digital, offset, wide format, spot colors
and outsourced items. She covers database integration, preflight
before data-merge using Pitstop Server and other nice workflow tricks.
Duration: 50 minutes
Tag Names: ,level:advanced,type:webinar,product:switch,language:en,invisible,
ID: 52
Nombre completo: Create variable documents with Switch and InDesign
Resumen: This is a recording of a webinar given by Ted Vahey and John Callahan on July 16th, 2015.
Ted Vahey is the founder and Workflow Automation
Consultant for All Systems Integration, an Enfocus Certified Partner
that specializes in enhancing and automating production workflow
John Callahan is a partner and Workflow Automation
Consultant for All Systems Integration, an Enfocus Certified Partner
that specializes in enhancing and automating production workflow
Do you have a simple variable
data project? Would you like to create a custom job ticket, filled with
data from your MIS system or any data source for that matter? Maybe you
need to include a slipsheet in a variable printing job? How about
adding customization to a shell? Ted and John show you how to do this with just
InDesign and Switch.
Duration: 42 minutes
Tag Names: ,level:advanced,type:webinar,product:switch,language:en,invisible,
ID: 49
Nombre completo: The Enfocus Switch automation solution
Resumen: Enfocus Switch in a nutshell.
Duration: 1:10
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:movie,product:switch,free,language:en,
ID: 200
Nombre completo: Switch testimonial: Tangent
Resumen: Being the heart of their production, Enfocus Switch helps Tangent to develop 50% more business...
Duration: 3:20
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:movie,product:switch,free,language:en,
ID: 198
Nombre completo: PitStop2Switch
Resumen: This movie is aimed at existing users of PitStop Server and at anyone interested in implementing a server-based Preflight solution. It's an introduction to PitStop2Switch, the bundled solution of Enfocus Switch and Enfocus PitStop Server.
Duration: 4:13
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:movie,product:switch,free,language:en,
ID: 196
Nombre completo: The Enfocus Appstore
Resumen: This movie introduces the Enfocus Appstore.
Duration: 5:00
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:movie,product:switch,free,language:en,
ID: 195
Nombre completo: Switch Monthly Workshop - February 2023
Resumen: This is the recording of a workshop given by Davy Verstaen, Switch
Product Manager, on February 8th, 2023.
Topic: Asset management in the cloud
Nowadays we are moving more and more from an on-premises way of storing our assets to a cloud service. But did you know that Switch already has a lot of apps on the Appstore that enables you to connect to these kinds of services.
For example:
- Dropbox
- Google Drive
- AWS S3
- Wetransfer
- Smash
In this workshop, Davy shows you different ways of how to achieve this with this kind of cloud-based service.
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:intermediate,product:switch,type:workshop,language:en,
ID: 497
Nombre completo: Switch Monthly Workshop - December 2022
Resumen: This is the recording of a workshop given by Davy Verstaen, Switch Product Manager, and Freddy Pieters, Solution Architect, on December 14th, 2022.
Topic: What's new in Switch 2022 Fall
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:switch,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 490
Nombre completo: Switch Monthly Workshop - November 2022
This is the recording of a workshop given by Laurent De Wilde, Solution Architect, on November 9th, 2022.
Topic: Hierarchy in apps, elements, scripting...
Job hierarchy has already been used in Switch for many years, but what can you do with this? In this workshop we show you the simplest way of using Job hierarchy using some of the default elements that come by default with Switch.
But we also highlight some other apps from our Appstore that use job hierarchy.
And we show you how you can use job hierarchy in combination with scripting.
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:intermediate,product:switch,type:workshop,language:en,
ID: 477
Nombre completo: Switch Monthly Workshop - September 2023
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Laurent De Wilde, Solution Architect, on September 13th, 2023.
Topic: Enfocus Review (public beta)
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:switch,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 528
Nombre completo: Switch Monthly Workshop - October 2022
Resumen: This is the recording of a workshop given by Davy Verstaen, Switch Product Manager, on October 12th, 2022.
Topic: How to revert back to a previous version or state of your job after it has gone through some processing steps.
For example, you have downsized a PDF file to be able to forward it to your customer for approval. Or you have manipulated the file to add or extract some information but you will need to revert to a previous version before you forward it to production.
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:intermediate,product:switch,type:workshop,language:en,
ID: 472
Nombre completo: Switch Monthly Workshop - September 2022
Resumen: This is the recording of a workshop on September 14, 2022, covering the Enfocus App Developer Program and having two App Creators showcasing their apps.
Topic: The App Developer Program
- Introducing the Enfocus App Developer Program, by Angelo Manno (Enfocus)
- Presenting apps, by Jan Suhr (Color Consult AB)
- Presenting apps, by Sean Davis and Andrew Oswood (Significans Automation)
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:intermediate,product:switch,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 468
Nombre completo: Switch Monthly Workshop - August 2022
Resumen: This is the recording of a workshop given by Freddy Pieters, Solution Architect, on August 10th, 2022.
- Folder Apps:
- Filepool Cleanup
- Job Sorter and Spacer
- Filetypes Counter
- Generic application
- Execute command
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:intermediate,product:switch,type:workshop,language:en,
ID: 459
Nombre completo: Switch Monthly Workshop - July 2022
This is the recording of a workshop given by Laurent De Wilde, solution architect, on July 13th, 2022.
Topic: Node.js script expressions
- Basics: return a string, a number, route jobs
- Define a hierarchy path, also using Scan hierarchy and Inject Wildcard apps
- Read XML datasets and private data
Some interesting “Power of apps” flows to
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:intermediate,product:switch,type:workshop,language:en,
ID: 457
Nombre completo: Switch Monthly Workshop April 2023
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar moderated by Angelo Manno, Global OEM & Strategic Accounts Manager on April 12th, 2023.
Topic: App Creators in the spotlight
- Bluewest, an Enfocus reselling partner in France, is an IT services company, providing training, production support, pre-press and IT integration, as well as the sales and deployment of collaborative solutions, focused on multi-channel digital distribution.
Bluewest joined the Enfocus App Creation program in February 2021 and has since released 17 apps in the Enfocus Appstore, which you can check out here.
Thomas Deschamps takes the opportunity to present some new apps that Bluewest is working on, and will show some nice use cases for apps that are already in the Appstore.
- Colorflow Solutions, an Enfocus reselling partner in South Africa, provides consultancy and solutions to the print and graphics industry while implementing products from a range of industry leading principle suppliers. With complete automation in mind, they continue to provide the highest level of service and expertise and look forward to connecting their solutions to the challenges found within a fast-moving industry. Colorflow Solutions joined the Enfocus App Creation program in May 2022 and has since released 4 apps in the Enfocus Appstore, which you can check out here.
Carl Tiedt takes the opportunity to present the latest updates to some of theirs apps.
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:intermediate,product:switch,type:workshop,language:en,
ID: 502
Nombre completo: Switch Monthly Workshop - June 2022
This is the recording of a workshop given by Davy Verstaen, product manager, on June 8th, 2022.
Topic: Switch 2022 Spring
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:switch,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 455
Nombre completo: Switch Monthly Workshop - May 2022
Resumen: This is the recording of a workshop given by Jan De Brabanter, product specialist, on May 11th, 2022.
Topic: Tips and tricks
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:intermediate,product:switch,type:workshop,language:en,
ID: 453
Nombre completo: Switch Monthly Workshop - April 2022
Resumen: This is the recording of a workshop given by Freddy Pieters, Solution Architect, on April 13th, 2022.
Topic: Hold jobs
- Holding jobs:
- Hold job
- Assemble job
- Hold job groups
- Checkpoint
- HoldJobPlus
- Spacing jobs
- Load balancing jobs
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:intermediate,product:switch,type:workshop,language:en,
ID: 445
Nombre completo: Switch Monthly Workshop - March 2022
Resumen: This is the recording of a workshop given by Davy Verstaen, product manager, on March 9th, 2022.
Topic: How to visualize the end result?
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:intermediate,product:switch,type:workshop,language:en,
ID: 443
Nombre completo: Switch Monthly Workshop - February 2022
Resumen: This is the recording of a workshop given by Davy Verstaen, product manager, on February 9th, 2022.
Topic: How to automate the preflighting process?
Duration: 2 hours
Tag Names: ,level:intermediate,product:switch,type:workshop,language:en,
ID: 440
Nombre completo: Switch Monthly Workshop - January 2022
Resumen: This is the recording of a workshop given by Davy Verstaen, product manager, on January 12th, 2021.
Topic: The App creator program
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:intermediate,product:switch,type:workshop,language:en,
ID: 437
Nombre completo: Switch Monthly Workshop - December 2021
Resumen: This is the recording of a workshop given by Davy Verstaen, product manager, on December 8th, 2021.
- What's new in Switch 2021 Fall
- Webhook scripting with Node.js
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:intermediate,product:switch,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 433
Nombre completo: Switch Monthly Workshop - November 2021
Resumen: This is the recording of a workshop given by Freddy Pieters, Solution Architect, on November 10th, 2021.
- The new My Enfocus
- Variable types
- Text vs Integer/Rational
- TextIndexed
- Variable manipulation
- Index / Separator / Prefix - Suffix
- Search
- Centralizing variables
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:intermediate,product:switch,type:workshop,language:en,
ID: 427
Nombre completo: Switch Monthly Workshop - October 2021
Resumen: This is the recording of a workshop given by Laurent De Wilde, Solution Architect, on October 13th, 2021.
Topic: Switch & Variable Data Printing
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:intermediate,product:switch,type:workshop,language:en,
ID: 421
Nombre completo: Switch Monthly Workshop - September 2021
Resumen: This is the recording of a workshop given by Freddy Pieters, Solution Architect, on September 8th, 2021.
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:intermediate,product:switch,type:workshop,language:en,
ID: 419
Nombre completo: Switch Monthly Workshop - August 2021
Resumen: This is the recording of a workshop given by Laurent De Wilde, Solution Architect, on August 11th, 2021.
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:intermediate,product:switch,type:workshop,language:en,
ID: 406
Nombre completo: Switch Monthly Workshop - June 2020: The Switch 2020 Spring release
Resumen: This is the recording of a workshop given by Toon Van Rossum, Product Manager, on June 23rd, 2020.
Exceptionally, this webinar is free for everyone!
(Normally the monthly workshops are reserved for maintenance users/subscribers)
Topic: Switch 2020 Spring
- Flow viewer in the Web Portal (for admins)
- Scripting: support for Node.js
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:intermediate,product:switch,type:workshop,free,language:en,
ID: 300
Nombre completo: Switch Monthly Workshop - May 2020
Resumen: This is the recording of a workshop given by Toon Van Rossum, Product Manager, on May 13th, 2020.
Topic: Switch 2020 Spring: pre-release
- Flow viewer in the Web Portal (for admins)
- Scripting: support for Node.js
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:intermediate,product:switch,type:workshop,language:en,
ID: 293
Nombre completo: Switch Monthly Workshop - April 2020
Resumen: This is the recording of a workshop given by Toon Van Rossum, Product Manager, on April 15th, 2020.
Topic: Webhooks
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:intermediate,type:workshop,language:en,product:switchcore,
ID: 285
Nombre completo: Switch Monthly Workshop - March 2020
Resumen: This is the recording of a workshop given by Toon Van Rossum, Product Manager, on March 18th, 2020.
- Switch and Trello... a match made in heaven (by Laurent De Wilde, Solution Architect)
- Switch scripting: JavaScript for everyone
- Switch performance
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:intermediate,product:switch,type:workshop,language:en,
ID: 277
Nombre completo: Switch Monthly Workshop - February 2020
Resumen: This is the recording of a workshop given by Toon Van Rossum, Product Manager, on February 27th, 2020.
- Private data
- Remote processing
Duration: 37 minutes
Tag Names: ,level:intermediate,product:switch,type:workshop,language:en,
ID: 268
Nombre completo: Switch Monthly Workshop - December 2019
Resumen: This is the recording of a workshop given by Laurent De Wilde, Solution Architect, on December 10th, 2019.
Topic: The power of apps
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:intermediate,type:workshop,language:en,product:switchcore,
ID: 249
Nombre completo: Switch Monthly Workshop - October 2019
Resumen: This is the recording of a workshop given by Toon Van Rossum, Product Manager, on October 15th, 2019.
Topic: Enfocus TestDrive
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:intermediate,product:switch,type:workshop,language:en,
ID: 244
Nombre completo: Switch Monthly Workshop - September 2019 - Using job boards and dashboards to monitor your Switch flows
Resumen: This is the recording of a workshop given by Toon Van Rossum, Product Manager, on September 10th, 2019.
Topic: Using job boards and dashboards to monitor your Switch flows
Duration: 50 minutes
Tag Names: ,level:intermediate,product:switch,type:workshop,language:en,
ID: 239
Nombre completo: Switch Monthly Workshop - August 2019 (2) - Understanding a complex flow (continued)
Resumen: This is the recording of a workshop given by Toon Van Rossum, Product Manager, on August 29, 2019.
It is the third part of a series of monthly workshops, in which Toon shares a lot of tips and tricks and best practices while building a smart solution for managing and archiving media files.
Duration: 55 minutes
Tag Names: ,level:intermediate,product:switch,type:workshop,language:en,
ID: 235
Nombre completo: Switch Monthly Workshop - August 2019 (1) - Understanding a complex flow (continued)
Resumen: This is the recording of a workshop given by Toon Van Rossum, Product Manager, on August 1st, 2019.
is the second part of a series of monthly workshops, in which Toon
shares a lot of tips and tricks and best practices while building a
smart solution for managing and archiving media files.
- Submit point metadata
- Introduction to TestDrive
Duration: 59 minutes
Tag Names: ,level:intermediate,product:switch,type:workshop,language:en,
ID: 233
Nombre completo: Switch Monthly Workshop - June 2019 - Understanding a complex flow
Resumen: This is the recording of a workshop given by Toon Van Rossum, Product Manager, on June 26th, 2019.
It is the first part of a series of monthly workshops, in which Toon shares a lot of tips and tricks and best practices while building a smart solution for managing and archiving media files.
In this first workshop, Toon walks you through a complex flow and explains what you can do to find out how it works, and how you can make such a flow easier to read and to maintain (using colors, using the alignment tools, adding info, etc).
Duration: 54 minutes
Tag Names: ,level:intermediate,product:switch,type:workshop,language:en,
ID: 230
Nombre completo: Switch Monthly Workshop - June 2019 - Introduction
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Toon Van Rossum, Product Manager, on June 18th, 2019.
- Announcement of the new series of monthly workshops for maintenance customers
(Here's the link to register) - Some pre-release information
- Overview of new features in Switch 2019 Spring
Duration: 30 minutes
Tag Names: ,level:intermediate,product:switch,type:workshop,language:en,
ID: 228
Nombre completo: Switch Monthly Workshop December 2017: Switch hacks to improve your flows
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Toon Van Rossum, Product Manager, on December 13th, 2017.
Topic: Best practices to improve your flows, for example when handling large flows.
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:intermediate,type:workshop,language:en,product:switchcore,
ID: 150
Nombre completo: Switch Monthly Webinar November 2017: Switch 2017 update 2 release
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Toon Van Rossum, Switch Product Manager, on November 22nd, 2017.
Main topic: feature overview Switch 2017 update 2
- Feature overview
- SwitchClient workaround for metadata fields of which the order was changed
- Switch Messages opening in Designer
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:intermediate,type:workshop,language:en,product:switchcore,
ID: 149
Nombre completo: Switch Monthly Workshop June 2017: Support topics
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Jeff Philips, Senior Product Specialist, on June 14, 2017.
- Working with Switch Messages
- Switch Crash Reporter
- Collect Application Data
- Application Data Tips
- Switch Processes and Running Switch as a Windows Service
- Introduction to Execute Command
Duration: 51 minutes
Tag Names: ,level:intermediate,type:workshop,language:en,product:switchcore,
ID: 148
Nombre completo: Switch Monthly Workshop April 2017: SwitchClient licensing & the new REST API
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Toon Van Rossum, Product Manager, on April 12th 2017.
Switch 2017 update 1:
- SwitchClient licensing (back to "floating" licenses)
Duration: 51 minutes
Tag Names: ,level:intermediate,type:workshop,language:en,product:switchcore,
ID: 147
Nombre completo: Switch Monthly Workshop March 2017: Databases in Switch
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar on databases in Switch, given by Toon Van Rossum, Product Manager, on March 8th 2017.
Duration: 53 minutes
Tag Names: ,level:intermediate,product:switch,type:workshop,language:en,
ID: 145
Nombre completo: Basic Switch Training for Partners (1/3)
Tag Names: ,level:intermediate,type:webinar,product:switch,invisible,
ID: 260
Nombre completo: Basic Switch Training for Partners (2/3)
Tag Names: ,level:intermediate,type:webinar,product:switch,invisible,
ID: 261
Nombre completo: Basic Switch Training for Partners (3/3)
Tag Names: ,level:intermediate,type:webinar,product:switch,invisible,
ID: 262
Nombre completo: Erste Schritte mit Switch - Modul 1: Installieren, aktivieren und konfigurieren von Switch
Resumen: Dies ist ein interaktiver eLearning-Kurs für neue Benutzer von Switch.
- Über Switch
- Installieren und Aktivieren von Switch
- Konfigurieren von Benutzern für Remote Designer
Dauer: 20 Minuten
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:beginner,product:switch,free,language:de,
ID: 461
Nombre completo: Erste Schritte mit Switch - Modul 2: Erstellen eines Flows
Resumen: Das zweite Modul der Reihe "Erste Schritte" besteht aus den folgenden Teilen:
- Teil 1: Die Switch-Benutzeroberfläche
- Teil 2: Flows und Flow-Elemente
- Teil 3: Erstellen eines Flows
Dauer: 15 Minuten
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:beginner,product:switch,free,language:de,
ID: 462
Nombre completo: Erste Schritte mit Switch - Modul 3: Übung
Resumen: Überprüfen Sie, ob Sie die ersten beiden Module von 'Erste Schritte mit Switch' verstanden haben.
Dauer: 15 Minuten
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:beginner,product:switch,free,language:de,
ID: 463
Nombre completo: Erste Schritte mit Switch - Modul 4: Metadaten, Variablen und Beispiel-Jobs
Resumen: Dieses vierte Switch eLearning Modul besteht aus den folgenden Teilen:
- Teil 1: Eingebettete Metadaten und Dateiinformationen
- Teil 2: Variablen
- Teil 3: Versuchen Sie es selbst
Dauer: 20 Minuten
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:beginner,product:switch,free,language:de,
ID: 465
Nombre completo: Erste Schritte mit Switch - Modul 5: Arbeiten mit Ordnern und Unterordnern
Resumen: Dieses Modul umfasst die folgenden 6 Teilen:
- Teil 1: Einführung
- Teil 2: Job-Gruppierung aufheben
- Teil 3: Hierarchie übernehmen
- Teil 4: Hierarchie archivieren
- Teil 5: Hierarchie-Pfad setzen
- Teil 6: Übung
Dauer: 15 Minuten
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:beginner,product:switch,free,language:de,
ID: 466
Nombre completo: Erste Schritte mit Switch - Modul 6: Tipps und Tricks
Resumen: In diesem Kurs lernen Sie ...
- wie Sie schnell auf Ihre Testdateien zugreifen können
- wie Sie Ihren Flow zwischen den Testläufen bereinigen
- wie Sie vermeiden, dass Jobs verloren gehen
- wie Sie Problem-Jobs wiederholen
- ...
Dauer: 15 Minuten
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:beginner,product:switch,free,language:de,
ID: 467
Nombre completo: Iniziare a lavorare con Switch - Modulo 1/6: Installazione, attivazione e configurazione
Resumen: Questo è un corso interattivo eLearning per i nuovi utenti di Switch.
- Parte 1: Informazioni su Switch
- Parte 2: Installazione e attivazione di Switch
- Parte 3: Configurare gli utenti per Remote Designer
Durata: 20 minuti
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:beginner,product:switch,free,language:it,
ID: 470
Nombre completo: Iniziare a lavorare con Switch - Modulo 2/6: Creazione di un flusso
Resumen: Il secondo modulo Introduzione allo switch è composto dalle seguenti parti:
- Parte 1 - L’interfaccia utente di Switch
- Parte 2 - Flussi ed elementi di flusso
- Parte 3 - Creazione di un flusso
Durata: 15 minuti
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:beginner,product:switch,free,language:it,
ID: 473
Nombre completo: Iniziare a lavorare con Switch - Modulo 3/6: Esercizio
Resumen: Verifica la comprensione dei primi due moduli "Iniziare a lavorare con Switch".
Durata: 15 minuti
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:beginner,product:switch,free,language:it,
ID: 474
Nombre completo: Iniziare a lavorare con Switch - Modulo 4/6: Metadati e lavori di esempio
Resumen: Questo quarto modulo Switch è composto dalle seguenti parti:
- Metadati incorporati e informazioni sui file
- Variabili
- Prova tu stesso (un esercizio interattivo)
Durata: 20 minuti
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:beginner,product:switch,free,language:it,
ID: 489
Nombre completo: Iniziare a lavorare con Switch - Modulo 5/6: Cartelle e sottocartelle
Resumen: Questo modulo tratta i seguenti argomenti:
- Lavorare con cartellee sottocartelle in Switch
- Separa gruppo lavoro
- Invia gerarchia, Gerarchia archivio, Imposta percorso gerarchia
Durata: 15 minuti
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:beginner,product:switch,free,language:it,
ID: 491
Nombre completo: Iniziare a lavorare con Switch - Modulo 6/6: Trucchi e suggerimenti
Resumen: In questo corso imparerete ...
- Come ottenere un accesso rapido ai file di test
- Come ripulire il flusso tra un'esecuzione di test e l'altra
- Come evitare che i lavori vadano persi
- Come riprovare i lavori che presentano problemi
- ...
Durata: 15 minutos
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:beginner,product:switch,free,language:it,invisible,
ID: 492
Nombre completo: Mise en route de Switch - Module 1 : Installation, activation et configuration
Resumen: Il s'agit d'un cours interactif d'apprentissage en ligne destiné aux nouveaux utilisateurs de Switch.
Contenu :
- Partie 1 - À propos de Switch
- Partie 2 - Installation et activation de Switch
- Partie 3 - Configuration des utilisateurs pour Remote Designer
Durée : 20 minutes
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:beginner,product:switch,free,language:fr,
ID: 550
Nombre completo: Mise en route de Switch - Module 2 : Créer un flux
Resumen: Le deuxième module de mise en route du commutateur se compose des parties suivantes :
- Partie 1 - L’interface utilisateur Switch
- Partie 2 - Flux et éléments de flux
- Partie 3 - Créer un flux
Durée : 15 minutes
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:beginner,product:switch,free,language:fr,
ID: 551
Nombre completo: Mise en route de Switch - Module 3 : Exercice
Resumen: Vérifiez que vous avez bien compris les deux premiers modules de mise en route du commutateur.
Durée : 15 minutes
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:beginner,product:switch,free,language:fr,
ID: 552
Nombre completo: Mise en route de Switch - Module 4 : Metadonnées
Resumen: Ce module de formation en ligne comprend trois parties :
- Partie 1 - Métadonnées incorporées et informations sur les fichiers
- Partie 2 - Variables
- Partie 3 - À vous de jouer
Durée : 20 minutes
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:beginner,product:switch,free,language:fr,
ID: 553
Nombre completo: Mise en route de Switch - Module 5 : Travailler avec des dossiers et des sous-dossiers
Resumen: Ce module de formation en ligne comprend six parties :
- Partie 1 - Introduction
- Partie 2 - Dégrouper le travail
- Partie 3 - Envoyer la hiérarchie
- Partie 4 - Hiérarchie des archives
- Partie 5 - Définir un chemin d’acces de hiérarchie
- Partie 6 - Exercice
Durée : 15 minutes
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:beginner,product:switch,free,language:fr,
ID: 554
Nombre completo: Mise en route de Switch - Module 6 : Conseils et astuces
Resumen: Dans ce cours, vous apprendrez :
- Comment accéder rapidement à vos fichiers de test
- Comment nettoyer votre flux entre les tests
- Comment éviter la perte des travaux
- Comment réessayer les travaux à problèmes
- ...
Durée : 15 minutes
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:beginner,product:switch,free,language:fr,
ID: 555
Nombre completo: Connect ALL: updating Connectors
Resumen: In this eLearning module Connect ALL's built-in update function is explained.
Content :
- A short introduction
- Setting up the automatic update system
- Changing the update server settings
Duration: 10 minutes
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:intermediate,product:connect,language:en,
ID: 143
Nombre completo: Connect YOU: Activating a trial
Resumen: This short eLearning course explains how to activate a Connect YOU trial.
Duration: 2 minutes
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:beginner,product:connect,free,language:en,
ID: 9
Nombre completo: Creating Certified PDF with Connect YOU
Resumen: This is a short eLearning
course that shows how easy it is to configure a Connector that creates
Certified PDF from an InDesign file (using the Connect Plug-in for the
Adobe Creative Cloud applications).
Duration: 5 minutes
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:beginner,product:connect,free,language:en,
ID: 10
Nombre completo: Connect YOU: Check Job Essentials
Resumen: In this eLearning module you’ll learn how Connect YOU can check (and fix) your artwork for common issues like image resolution, trim page size, spot inks, transparency etc.
Thanks to the predefined ‘Check Job Essentials’ project, this is now a piece of cake ...
Duration: 15 minutes
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:beginner,product:connect,free,language:en,
ID: 128
Nombre completo: Getting Started with Connect
Resumen: This module consists of the following parts:
- A short introduction to Enfocus Connect
- Installing and activating the application
- The Connect User Interface
- Creating a Connector
- Try it yourself (exercise)
Duration: 20 minutes
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:beginner,product:connect,free,language:en,
ID: 28
Nombre completo: Job Tickets in Connect
Resumen: In this short eLearning course you'll learn all about the different types of Job Tickets and how they can be used and configured in Connect ALL.
The course includes a number of videos in which Michael Reiher, Connect Product Manager, talks about this powerful feature.
Duration: 20 minutes
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:intermediate,product:connect,language:en,
ID: 142
Nombre completo: Connect ALL for large format printing
Resumen: This movie demonstrates how Connect ALL can be used in a large format printing environment.
Duration: 3:58
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:movie,product:connect,free,language:en,
ID: 208
Nombre completo: Key features of Enfocus Connect
Resumen: This is an introduction to Enfocus Connect.
Duration: 4:03
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:movie,product:connect,free,language:en,
ID: 209
Nombre completo: Smart Preflight in Connect
Resumen: This movie demonstrates the use of Smart Preflight in Connect XML Job Tickets.
Duration: 4:34
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:movie,product:connect,free,language:en,
ID: 205
Nombre completo: Enfocus Connect ALL in a nutshell
Resumen: This movie is a short introduction to Enfocus Connect ALL.
Duration: 1:00
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:movie,product:connect,free,language:en,
ID: 207
Nombre completo: Enfocus Connect ALL explained
Resumen: This is an introduction to Enfocus Connect ALL.
Duration: 8:16
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:movie,product:connect,free,language:en,
ID: 211
Nombre completo: Enfocus Connect YOU in a nutshell
Resumen: This is a short introduction to Enfocus Connect YOU.
Duration: 1:00
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:movie,product:connect,free,language:en,
ID: 204
Nombre completo: Enfocus Connect YOU explained
Resumen: This is an introduction to Enfocus Connect YOU.
Duration: 7:58
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:movie,product:connect,free,language:en,
ID: 210
Nombre completo: Enfocus Connect SEND
Resumen: This is an introduction to Enfocus Connect SEND, our versatile data transmission tool that streamlines and simplifies the task of sending files to the desired recipients.
Duration: 5:58
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:movie,product:connect,free,language:en,
ID: 206
Nombre completo: Connect Creative Suite plug-ins
Resumen: With Connect you can configure Connectors that allow you to print PDFs directly from the Creative Suite application into the Connector. This video explains how this works.
Duration: 3:36
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:movie,product:connect,free,language:en,
ID: 201
Nombre completo: Connect Workshop June 2017: The Consumer Print Buyer
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Michael Reiher, Senior Product Manager, on June 21st, 2017.
Duration: 30 minutes
Tag Names: ,level:intermediate,product:connect,type:workshop,language:en,
ID: 99
Nombre completo: Connect Workshop April 2017: Update servers
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Michael Reiher, Senior Product Manager, on April 21st, 2017.
The workshop consists of 2 parts:
- In part 1, Michael explains how to set up an update server for remote Connector users.
- In part 2, he explains how to move an update server to a new FTP or HTTP server.
Duration: 15 minutes (part 1) + 10 minutes (part 2)
Tag Names: ,level:intermediate,product:connect,type:workshop,language:en,
ID: 120
Nombre completo: Connect Workshop March 2017 (part 1): Support issues
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Michael Reiher, Senior Product Manager, on March 15th, 2017.
Michael overviews some support issues including:
- An error with Smart Preflight
- Uploading very large files to FTP
- How to access the Enfocus Support Portal to submit a support case
Duration: 15 minutes
Tag Names: ,level:intermediate,product:connect,type:workshop,language:en,
ID: 96
Nombre completo: Connect Workshop March 2017 (part 2): Variables in Connect
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Michael Reiher, Senior Product Manager, on March 15th, 2017.
In the second part of the March workshop, Michael Reiher overviews how Job Ticket variables can be used for file naming FTP delivery points, and within emails generated by Connect.
Duration: 5 minutes
Tag Names: ,level:intermediate,product:connect,type:workshop,language:en,
ID: 97
Nombre completo: Connect Workshop January 2017 (1st session) - Smart Preflight
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Michael Reiher, Senior Product Manager, on January 4th, 2017.
Michael talks about Smart Preflight:
- How it works
- Approach
- Sample project walk-through
Duration: 45 minutes
Tag Names: ,level:intermediate,product:connect,type:workshop,language:en,
ID: 94
Nombre completo: Connect Workshop January 2017 (2nd session): Job Tickets
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Michael Reiher, Senior Product Manager, on January 18th, 2017.
Michael talks about Job Tickets:
- Types of Job Tickets
- Functions that can use metadata variable
- Modifying the default CSS
- Working with an external HTML
Duration: 54 minutes
Tag Names: ,level:intermediate,product:connect,type:workshop,language:en,
ID: 95
Nombre completo: Standard Image Action Lists in PitStop 2017
Resumen: This is part of a workshop given by Andrew Bailes-Collins, Senior Product Manager. In this webinar he talks about the standard PitStop Action Lists that allow you to change various aspects of images, such as:
- Brightness
- Contrast
- Unsharp masking
- Gaussian blur
- Resampling image resolution
- Cropping unneeded pixels
Duration: 6:53 mins
Tag Names: ,product:pitstop,level:intermediate,type:webinar,language:en,
ID: 125
Nombre completo: DeviceLink Profiles
Resumen: This is part of a workshop given by Andrew Bailes-Collins, Senior Product Manager. In this webinar he talks about DeviceLink Profiles in PitStop 2017 and their uses, for example how to use DeviceLinks to convert between color standards (Output Intents).
Duration: 13:24 mins
Tag Names: ,product:pitstop,level:intermediate,type:webinar,language:en,
ID: 124
Nombre completo: Assigning an object to a PDF layer via an Action List
Resumen: This is part of a workshop given by Andrew Bailes-Collins, Senior Product Manager. In this webinar he teaches our customers how to create an Action List that puts certain objects (in this example: cutter guides) on a layer.
Duration: 11:26
Tag Names: ,product:pitstop,level:intermediate,type:webinar,language:en,
ID: 123
Nombre completo: Splitting spreads into single pages in the correct order
Resumen: This is part of a workshop given by Andrew Bailes-Collins, Senior Product Manager.
In this webinar, you'll learn how to split pages in half and change the page order as required.
Duration: 9:42 mins
Tag Names: ,product:pitstop,level:intermediate,type:webinar,language:en,
ID: 122
Nombre completo: Font editing in PitStop Pro
Resumen: This is part of a workshop given by Andrew Bailes-Collins, Senior Product Manager. In this webinar he talks about font editing.
Main topics:
- Checking for embedded fonts using a Preflight Profile or an Action List
- Subset fonts
- Fonts in the PitStop Inspector, functionality and options, e.g. converting text to outlines
- Font embedding and subsetting in InDesign and Adobe Distiller
Duration: 54 minutes
Tag Names: ,product:pitstop,level:intermediate,type:webinar,language:en,
ID: 121
Nombre completo: PitStop Pro: How to do a hard crop
Resumen: This is part of a webinar given by Andrew Bailes-Collins, Senior Product Manager, in which he explains how you can crop images using an Action List.
Duration: 1:50
Tag Names: ,product:pitstop,level:intermediate,type:webinar,language:en,
ID: 118
Nombre completo: PitStop Pro: Page Boxes
Resumen: This is part of a webinar given by Andrew Bailes-Collins, Senior Product Manager.
- Adjusting Page Boxes in the Inspector and applying to a document
- Setting Page Boxes to crop marks
- Setting Page Boxes to a the value of a different Page Box
- Defining the size between the Trim, Bleed and other boxes
- Sizing the Trim Box based on the bounding box of a cutter guide
Duration: 7:12
Tag Names: ,product:pitstop,level:intermediate,type:webinar,language:en,
ID: 117
Nombre completo: PitStop Pro: Manually resizing objects
Resumen: This is part of a webinar given by Andrew Bailes-Collins, Senior Product Manager.
In this webinar he explains how you can manually resize objects with handles via click & drag, by using numbers and grouping, or via Action Lists.
Duration: 6:13
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:webinar,free,language:en,
ID: 116
Nombre completo: PitStop Pro: Align and distribute selected objects
Resumen: This is part of a webinar given by Andrew Bailes-Collins, Senior Product Manager.
In this webinar he explains how to align and distribute selected objects.
Duration: 3:34
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:webinar,free,language:en,
ID: 115
Nombre completo: PitStop Pro: Keyboard Shortcuts
Resumen: This is part of a webinar given by Andrew Bailes-Collins, Senior Product Manager.
In this webinar he explains how to set up your own keyboard shortcuts.
Duration: 2:08
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:webinar,free,language:en,
ID: 114
Nombre completo: PitStop Pro: Black clicks through a DFE
Resumen: This is part of a webinar given by Andrew Bailes-Collins, Senior Product Manager.
In this webinar he explains a number of techniques for working with files with a little bit of color such as hyperlinks that should print black only and converting them.
Duration: 12:00
Tag Names: ,product:pitstop,level:intermediate,type:webinar,language:en,
ID: 113
Nombre completo: PitStop Pro: Varnishes
Resumen: This is part of a webinar given by Andrew Bailes-Collins, Senior Product Manager.
In this webinar he explains how you can make a gloss varnish knockout of an overall matt varnish, but overprint the page.
Duration: 11:29
Tag Names: ,product:pitstop,level:intermediate,type:webinar,language:en,
ID: 112
Nombre completo: PitStop Pro: How to duplicate a page using an Action List
Resumen: This is part of a webinar given by Andrew Bailes-Collins, Senior Product Manager.
In this webinar he explains how you can automate duplicating a page using an Action List.
Action List used in this webinar
Duration: 8:11
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,product:pitstop,type:webinar,free,language:en,
ID: 111
Nombre completo: PitStop Pro: Layers
Resumen: This is part of a webinar given by Andrew Bailes-Collins, Senior Product Manager.
- Layers within PDF versus layers in InDesign and Illustrator
- Assigning objects to a layer / Objects assigned to more than one layer / Layer properties
- Layer Actions available in PitStop (flatten layers, check layers, adjust and correct layers,...)
- Preflighting layer functionality
Action Lists used in this webinar
Duration: 30 minutes
Tag Names: ,product:pitstop,level:intermediate,type:webinar,language:en,
ID: 110
Nombre completo: PitStop Pro: Clean up clicks for black only files
Resumen: This is part of a workshop given by Andrew Bailes-Collins, Senior Product Manager. In this webinar he explains some options for cleaning up black only files and he gives some tips on how to improve color to black and white conversions.
Action Lists used in this webinar
Duration: 6:00
Tag Names: ,product:pitstop,level:advanced,type:webinar,language:en,
ID: 109
Nombre completo: PitStop Pro: Dealing with printer pairs
Tag Names: ,product:pitstop,level:advanced,type:webinar,language:en,
ID: 108
Nombre completo: Switch 2024 Spring Premiere for Partners
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Davy Verstaen and Steven Nuyt on 24 June, 2024.
Topic: Highlights of the Switch 2024 Spring release
Duration: 30 minutes
Tag Names: ,type:webinar,product:switch,language:en,level:partner,
ID: 576
Nombre completo: Phoenix Commercial Training for Partners (Europe)
Resumen: This is the recording of a training given by Tyler Thompson, Director of Software Business Development, on March 20-21, 2024.
Duration: 2 sessions of each +- 1,5 hours
Tag Names: ,type:webinar,language:en,level:partner,product:griffin,
ID: 567
Nombre completo: Phoenix Commercial Training for Partners (US)
Resumen: This is the recording of a commercial training given by Tyler Thompson, Director of Software Business Development, on 11th of April, 2024.
Duration: 1,5h
Tag Names: ,type:webinar,language:en,level:partner,product:griffin,
ID: 566
Nombre completo: Griffin and Phoenix Technical Training for Partners (US)
This is the recording of a training given by Shone Fix, Phoenix and Griffin product manager. This training is intended for Enfocus Partners only.
Duration: Two sessions of 2-3 hours.
Tag Names: ,type:webinar,language:en,level:partner,product:griffin,
ID: 564
Nombre completo: Griffin and Phoenix Technical Training for Partners (Europe)
Resumen: This is the recording of a class room training given by Shone Fix, Phoenix and Griffin product manager. This training is intended for Enfocus Partners only.
Duration: The recording is divided into several sessions of 2-3 hours.
Tag Names: ,type:webinar,language:en,level:partner,product:griffin,
ID: 562
Nombre completo: Channel Partner Training: Social media
This is the recording of a webinar for Enfocus Channel Partners, given by Pedro Chaves, Digital Campaign and Video Specialist, and Piet De Pauw, Head of Marketing, on July 6th, 2023.
In this webinar, our social media gurus, Piet and Pedro, deep-dive the world of social media content, posts, and creativity.
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,product:pitstop,type:webinar,product:connect,product:switch,language:en,level:partner,product:boardingpass,product:griffin,
ID: 518
Nombre completo: PitStop Basic Training for Partners - Part 1
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by Freddy Pieters and Laurent De Wilde, Solution Architects.
- PitStop Pro Inspector and object editing
Duration: 2h
Tag Names: ,product:pitstop,type:webinar,language:en,level:partner,
ID: 273
Nombre completo: PitStop Basic Training for Partners - Part 2
Resumen: This is the recording of an online training given by Freddy Pieters and Laurent De Wilde, Solution Architects.
- Global Changes and Action Lists.
Duration: 2h
Tag Names: ,product:pitstop,type:webinar,language:en,level:partner,
ID: 274
Nombre completo: PitStop Basic Training for Partners - Part 3
Resumen: This is the recording of an online training given by Freddy Pieters and Laurent De Wilde, Solution Architects.
- Preflight
- Certified PDF
- Smart Preflight
- PitStop Server
Duration: 2h
Tag Names: ,product:pitstop,type:webinar,language:en,level:partner,
ID: 275
Nombre completo: PitStop Advanced Training for Partners - Part 1
Resumen: This is the recording of an online training given by Freddy Pieters and Laurent De Wilde, Solution Architects.
- What's new in PitStop 2020
- Restrictions
- Processing steps
Duration: 2h
Tag Names: ,product:pitstop,type:webinar,language:en,level:partner,
ID: 278
Nombre completo: PitStop Advanced Training for Partners - Part 2
Resumen: This is the recording of an online training given by Freddy Pieters and Laurent De Wilde, Solution Architects.
- Advanced Action Lists
- Color topics
- Overprint
- Transparency
- Forms
Duration: 2h
Tag Names: ,product:pitstop,type:webinar,language:en,level:partner,
ID: 279
Nombre completo: PitStop Advanced Training for Partners - Part 3
Resumen: This is the recording of an online training given by Freddy Pieters and Laurent De Wilde, Solution Architects.
- PitStop CLI usage
- PitStop Server based apps
- Certified PDF
Duration: 2h
Tag Names: ,product:pitstop,type:webinar,language:en,level:partner,
ID: 280
Nombre completo: The future of PitStop Server
Resumen: This is a webinar given by Andrew Bailes-Collins on February 17th 2020.
Duration: 30 minutes
Tag Names: ,product:pitstop,type:webinar,language:en,level:partner,
ID: 269
Nombre completo: Commercial course: Purchasing Switch apps for customers
Resumen: This is a short introduction for Enfocus Certified Resellers about how to purchase Switch apps on behalf of their customers.
Duration: 5 minutes
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,product:switch,language:en,level:partner,
ID: 178
Nombre completo: Handling activation issues
Resumen: This is a short course for Enfocus Certified Resellers. In this course, we explain how they can help their customers with activation issues.
Duration: 5 minutes
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,product:pitstop,product:connect,product:switch,language:en,level:partner,
ID: 180
Nombre completo: Vertical Market Sales Kits - Large Format
Resumen: This is a short introduction to the Large Format Sales Kit (only for Enfocus Certified Resellers).
In this training, you'll get a better understanding of the changes in the Large Format Industry, the challenges this industry is facing and the Enfocus solutions that can help printers solve these problems.
Duration: 15 minutes
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,product:pitstop,product:connect,product:switch,language:en,level:partner,
ID: 177
Nombre completo: Vertical Market Sales Kits - Digital Printing
Resumen: This is a short introduction to the Digital Printing Sales Kit (only for Enfocus Certified Resellers).
In this training we want to give you a comprehensive view of the Enfocus solutions for prospects in the digital printing market and for customers that have digital print as part of their overall offering and are looking for solutions to benefit all parts of their business.
Duration: 15 minutes
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,product:pitstop,product:connect,product:switch,language:en,level:partner,
ID: 176
Nombre completo: Vertical Market Sales Kits - Newspaper Industry
Resumen: This is a short introduction to the Newspaper Sales Kit (only for Enfocus Certified Resellers).
In this training, you'll get a better understanding of the changes in the Newspaper Industry, the challenges the newspaper printers are facing and the Enfocus solutions that can help them solve these problems.
Duration: 15 minutes
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,product:pitstop,product:connect,product:switch,language:en,level:partner,
ID: 175
Nombre completo: Enfocus Review - Commercial Launch
ID: 536
Nombre completo: CSM Mastery
ID: 547
Nombre completo: Switch Pricing (Partner session)
ID: 533
Nombre completo: Enfocus Review - Introduction for beta testers
ID: 499
Nombre completo: Migrating Configurators to Apps
ID: 498
Nombre completo: Partner Training: PitStop Library Container
Resumen: You don't have sufficient access rights to view this course.
Tag Names: ,product:pitstop,level:advanced,type:webinar,invisible,
ID: 493
Nombre completo: PitStop Pro Feature Test: Image Upscaling
ID: 469
Nombre completo: PitStop Feature Test
Tag Names: ,product:pitstop,level:intermediate,language:en,invisible,
ID: 460
Nombre completo: Enfocus Channel Event 2025: All aboard
Resumen: Here you can find the recorded webinars given during the Enfocus Channel Event on 28 and 29 January 2025.
ID: 596
Nombre completo: Enfocus Channel Event 2024
Resumen: Here you can find the recorded webinars given during the Enfocus Channel Event on 30 and 31 January 2024.
ID: 549
Nombre completo: Enfocus Channel Event 2023
Resumen: Here you can find the recorded webinars given during the Enfocus Channel Event on 31 January -1 February 2023.
Tag Names: ,type:webinar,language:en,level:partner,invisible,
ID: 494
Nombre completo: Enfocus Channel Event 2022
Resumen: Here you can find the recorded webinars given during the Enfocus Channel Event on 1-3 February 2022.
Tag Names: ,product:pitstop,type:webinar,product:connect,product:switch,language:en,level:partner,invisible,product:boardingpass,
ID: 439
Nombre completo: Enfocus Channel Event 2021
Resumen: Here you can find the recorded webinars given during the Enfocus Channel Event on 2-3 February 2021.
Tag Names: ,product:pitstop,type:webinar,product:switch,language:en,level:partner,invisible,product:boardingpass,
ID: 343
Nombre completo: Purchasing apps on behalf of your customers (special edition)
Resumen: This is a short introduction for Enfocus Certified Resellers about how to purchase Switch apps on behalf of their customers.
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,product:pitstop,product:connect,product:switch,language:en,invisible,
ID: 179
Nombre completo: PitStop Library Container Technical Test
ID: 496
Nombre completo: PitStop Library Container Commercial Test
ID: 495
Nombre completo: Switch 2021 Spring Test
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:beginner,invisible,product: switch,
ID: 391
Nombre completo: PitStop Pro 2021 Test
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:beginner,product:pitstop,invisible,
ID: 388
Nombre completo: BoardingPass Basic Test
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:beginner,invisible,product:boardingpass,
ID: 387
Nombre completo: PDF Review Module Test
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:beginner,product:switch,language:en,invisible,
ID: 341
Nombre completo: PitStop Pro 2020 Test
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:beginner,product:pitstop,language:en,invisible,
ID: 288
Nombre completo: Enfocus Commercial Reseller Test
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,product:pitstop,product:connect,product:switch,level:partner,invisible,
ID: 224
Nombre completo: Switch Basic Test
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,product:switch,level:partner,invisible,
ID: 223
Nombre completo: PitStop Pro Basic Test
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,product:pitstop,level:partner,invisible,
ID: 221
Nombre completo: PitStop Pro Advanced Test
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,product:pitstop,level:partner,invisible,
ID: 222
Nombre completo: Switch Advanced Test
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,product:switch,level:partner,invisible,
ID: 264
Nombre completo: Subscription Management Movie
ID: 563
Nombre completo: Release movies
ID: 557
Nombre completo: CSM Mastery with voice (test)
ID: 548
Nombre completo: PItStop Basic Movies - Wide Format
ID: 507
Nombre completo: Switch test courses
ID: 390
Nombre completo: test
ID: 359
Nombre completo: Admin view test
Tag Names: ,type:elearning,level:beginner,product:pitstop,invisible,
ID: 451
Nombre completo: Lights out automation through MIS integration version 3 - just flip the Switch!
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar given by John Callahan, partner and Workflow Automation Consultant for All Systems Integration, during the Enfocus Virtual Safari (2016 edition).
What you'll learn:
- Reduce data entry
- Leverage Bi-Directional integration with EFI's Pace MIS
- Connect file delivery to MIS and preflight and proofing
- Estimate and plan more efficiently from PDF Preflights at your finger tips
- Save time and money by identifying and reacting to problems moments after file delivery
- Improve internal and external communications with web based approvals
Duration: 1 hour
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:webinar,product:switch,language:en,invisible,
ID: 432
Nombre completo: BoardingPass QuickStart - Movie 1: About BoardingPass
Resumen: Discover what kind of application BoardingPass is.
Duration: 2 minutes
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:movie,free,language:en,product:boardingpass,
ID: 351
Nombre completo: BoardingPass QuickStart - Movie 2: Setting up BoardingPass
Resumen: Learn how to install and how to sign in to BoardingPass.
Duration: 1 minute
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:movie,free,language:en,product:boardingpass,
ID: 352
Nombre completo: BoardingPass QuickStart - Movie 3: Setting the BoardingPass preferences
Resumen: Learn how to set your preferences in BoardingPass. This includes the creation of presets.
Duration: 2 minutes
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:movie,free,language:en,product:boardingpass,
ID: 353
Nombre completo: BoardingPass QuickStart - Movie 4: Opening files in BoardingPass
Resumen: Learn about the different ways to open your files, email attachments and downloads from WeTransfer.
Duration: 2 minutes
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:movie,free,language:en,product:boardingpass,
ID: 354
Nombre completo: BoardingPass QuickStart - Movie 5: Inspecting files in BoardingPass
Resumen: Learn which issues are detected by BoardingPass and how you can verify these issues in your files. We're talking about font issues, image resolution, insufficient bleed ...
Duration: 6 minutes
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:movie,free,language:en,product:boardingpass,
ID: 355
Nombre completo: BoardingPass QuickStart - Movie 6: Processing files in BoardingPass
Resumen: Learn what to do when a file fails or passes the validation in BoardingPass.
Duration: 2 minutes
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:movie,free,language:en,product:boardingpass,
ID: 356
Nombre completo: BoardingPass QuickStart - Movie 7: The BoardingPass dashboard
Resumen: Learn how to enable your own dashboard and how to access your usage data.
Duration: 2 minutes
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:movie,free,language:en,product:boardingpass,
ID: 357
Nombre completo: BoardingPass Vidéo 1: À propos de BoardingPass
Resumen: Voici un petit film pour introduire BoardingPass.
Durée: 2 minutes
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:movie,free,language:fr,product:boardingpass,
ID: 379
Nombre completo: BoardingPass Vidéo 2: Configuration de BoardingPass
Resumen: Voici une petite vidéo sur la configuration de BoardingPass.
Durée: 1 minute
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:movie,free,language:fr,product:boardingpass,
ID: 360
Nombre completo: BoardingPass Vidéo 3: Définition des préférences
Resumen: Cette démo vous apprendra à définir les préférences BoardingPass.
Durée: 2 minutes
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:movie,free,language:fr,product:boardingpass,
ID: 361
Nombre completo: BoardingPass Vidéo 4: Ouverture des fichiers
Resumen: Cette démo vous apprendra à ouvrir les fichiers stockés localement, les fichiers joints aux e-mails et les fichiers téléchargés à partir de WeTransfer.
Durée: 2 minutes
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:movie,free,language:fr,product:boardingpass,
ID: 362
Nombre completo: BoardingPass vidéo 5: Inspection des fichiers
Resumen: Cette démo vous apprendera à vérifier si un fichier a satisfait à la validation et d'examiner les problèmes détectés.
Durée: 6 minutes
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:movie,free,language:fr,product:boardingpass,
ID: 363
Nombre completo: BoardingPass Vidéo 6: Traitement des fichiers dans BoardingPass
Resumen: Cette démo vous apprendra comment procéder...
- lorsque le fichier n'a pas
satisfait à la validation.
- lorsque le fichier est prêt pour le prépresse.
Durée: 2 minutes
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:movie,free,language:fr,product:boardingpass,
ID: 364
Nombre completo: BoardingPass vidéo 7: Le tableau de bord BoardingPass
Resumen: Cette démo vous apprendra tout sur le tableau de bord BoardingPass.
Durée: 2 minutes
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:movie,free,language:fr,product:boardingpass,
ID: 365
Nombre completo: Filmato 1: Introduzione a BoardingPass (video in inglese)
Resumen: Questa è una breve introduzione a BoardingPass.
Durata: 2 minuti
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:movie,free,language:it,product:boardingpass,
ID: 381
Nombre completo: Filmato 2: Impostazione di BoardingPass
Resumen: In
questa demo imparerai:
- Come installare BoardingPass.
- Come effettuare l'accesso con il proprio ID Enfocus.
Durata: 2 minuti
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:movie,free,language:it,product:boardingpass,
ID: 374
Nombre completo: Filmato 3: Impostazione delle preferenze
Resumen: In questa demo vedremo come impostare le preferenze di
Durata: 2 minuti
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:movie,free,language:it,product:boardingpass,
ID: 375
Nombre completo: Filmato 4: Aprire i file
Resumen: In questa demo impariamo ad aprire PDF archiviati localmente, file allegati nei messaggi
di posta elettronica e file scaricati da
Durata: 2 minuti
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:movie,free,language:it,product:boardingpass,
ID: 376
Nombre completo: Filmato 5: Ispezione di file in BoardingPass
Resumen: In questa demo vediamo come ...
- Verificare se un file ha
superato la validazione
- Esaminare i problemi
Durata: 5 minuti
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:movie,free,language:it,product:boardingpass,
ID: 377
Nombre completo: Filmato 6: Gestione di file in BoardingPass
Resumen: In questa demo vediamo come procedere...
- Quando il file non ha passato la validazione
- Quando il file non ha passato la validazione
Durata: 2 minuti
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:movie,free,language:it,product:boardingpass,
ID: 378
Nombre completo: Filmato 7: La dashboard di BoardingPass
Resumen: In questa demo vediamo come abilitare e consultare la dashboard
Durata: 2 minuti
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:movie,free,language:it,product:boardingpass,
ID: 367
Nombre completo: Film 2: Einrichten von BoardingPass
Resumen: In dieser Demo werden Sie lernen wie Sie BoardingPass installieren können und wie Sie sich anmelden können.
Dauer: 2 Minuten
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:movie,free,product:boardingpass,language:de,
ID: 382
Nombre completo: Film 3: Festlegen der Grundeinstellungen von BoardingPass
Resumen: In dieser Demo erfahren Sie, wie Sie die BoardingPass-Grundeinstellungen festlegen.
Dauer: 2 Minuten
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:movie,free,product:boardingpass,language:de,
ID: 383
Nombre completo: Film 4: Öffnen von Dateien in BoardingPass
Resumen: In dieser Demo werden Sie lernen, wie Sie PDFs, Dateianhänge und von WeTransfer heruntergeladene Dateien öffnen können.
Dauer: 2 Minuten
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:movie,free,product:boardingpass,language:de,
ID: 384
Nombre completo: Film 5: Überprüfen von Dateien in BoardingPass
Resumen: In dieser Demo werden Sie lernen wie Sie überprüfen können ob eine Datei
die Validierung bestanden hat und wie Sie erkannte Probleme untersuchen können.
Dauer: 5 Minuten
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:movie,free,product:boardingpass,language:de,
ID: 385
Nombre completo: Film 6: Handhabung von Dateien in BoardingPass
Resumen: In dieser Demo werden Sie lernen, wie Sie vorgehen, ...
- wenn die Validierung der
Datei fehlgeschlagen ist
- wenn die Datei für die
Druckvorstufe bereit ist
Dauer: 2 Minuten
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:movie,free,product:boardingpass,language:de,
ID: 386
Nombre completo: Film 7: Das BoardingPass-Dashboard
Resumen: In dieser Demo werden Sie alls lernen über das BoardingPass-Dashboard.
Dauer: 2 Minuten
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:movie,free,product:boardingpass,language:de,
ID: 368
Nombre completo: Dynamic book of one imposition with Tilia Phoenix
Resumen: This is the recording of a webinar, given by Tyler Thompson on May 12th, 2022.
Imposition with Switch
Learn how to dynamically generate and impose booklet signatures for saddle stitch, perfect bound, and/or smyth sewn booklets without every building an imposition template. Auto-computing creep from stock caliper, dynamically generating signatures, and automatically imposing signatures on a larger sheet based on quantities with tilia Phoenix and Switch.
Tyler Thompson
Tyler Thompson combines a deep knowledge of the printing and packaging industry with a Computer Science background where he focused in Web Application Development, a direction Tilia Labs is moving with its award-winning AI planning and nesting algorithms. Thompson holds a M.Sc. degree in Computer Information Systems and has both taught and studied at Clemson University, where he earned his B.Sc. degree in Graphic Communications. Thompson’s extensive experience in developing tailored software solutions and services for a variety of printers and converters stems from his previous 7 year tenure with Esko where he held positions in Applications Engineering and Sales Account Management. He works for the Canadian company Tilia Labs as the Global Solutions Director.
Note: In the summer of 2022 Tilia Labs was acquired by Esko. Tyler is now Director of Software Business Development at Esko.
Duration: 30 minutes
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:webinar,language:en,product:phoenix,
ID: 506
Nombre completo: Enfocus Review: How to set up the app
Resumen: This is a short "how to" movie in which Davy Verstaen, Enfocus Review Product Manager, explains the main features of Enfocus Review.
Duration: 07:20
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:movie,free,language:en,product:review,
ID: 546
Nombre completo: How to set up Enfocus Review - Main features
Resumen: This is a short "how to" movie in which Davy Verstaen, Enfocus Review Product Manager, explains the main features of Enfocus Review.
Duration: 14:50
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:movie,free,language:en,product:review,
ID: 540
Nombre completo: Enfocus Review: How to create annotations
Resumen: This is a short "how to" movie in which Davy Verstaen, Enfocus Review Product Manager, explains how your customers can provide feedback using annotations.
Duration: 05:51
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:movie,free,language:en,product:review,
ID: 541
Nombre completo: Enfocus Review: How to use spreads
Resumen: This is a short "how to" movie in which Davy Verstaen, Enfocus Review Product Manager, explains how you can visualize a multi-page document.
Duration: 04:13
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:movie,free,language:en,product:review,
ID: 542
Nombre completo: Enfocus Review: How to use job collections
Resumen: This is a short "how to" movie in which Davy Verstaen, Enfocus Review Product Manager, explains how you can share a bunch of files in one go.
Duration: 06:15
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:movie,free,language:en,product:review,
ID: 543
Nombre completo: Enfocus Review: How to share a Preflight Report
Resumen: This is a short "how to" movie in which Davy Verstaen, Enfocus Review Product Manager, explains how you can share a document's Preflight Report with your customers through Enfocus Review.
Duration: 04:28
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:movie,free,language:en,product:review,
ID: 544
Nombre completo: Enfocus Review: How to set up branding
Resumen: This is a short "how to" movie in which Davy Verstaen, Enfocus Review Product Manager, on creating multiple themes in Enfocus Review.
Duration: 11:42
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:movie,free,language:en,product:review,
ID: 545
Nombre completo: Enfocus Review: How to set up the Admin section
This is a short "how to"
movie in which Davy Verstaen, Enfocus Review Product Manager, explains
the use of the Enfocus Review Admin section.
Duration: 02:48
Tag Names: ,level:beginner,type:movie,free,language:en,product:review,
ID: 558