"Filetypes Counter" counts the files in a job folder per filetype, and adds these counters (number of files, files names and files paths) and some extra stats info to the job folder as private data and dataset.
"Delete Files" deletes files from a job folder.
"Hot Folder Monitor" checks a certain folder every so often to see if files disappear from the folder. If not, it means that the application that should be processing those files is not running.
"File Pool Cleanup" allows to remove files from a file pool that are older than a certain number of days.
"File Sorter and Spacer" puts files inside a job folder in a certain alphabetical order based on a property of the file, and optionally injects them as new jobs spaced apart.
Finally, "Submit Filespec" can be used to submit files from a hierarchy, but only those that match a certain file specification.
A great bundle of useful apps that really enhance the capability of Switch.
Great app !
Is-it possible to use "File pool cleanup" with network in the next version ?
Unfortunately, we ended up not using it because it does not allow network paths. Not allowing the use of network paths does significantly limit its use.
it do what the Documentation say.
I had a problem with .DS_Store files in our flows, since we're working in a mixed environment (servers are Windows based and the workstations are Mac's). This app gets rid of the .DS_Store files before the flow checks how many files were submitted in a job.