Learn Switch
Intermediate trail
- Mail send and Mail receive
- FTP send and FTP receive
- Ungroup job, Job dismantler and Assemble job
- Moving jobs from one flow to another
- File type and Rename job
- Inject job
- Hold job
- Sort job
- Log job info
- Sort files in job
- Sort by preflight state
- Split PDF and Merge PDF
- Split multi-job
- Metadata tools
- Execute command
- The PitStop configurators
- Enfocus Review
- The Switch Web Portal
- Refresh job info
- Generic application
- Switch apps: Mail with OAuth 2.0
- Switch Web Portal: the Admin view
Scripting trail
- Switch Scripting with Node.js: Introduction
- Switch Scripting with Node.js: Advanced
- Switch Scripting with Node.js: Expert
- Switch Scripting with Node.js: Cheat sheet
- Node.js script expressions (Switch Monthly Workshop - July 2022)
- What's new in Switch 2021 spring scripting | GitHub | npm
- Webhook scripting with Node.js
- EnfocusSW on GitHub
- EnfocusSW on npm