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Open Source E-commerce

Session details

Chris Reisz-Hanson
Jeff Cheal

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With the virtual explosion of Open Source E-commerce platforms on the market today, it makes sense to understand how they are affecting the graphic arts space.

Chris Reisz-Hanson of Dovenote software will give an overview of how to deploy a Web2Print solution for today’s commercial printer using an Open Source Platform as well as the potential pitfalls of deploying an open source e-commerce platform.

One of the pieces required in a Web2Print Solution is an online document editor. Chris will discuss how he integrated CHILI Publisher into both Nopcommerce and PageFlex StoreFront.

Jeff Cheal will give an overview of the hottest online document editor and what makes a great online editing experience.

About Chris Reisz-Hanson

Chris has an intuitive sense of how to construct technology systems that benefit both the user and the business. He provides print software development, software architecture, engineering management, and print CTO consulting services. Along with delivering successful projects, Chris is known for providing honest, insightful, and thoughtful guidance to his customers.

About Jeff Cheal

Jeff Cheal is a Senior Presales Manager for CHILI publish. He is based out of New York City, and focuses his efforts on education of the CHILI product suite to customers, as well as Support and Marketing. He has a diverse background in Brand Management, Print Manufacturing and Digital Media. If you would like to hear more about the CHILI product, reach out to Jeff to set up a custom demonstration for you and your team.