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callas software

callas software finds simple ways to handle complex PDF challenges. As a technology innovator, callas software develops and markets PDF technology for publishing, print production, document exchange and document archiving. callas software was founded in 1995 and is based in Berlin, Germany.

Agencies, publishing companies and printers use callas pdfToolbox to preflight, correct and repurpose PDF files for print production and electronic publishing.

Businesses and government agencies all over the world rely on callas pdfaPilot future-proof, fully PDF/A compliant archiving.

In addition, callas software technology is available as a programming library (SDK) for developers with a need for PDF optimization, validation and correction. Software vendors such as Adobe, Quark, Xerox and many others have understood the quality and flexibility provided by these callas tools and have incorporated them into their solutions.

callas software actively supports international standards and has been participating in ISO, CIP4, the European Color Initiative and the Ghent PDF Workgroup. callas software is a founding member of the PDF/A Competence Center.