More power to you! Enfocus solutions for publishers.

In today's publishing environments, a lot of files go through a lot of hands. Advertisers need to provide you with the ads and you need to provide fully laid-out magazines to your printer. 

Enfocus has developed solutions needed to achieve reliable and fully automated file production, reception and routing through your workflow, allowing you to focus on content and sales. 

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What customers say



How publishers benefit from Enfocus solutions


Receive error-free advertisements

  • Hassle-free job delivery from outside clients via Connect ALL
  • Greatly reduce training and support costs
  • Deliver files straight into your automated production flow


Last minute PDF editing and Preflighting

  • Find errors in PDF files before they are printed and avoid costly reprints
  • Automatically fix common errors
  • Run self-created macros on any PDF file


Automatic file processing

  • Automatically create different versions of a PDF file
  • Automate PDF creation from InDesign, Word, etc.
  • Automate tedious tasks like receiving and archiving files received through WeTransfer, ... 


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What customers say

"We no longer have to worry about re-workings and re-makings due to problems with PDFs. Enfocus reduced human errors, and made the delivery process of files to the printers much more efficient."

Enrique Dominguez – Director prepress management Milan


Read full case study

Our products




Connect ALL, extends workflow automation to your customer's desktop

  • Gets display ads to print correctly, without manual intervention and editing.
  • Provides a one-step process for easy submission of ads or even entire commercial print jobs and receiving them into your organization right where you want them to.

Learn more about Connect ALL





PitStop Server, an essential tool in any prepress department

  • Preflights files and search for common and even some uncommon production errors
  • Reduces risk of human errors, high quality guaranteed every time
  • Frees up your staff for work that you can actually charge for

Check out PitStop Server






  • Automate repetitive tasks
  • Seamlessly integrate industry renowned solutions

Discover Switch

See all our products