Enfocus Monthly Workshops

Enfocus Monthly Workshops
Mittwoch, Dezember 6, 2023 bis Sonntag, April 12, 2026

Enfocus Monthly Workshops

Hosted by: Depending on the topic: Davy Verstaen (Appstore Manager), Loïc Aigon (PitStop Product Manager), Isabelle Noppe (Switch Product Manager), Freddy Pieters (Solution Architect) or Laurent De Wilde (Solution Architect)

The sessions are held every first Wednesday of the month (except if there is a bank holiday, then we move it to the second Wednesday of the month) at 4pm Central European time and are timeboxed to 1 hour.

The content will be communicated to registered users the week before the workshop.
In the past, we have tackled topics like:

  • PitStop: Preflight, Color Management, Action Lists, Smart Preflight, ...
  • Switch: Switch apps, asset management in the cloud, Node.js scripting, ...
  • Review: The ins and outs of Enfocus Review, our new online proofing solution.


Registration is required:     Register here


Note that the sessions are recorded and can be found afterwards on our learning platform.