Performing replacement

If the Checkpoint in Switch server supports job replacement (uploading a new job instead of the one currently in the flow), a Replace Job option in the contextual menu is enabled.

  1. Select the Job to be replaced. This job must be in "Alert" state
  2. Open the Processing Panel either by double-clicking the Alert job or by clicking the Process button.
  3. Browse for a file or folder. This is similar to the submit functionality on the regular SwitchClient window.

    The Choose File for Replace dialog box does not allow changing the job name; the output job always retains the same name as the input job, regardless of the name of the replacement job.

    As an important exception, the filename extension of the output job reflects the extension of the replacement job (so that it is possible to provide a different file type).

  4. Enter metadata and handle job: Adjust metadata values as desired and then press the appropriate button to handle the replaced job. This is similar to the Checkpoint handling functionality.
  5. Wait while job is being transferred. When the transfer is complete the dialog box closes automatically.