Locking flows with a password

When a flow is locked with a password, the password must be provided to unlock it. The password is stored in the flow definition in an encrypted form.

Note: There is no way to recover the password when forgotten.

To lock one or more flows with a password, select the flows in the Flows pane, and perform one of these steps:

Switch displays a dialog box requesting a lock password. Enter the same password twice and click OK button to lock the flow with that password. The flow can be unlocked only by providing the same password again (and there is no way to recover the password when it is forgotten).


Certain Enfocus employees have access to a mechanism that bypasses the password protection (because Switch defines the password encryption). While Enfocus does not intend to open password-protected flows, and does not intend to publish the bypass mechanism, the company does not legally guarantee that this will never happen. It is important for flow designers to understand the limitations of the protection.