Adding a connection

To establish a new connection to a copy of Switch on your local network:

  1. Press the + button at the bottom; a new line appears in the list with status "Unknown Server".
  2. Complete the fields in the rightmost section; see table below; also see Preparing to run SwitchClient.



    Host name / IP address

    The host name or IP address of the computer on which Switch is installed

    To connect to a copy of Switch on the computer, enter "localhost" for this field


    The network port on which Switch expects client connections (usually the default value of 51008)

    User name

    User name as recognized by Switch (see Preparing to run SwitchClient)


    Password as recognized by Switch (see Preparing to run SwitchClient)

  3. When all information is entered correctly, the status underneath changes to Connected
  4. If SwitchClient fails to connect, refer to Preparing to run SwitchClient and setting up communication. After rectifying the problem, check or update the Connections panel again.