SwitchScripter Fixture pane

The information setup through the Fixture pane defines a simulated run-time environment for script testing purposes, including:

The fixture information is stored in a fixture package alongside the script package (with the same filename but a different extension). The fixture is not part of the definition of a script and may be removed after the script has been tested.

Basic fixture settings

The following table describes the properties displayed in the Properties pane when you select the main item in the Fixture pane (that is, "My Script" in the example above).

The values of these settings (except for the test folder path) can be accessed in the script at run-time through functions of the Switch class in the Switch scripting API.



Test folder

The absolute path of the folder in which to place files or folders provided to or generated by the script during testing

Global data

The set of global data presented to the script for all scopes

Flow name

The name of the flow to which the script is considered to be attached

Element name

The name of the flow element to which the script is considered to be attached

Injected flow element properties

Additional flow element properties as specified in the Declaration pane

Incoming jobs

The "incoming jobs" section of the fixture defines the jobs that are presented to the script as inputs during testing, including job ticket and metadata info, and the connection on which each job is to be presented.

Use the small tool buttons at the top of the Fixture pane to add, remove and reorder job definitions. In the example above, there are two job definitions ("creaX-cmyk....pdf" and "creaX-spot....pdf").

The following table describes the properties displayed in the Properties pane when you select one of the job definitions in the Fixture pane.

The values of these settings (except for the test file or folder path) can be accessed in the script at run-time through functions of the Job class in the Switch scripting API.



File or folder

The absolute path to the file or folder for this input job


Defines whether this input job is indeed included in the simulated test environment (can be used to temporarily exclude a job)

Connection name

The name of the incoming connection on which this job is to be presented

Hierarchy info

The hierarchy path to be stored in the internal job ticket (each segment as a separate string, ordered from top to bottom)

Email addresses

A list of email addresses to be stored in the internal job ticket

Email body text

Email body text to be stored in the internal job ticket

Job state

The job state to be stored in the internal job ticket

Private data

A list of tag/value pairs of private script data to be stored in the internal job ticket

Metadata datasets

A list of metadata dataset references to be stored in the internal job ticket

Outgoing connections

The "outgoing connections" section of the fixture defines the outgoing connections, if any, that are presented to the script, including the values of relevant connection properties.

Use the small tool buttons at the top of the Fixture pane to add, remove and reorder connection definitions. In the example above, there are two outgoing connection definitions ("Accepted" and "Rejected").

The following table describes the properties displayed in the Properties pane when you select one of the connection definitions in the Fixture pane.



Connection name

The name of the outgoing connection


Defines whether this outgoing connection is indeed included in the simulated test environment (can be used to temporarily exclude a connection)

Hold files

If set to "Yes", the connection is on hold

Include these jobs

Exclude these jobs

For filter connections, determines which files flow along this connection

Include these folders

Exclude these folders

For folder filter connections, determines which folders flow along this connection

Carry this type of files

For traffic-light connections, determines whether this connection carries data files or log files

Success out

Warning out

Error out

For traffic-light connections, determines whether a file moves along the connection depending on its success status

Injected connection properties

Additional outgoing connection properties as specified in the Declaration pane