Set hierarchy path

Set hierarchy path is a processor that replaces or augments the hierarchy path in the internal job ticket by constructing a fresh path from the segments specified as its properties. There are five segment properties and thus a maximum of five path segments can be specified (an empty value means "unused").

Since the segment properties support variables ( and script expressions), this tool is a great help when building custom archive hierarchies, for example organizing jobs in a folder hierarchy based on today's year, month, and day.


Keywords can be used with the search function above the elements pane.

The keywords for the Set hierarchy path element are:


Set hierarchy path allows only a single outgoing connection.





The name of the flow element displayed in the canvas


Determines how to combine the new segments with the existing hierarchy location path:

  • Replace: replace any existing hierarchy location path by the path formed by the new segments

  • Add at the top: add the new segments at the top of the existing hierarchy location path

  • Add at the bottom: add the new segments at the bottom of the existing hierarchy location path

  • Remove: remove one or more segments from the existing hierarchy location path

  • Reverse: put the top segments at the bottom and vice-versa

Path segment 1 …

Path segment 5

The new path segments; an empty value means "unused"; a maximum of five path segments can be specified

Start index

The one-based index of the first segment to remove (topmost segment is index 1)

End index

The one-based end index of the last segment to remove; zero means until the end of the path