Property editors

Property values

Regardless of which property editor is used to edit an injected property, the property value is always accessed from the script as a string or a string list (using the getPropertyValue() and getPropertyValueList() functions, respectively). The tables below describe the values for each supported property editor.

Inline property editors

The "Inline editor" property of a property definition offers the choices listed in the following table. These property editors are contained inside the property value field in the designer's properties pane. See working with properties for information on using property editors.

Property editor

Resulting value

Single-line text

The text line entered in the inline editor, as a string


The hidden value entered in the inline editor, as a string

(this is the same as single-line text but the value is hidden)


The decimal integer number entered in the inline editor, as a string

(this is the same as single-line text but the user can enter only digits)

Hours and minutes

A string formatted as "hh:mm" (including the colon) where h and m stand for a decimal digit; hh and mm include a leading zero if needed

(this is the same as single-line text but the user can enter only 4 digits)

No-yes list

One of the strings "No" or "Yes"

Dropdown list

The selected item (that is, one of the provided custom strings); see extra properties below

Other property editors

The "Editor 2/3/4/5" properties of a property definition offers the choices listed in the following table. Most of these property editors are modal dialogs. See working with properties for information on using property editors.

Property editor

Resulting value


The fixed string value corresponding to the name of the property editor, which must be selected from a predefined list; see extra properties below

Choose file

The selected absolute file path, as a string

Choose folder

The selected absolute folder path, as a string

Regular expression

The regular expression entered in the dialog, as a string

File type

The file type selected from a dialog with standard file types, as a string with the corresponding Windows filename pattern(s)

Select from library

The string value selected from a list in a "library" dialog; the contents of the dialog is determined by calling the getLibraryForProperty entry point in the script

Multi-line text

The text entered in the dialog as a single string that may include newlines

Script expression

The result of the script expression evaluated in the context of the job, converted to a string under the JavaScript rules

Single-line text with variables

The text line entered in the dialog, as a string, after replacing any variables by their values in the context of the job

Multi-line text with variables

The text entered in the dialog box as a single string that may include newlines after replacing any variables by their values in the context of the job

Condition with variables

The result of the conditional expression after replacing any variables by their values in the context of the job, as one of the strings "true" or "false"

File patterns

The list of pattern strings as they have been entered in the dialog box

Folder patterns

The list of pattern strings as they have been entered in the dialog box

File types

The list of file types selected from a dialog with standard file types, each as a string with the corresponding Windows filename pattern(s)

String list

The string values entered in a generic string list dialog; each line is represented is a separate string

Select many from library

The string values selected from a list in a "library" dialog; each selected item is represented as a separate string; the contents of the dialog is determined by calling the getLibraryForProperty entry point in the script

External editor

The file path to a property set edited by a third-party application; see external property editor
