Main script properties

The following table describes the main script properties contained in the script declaration, which is part of a script package and is edited using the declaration pane in SwitchScripter.




The name of this script for identification to a user

For scripted plug-ins, a tilde should separate the company name from the tool name (for example, "Adobe~Acrobat Distiller"); Switch will derive appropriate long and short versions from this name.


For scripted plug-ins, defines a list of zero or more keywords, separated by a space, a comma and/or a semicolon. When filtering elements in the Elements pane with the "Search keywords" menu item turned on, this element is displayed if the filter text matches the beginning of at least one of the keywords in this list.


For scripted plug-ins, determines the tooltip shown for the icon in the elements pane


The icon to be displayed for a flow element associated with this script package; this must be a PNG image file (not interlaced) with a size of exactly 32x32 pixels in the RGB color space (with support for transparency).

Password protected

If set to yes, the script package is protected by a password; the password is asked when the script package is opened for viewing and editing in SwitchScripter; a script package can always be opened for execution by Switch, even if it is password protected

See also password protection


Verify password

Defines the password for the script package if it is password protected

Include JavaScript

If set to yes, the script package includes a JavaScript program and the corresponding tab in the program pane is enabled

Include VBScript

If set to yes, the script package includes a VBScript program and the corresponding tab in the program pane is enabled

Include AppleScript

If set to yes, the script package includes an AppleScript program and the corresponding tab in the program pane is enabled

Incoming connections

If set to yes, the script supports incoming connections

Require at least one

If set to yes, the script requires at least one incoming connection

Outgoing connections

Defines to what extent the script supports outgoing connections: "No", "One", or "Unlimited"

Require at least one

If set to yes, the script requires at least one outgoing connection (for traffic-light connections: at least one outgoing connection that carries data or data with logs)

Connection type

The type of outgoing connections supported by the script, if there are any; choices are:

  • Move

  • Filter

  • Traffic-light

Include/exclude folder

For outgoing filter connections, if set to yes, the standard include/exclude folder properties are automatically injected in the outgoing connections

Data success

Data warning

Data error

For outgoing traffic-light connections, defines which of the standard success, warning and error properties is injected in the outgoing "data" and "data with log" connections

Log success

Log warning

Log error

For outgoing traffic-light connections, defines which of the standard success, warning and error properties is injected in the outgoing "log" connections

Execution mode

The execution mode for this script; one of these choices:

  • Serialized: entry points for all script instances in the same execution group are never invoked concurrently

  • Concurrent: different instances of the script may be executed concurrently

  • Persistent: entry points are invoked in the same "private" thread (and thus are inherently serialized), and some information can be preserved between invocations

Execution group

The name of the execution group in which instances of this script reside; the precise interpretation depends on the selected execution mode:

  • Serialized: determines the scope of serialization

  • Concurrent: not used

  • Persistent: unambiguously identifies the script implementation

Enable performance tuning

If set to yes, additional performance tuning is enabled for the script package. When using the script in Switch, an extra property "Idle after job (secs)" will be available, which can be used to fine-tune the flow's performance. If script execution mode is also set to "Concurrent", another property, "Number of slots", will become available.

Idle after job (secs)

When performance tuning is enabled, this property contains the default number of seconds the script should remain idle after processing a job. The user can override this value when designing a flow.

Number of slots

The number of slots that can be used concurrently by the specific flow element. Possible values are: "0" (unlimited), "Default" (value from Preferences is used) or any number larger than 0. Note that this property can be overridden by the value specified in Preferences > "Concurrent external processes".

Position in element pane

For scripted plug-ins, determines the position of the icon in the elements pane; the value of the property has the following format:

  • <section>:<sort-key>


  • <section> is the name of the elements pane section in which the scripted package should appear: Basics, Tools, Communication, Processing, Metadata, or Custom. If it is not one of these, the section defaults to "Custom".

  • <sort-key> is a text string that determines the order in which elements are listed within each section; they are sorted alphabetically on the sort key.

Obsolete The list of property tags which were present in the previous versions of the configurator and were removed in the current version. For these tags, Switch does not display the warning messages during flow import or update. See Flow element update for information on entry points available.
Obsolete connection The list of connection property tags which were present in the previous versions of the configurator and were removed in the current version. For these tags, Switch does not display the warning messages during flow import or update. See Flow element update for information on entry points available.