Mail send

Mail send is a processor (although conceptually it is a consumer) that sends an email message to an SMTP email relay server for each incoming job.

Some properties for this tool (such as the SMTP server details) are setup as a global user preference since these values are always the same for all outgoing email. Mail send will fail as long as these preferences have not been set with appropriate values for your environment.


Keywords can be used with the search function above the elements pane.

The keywords for the Mail send element are:


Mail send supports optional outgoing connections to provide in-flow feedback about the operation and to keep the job around without extra copying. This allows multiple send operations to be chained in an intelligent manner; for example:

Mail send supports traffic-light connections of the following types (other types are not allowed):





The name of the flow element displayed in the canvas


The subject line for the message.

To addresses

The list of destination email addresses for the message. Email addresses are separated by a semicolon or by a newline.

Include attached addresses

If set to "Yes", the email addresses from the job's internal job ticket are added to the To addresses.

CC addresses

A comma/ semicolon/ newline separated list of carbon-copy email addresses for the message

BCC addresses

A comma/ semicolon/ newline separated list of blind carbon-copy email addresses for the message

Reply address

The email address to which a receiver of the message should send a reply. If the value is empty or Default, the reply address specified in the User Preferences is used.

Message format

The format of the message body, either Plain text or HTML. When set to HTML, the email message has two bodies. The first is in HTML format and the second is a plain text version of the HTML message.

Body template

The location of the template of the email body.

If set to "Built-in", the text can be set in the Body text property. Using the Include attached body text option, you can insert the body text attached to the job as part of its email info, after the body text

If set to "Fixed file", a Template file can be set, referring to a plain text or HTML file containing the template for the message body.

A plain text body template shall be a regular text file (preferred extension ".txt") using Unicode (UTF-16 with proper BOM or UTF-8). Other text encodings are not allowed. An HTML body template shall be a valid HTML file (preferred extension ".html") using Unicode UTF-8. The HTML file must contain a tag specifying that it uses UTF-8 encoding. Other text encodings (including UTF-16) are not allowed.

An HTML body template shall not refer to any local resources (since these will not be transmitted with the mail message). Any references should point to public resources on the worldwide web.

You can use Enfocus Switch variables in a plain text template or an HTML template. An example with variables you could use in your own template:
<span>Job size: [Job.ByteCount]</span>
<span>Flow name: [Switch.FlowName]</span>
<span>Current date: [Switch.Date]</span>
Also see Known variables for more information on variables.

If set to "Associated with job", the Template dataset (name of the metadata dataset associated with the job containing a plain text or HTML template) can be set.

Attach files

If set to "Yes", the incoming file or job folder is compressed (zipped) and attached to the email message being sent.

Strip unique name

If set to "Yes", the unique name prefix added to the filename by Switch is removed before emailing the job; the default is to strip the prefixes from jobs before emailing them

This property affects both the actual attachments and the names of the jobs listed in the email body