name of the flow element displayed in the canvas
Execution Mode |
This property helps you to configure the tool to handle jobs in parallel (concurrent) or
serial mode:
Command or
system command to be executed, or the absolute path to the console
application to be invoked
remainder of the command line; the following substitutions are made
in the specified text:
%1: the absolute
path of the input file/job folder
%2: the absolute path of the output file/job folder (which does not yet exist)
including filename and extension
%3: the absolute
path of a folder (which does exist) in which output or temp files
may be placed
Note 1: all of
these substitutions work even if "Output" is set to None or Original
(in which case any generated output is discarded)
Note 2: argument values that may contain
spaces (such as file paths) should be enclosed in quotes
how the command generates its output (the tool automatically moves
the output to the outgoing connection):
None: the command
generates no output (or any generated output is discarded) and nothing
is moved to the outgoing connection
Original: the
command generates no output (or any generated output is discarded)
and the incoming job is moved to the outgoing connection
Updated input
job: the command updates or overwrites the incoming job in place
Result next to
input job: the command places the output next to the input job (i.e.
in the same folder)
File at path:
the command places a single output file at the absolute path specified
by %2
Folder at path:
the command places a single output job folder at the absolute path
specified by %2
Result in folder: the command places the output inside the existing folder at
absolute path %3 Note: When you enter %3 in the Arguments property, the tool creates a temporary
folder named ExecuteCommandTemp. Switch sends the entire ExecuteCommandTemp folder (and not just the
contents of the folder) as job folder to the outgoing connection.
input job
set to yes, the incoming job is copied to a temporary location before
the command is triggered; this must be turned on in cases where
the command modifies the input job or places files in the folder
where the input job resides
This property
is not present for some choices of output because in those cases
the incoming job must always be copied
job filter
which of the generated files or folders is the output file; Automatic
works unambiguously if a single file is generated; otherwise a simple
heuristic is used to make an "educated guess"
Output extension
filename extension of the output job to be provided to the command
line (i.e. the substitution of %2); Automatic means use the same
extension as the input job
if exit code is
Fails the job (that is, moves it to the problem jobs folder) if the command's
exit code is:
In range
Outside range
Disregard exit
range specified as "n1..n2;n3..n4" where the n's represent a positive
or negative integer or are missing to indicate an open end; for
example: "-7..-4; 0.."
if stdout contains
Fails the job (that is, moves it to the problem jobs folder) if the regular
console output contains the search string or pattern; empty
means disregard the regular console output
if stderr contains
Fails the job (that is, moves it to the problem jobs folder) if the console
error output contains the search string or pattern; empty means
disregard the console error output