Obtaining permission

Enfocus may license selected third-party vendors to develop scripted plug-ins or configurators for Switch, based on commercial considerations.

In most cases, a third-party vendor has to submit the (unprotected) script package to Enfocus for code review and quality assurance. Upon approval, Enfocus will save the scripted plug-in with the appropriate password.

Certain third-party vendors may be handed a scripted plug-in password (after signing the required licensing agreement), so that they can create a scripted plug-in by themselves.

If you are interested in developing a scripted plug-in or configurator for Switch, please contact Enfocus.

Scripted plug-ins and product flavors

Depending on the password used to save a scripted plug-in, it may be enabled for use with any of the Switch product flavors (including LightSwitch and FullSwitch). In contrast, regular script packages are supported only in Switch.

When loading a scripted plug-in from the "scripted-plugin" or "third-party-plugin" folder, Switch verifies the password with which the plug-in was saved and acts according to the description in the following table:

Table 1. Load action
Password Plug-in type Load action
Not a scripted-plug password or not valid for the current Switch flavor Not allowed Does not load the Plug-in
Valid scripted plug-in password but not one of the built-in passwords Third-party

Loads the plug-in with the following changes:

  • Always puts it in the custom section
  • If the plug-in requested a section other than custom or if its name clashes with a built-in tool or configurator, adds an underscore in front of its name
One of the built-in passwords Built-in Loads the plug-in in the requested section