When associating email information with a job, Switch combines the new email information with any email information already present. Email addresses are added to the list, and body text is appended to what's there (inserting a line break if needed). In other words, the effect is cumulative and existing email info is never removed.
The mail receive tool adds email information depending in the email message's origin. Specifically:
If the "Attach email info" property is set to "Yes", the sender's address of the incoming email message is automatically added to the job's email information. Body text from the incoming email message is never copied into the job's email information.
If the "Attach extra email info" property is set to "Yes", and the incoming email message matches one of the keys in the mapping table (see below), the email information specified for that table entry is added to the job's email information.
The "Base map key on" property defines which attribute of the incoming message is used for matching the mapping table key:
Sender's email address: the sender's address of the incoming email message.
Email account name: the account name used to retrieve the incoming email message.
Message subject: the subject line of the incoming message.
In each case, the email information specified for any matching table entries is added to the job's email information.
You are receiving jobs from different customers. In your company each customer service representative (CSR) is responsible for a well-defined set of customers. You want to setup Switch so that the appropriate CSR is copied on emails sent back to customers.
In the "Base map key on" property, select "Sender's email address".
In the "Email info map" dialog, click the "Add" button; in the "Map key" field enter the customer name (as it is used in their email address) and in the consecutive field enter the email address of the CSR associated with this customer.
Make sure that the map key you have entered matches one of the following:
The part of the customer's email address in front of the '@' sign, or
The part of the customer's email address following the '@' sign
The complete email address
All jobs sent in by this customer will now have the CSR email address added to their job ticket, which can be used when sending notifications.
Switch tools that receive jobs from external sources allow adding email information based on the job's origin.
For example, FTP receive and submit hierarchy add email information depending on the original job's location in the subfolder hierarchy from which it is retrieved. Specifically, each of the subfolder names in the job's nested subfolder path is used as a key in the mapping table. The email information for all matches is combined and associated with the job.
A folder provides just a single set of email information. If it is non-empty, the email info is attached to each job passing through the folder.
Here are a few examples of how this can be used:
Accumulate an audit trail of status messages in the email body text as a job moves along a flow, and email the audit trail to a supervisor at the end of the flow.
Associate a different email address with a job depending on its status in the flow (e.g. passed preflight test or not).
Sort jobs based on filename (or any other criteria) and then associate a different email address with a job depending in how it was sorted.