Submit hierarchy

Submit hierarchy is a producer that supports one or more levels of subfolders. Since it is a producer, a submit hierarchy can be used only to submit jobs into a flow. The backing folder (on disk) for a submit hierarchy should typically be user-managed.

Each subfolder up to the nesting level specified by the "subfolder levels" property is treated as if it were an individual hot folder.

A file placed inside a subfolder at the specified nesting level, or at any level closer to the main folder, moves along the flow as a file.

A job folder placed inside a subfolder at the specified nesting level moves along the flow with its contents as a single entity (that is, as a job folder).

A job folder placed on the same level as the allowed subfolders is treated as a subfolder by mistake, and its contents are moved along as separate files.


Keywords can be used with the search function available in the Flow Elements pane.

The keywords for the Submit hierarchy element are:


Submit hierarchy does not allow incoming connections.

Submit hierarchy injects folder filter properties into its outgoing connections so that it is possible to include/exclude certain subfolders in the hierarchy for particular connections. Also see the "skip folders" property described below.

Note: The number of eligible jobs for processing is shown in a small rectangle to Submit hierarchy element.





The name of the flow element displayed in the canvas


The path of the submit hierarchy's backing folder on disk, or "auto-managed"

Leave originals in place

If set to yes, incoming jobs are left untouched in the hierarchy; Switch never writes to the hierarchy so read-only access rights suffice

If set to no (the default), incoming jobs are moved out of the hierarchy; Switch needs full access rights to rename, create and remove files and folders in the hierarchy

Ignore Updates

The Ignore Updates option is only available if Leave Originals is set to yes.

If set to yes, a job will only be processed once, regardless of any changes to the file size or modification date. This can be used for workflows where the input job is replaced by the processing result, to avoid triggering endless loops.

If set to no, the job will be reprocessed when its file size or modification date is different. This allows processing jobs which have the same file name as previously submitted jobs.

Minimum file size (KB)

Used to set the minimum file size (in KB) limit before Switch picks up the files or folders. To set no limits, leave it empty.

Scan every (seconds)

The frequency with which this submit hierarchy is scanned for newly arrived jobs; if "Default" or zero the global user preference is used instead; see Processing

Time-of-day window

If set to yes, the submit hierarchy detects (and moves) newly arrived jobs only during a certain time of the day (specified in the subordinate properties)

Allow from (hh:mm)

The time-of-day window during which to detect jobs; the values are structured as "hh:mm" (hours, minutes) indicating a time of day on a 24 hour clock; an empty value means midnight; two identical values mean the submit hierarchy always detects jobs

Allow to (hh:mm)

Day-of-week window

If set to yes, the submit hierarchy detects (and moves) newly arrived jobs only during certain days of the week (specified in the subordinate properties)

Allow from

The days of the week (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday) during which to detect jobs; two identical values mean the submit hierarchy only detects jobs on that specific day.

Allow to

Day-of-month window

If set to yes, the submit hierarchy detects (and moves) newly arrived jobs only during a certain day of the month (specified in the subordinate properties)


The day in the month during which to detect jobs, as a number in the range [1 . .31]; the default value of one means the first or the last day of the month (depending on the following property)

Relative to

Determines whether the day of the month is relative to "Start of month" or "End of the month"

Subfolder levels

The number of nested subfolder levels considered to be hot folders (as opposed to job folders); see also the description on subfolders earlier.

Process these folders

Defines the initial set of folders that should be processed by the Submit hierarchy tool. This set can be adjusted by defining one or more rules in the subsequent properties. Options available in this menu are:

All folders (default) and No folders.

Adjusted by (rule 1)

This property defines a rule for adjusting the set of folders to be processed, by including or excluding folders matching or not matching a folder name. Different rules can be applied, and will be processed in the order as they are specified.

Options available in this menu are:

  • None (default)

  • Including folders named

  • Including folders not named

  • Excluding folders named

  • Excluding folders not named

Folder name

A pattern for the folder name to be included or excluded

On levels

The level or range of levels to which this rule applies.


Defines an optional restriction on the parent or ancestors for the folder in this rule. Options available are:
  • None (default)

  • With immediate parent named

  • With no immediate parent named

  • With any ancestor named

  • With no ancestor named

Parent name or Ancestor name

A pattern for the folder name of the parent or ancestor


Only available if Attach hierarchy info is enabled.

If set to yes, the name of the flow element is included at the top of the remembered location path

Adjusting by (rule 2)

. . .

Adjusting by (rule 5)

Same as Adjusting by (rule 1) with an identical set of dependent properties

Attach hierarchy info

If set to yes, (part of) a job's submit location, depending on the hierarchy info configuration, is added to its hierarchy location path as it is submitted in the flow; see Using hierarchy info for more details

Include hierarchy name

Only available if Attach hierarchy info is enabled.

If set to yes, the name of the flow element is included at the top of the remembered location path

Include subfolder levels

Identifies the number of hierarchy segments in the hierarchy information.

Save top subfolders

If set to yes, the top-most subfolders are remembered in the location path, otherwise the bottom-most subfolders are remembered

Attach email info

Email addresses and body text specified with the editor for this property are added to each job's email info as the job is submitted in the flow; the information added can vary depending on the subfolder in which the job was submitted; see Using Email info for more details

Allow subfolder cleanup

If set to yes, subfolders created in the submit hierarchy (by an external process or a user) are automatically removed when they become empty

Starting from this level

The number of upper levels for which not to cleanup subfolders