FTP send

FTP send is a processor (although conceptually it is a consumer) that uploads any incoming jobs to an FTP site.

In case your system environment requires FTP connections to pass through a proxy server, you need to setup the FTP proxy preferences to provide Switch with the configuration details for the proxy server. In this case, FTP send will fail as long as these preferences have not been set.


Keywords can be used with the search function above the Elements pane.

The keywords for the FTP send element are:


FTP send supports optional outgoing connections to provide in-flow feedback about the operation and to keep the job around without extra copying. This allows multiple send operations to be chained in an intelligent manner; for example:

FTP send supports traffic-light connections of the following types (other types are not allowed):





The name of the flow element displayed in the canvas

Server type FTP or SFTP

FTP server address

The URL or IP address of the FTP server to which the jobs are to be delivered


The port used by the FTP server

Passive mode

If set to yes, FTP send uses passive mode, otherwise it uses active mode

Transfer as binary

If set to yes, FTP receive transfers files as binary, otherwise it transfers them as ASCII

User name

The login name for the FTP server. For anonymous login, use "anonymous" as user name


The password for the FTP server. For anonymous use, enter an email address as password.

FTP directory

The directory on the FTP site to which jobs are to be delivered.

If the path starts with a forward slash "/", it is relative to the users's home directory. If the path starts with a double forward slash, it is relative to the FTP site's system root. This is only useful if the user has access to the complete file system on the FTP site

Subfolder levels

The number of nested subfolder levels in the uploaded folder hierarchy (similar to the behavior of the archive hierarchy tool)

When this property is set to zero (the default) all jobs are placed immediately inside the FTP directory specified in the previous property

Strip unique name

If set to yes, the unique name prefix added to the filename by Switch is removed before placing the job in the FTP hierarchy; the default is to strip the prefixes from jobs deposited in a FTP hierarchy - leaving the prefixes in place avoids overwriting a previously deposited job with the same name


Determines what happens when "Strip unique name" is set to yes and a job arrives with the same name and location as a job already residing on the FTP site:

  • Overwrite: replace the existing job with the new one – this is the default behavior

  • Keep unique name: preserve the new job's unique name prefix, leaving the existing job untouched (without unique name prefix)

  • Add version number: add an incrementing version number at the end of the filename body for the new job ("2", "3", … "9", "10", "11"), leaving the existing job untouched

  • Fail: move the new job to the problem jobs folder, leaving the existing job untouched