Scripting API - Introduction

The Switch scripting API (application programming interface) provides script elements and script expressions with access to information about the job (file or job folder) being processed, including job ticket and metadata contents. Script expressions are limited to read-only access, while script elements can update the information.

The scripting API supports three scripting languages: JavaScript, AppleScript, and VBScript. The API documentation is provided in JavaScript syntax. Refer to AppleScript and VBScript for information on how to adjust this syntax for the other scripting languages.

JavaScript language reference

The JavaScript language reference is provided as part of the scripting API documentation.

Scripting API Modules

The scripting API consists of a number of distinct modules, each of which publishes a set of related classes and functions. Some modules are published only to the JavaScript scripting language since AppleScript and VBScript offer their own built-in functionality in these areas.




Utility module

Reading and writing plain text files, enumerating files in directories and executing command line applications

Text encoding, ByteArray class, File class, Dir class, Process class

Only JavaScript

XML module

Reading and writing XML files, including DOM and XPath access to their contents and performing XSLT transforms

Node class, Document class, Element class, Text class, Comment class, Attr class, List classes

Only JavaScript

Network module

Communicating with external applications and web services through SOAP

SOAP class

Only JavaScript

Database module

Accessing external databases with SQL queries via ODBC (Open Database Connectivity)

DataSource class, Statement class

Only JavaScript

Flow element module

Accessing script flow element properties, including incoming and outgoing connections

Moving jobs from and to these connections

Accessing job ticket information for the current job, including the list of associated metadata datasets

Entry points, Environment class, Switch class, Connection class, Job class, Occurrence class, List classes

All scripting languages

Metadata module

Retrieving the contents of metadata fields from a metadata dataset for the three supported data models (XML, JDF, XMP and Certified PDF 2)

Map class, Dataset class, XML data model, JDF data model, XMP data model, CP2 data model, Opaque data model, FileStatistics class, Session class, Certificate class, User class, DataMap class, AltText class

All scripting languages

Script declaration

Reference information for the script declaration is presented as part of the scripting API documentation in Main script properties, Execution mode, Property definition properties, Property editors, Validating property values and External property editor.