Property definition properties

The following table describes the properties for each property definition contained in the script declaration which is part of a script package and is edited using the declaration pane in SwitchScripter. A property definition may describe a property injected into the flow element to which the script package will be attached or a property injected into its outgoing connections.




The internal name of the property as it will be referred to from the script


The name of the property as it will be displayed in the designer's Properties pane


A brief description of the property which will be shown in the designer's Properties pane as a tool tip

Inline editor

The inline property editor used to edit this property in the designer's Properties pane, if any; see inline property editors for a list of choices and further information

Editor 2

Extra property editors shown for this property in the designer's Properties pane, if any; see other property editors for a list of choices and further information

This allows for a maximum of five property editors (including the inline editor); there must be at least one editor (if all five editors are set to "None" a single-line text editor is automatically provided); it is meaningless to specify the same editor twice (the second occurrence is ignored)

Editor 3

Editor 4

Editor 5


The default value for the property

Depends on master

If set to yes, this property is displayed only if its master property has a particular value; the master property is the nearest preceding property with "Depends on master" set to "No"

Only a single level of dependency is supported (a dependent property can never be a master)

Show if master equals

The string value or values of the master for which this property is displayed; multiple values must be separated by a semicolon


The validation method for the value of this property, which is one of:

  • None: perform no validation for this property

  • Standard: perform standard validation for this property depending on the property editor used to enter the value

  • Custom: invoke the script's isPropertyValid entry point to validate this property; do not perform standard validation

  • Standard and custom: first perform standard validation for this property, and if successful then also perform custom validation

See validating property values for further information