Application licensing


In this option the user licenses the third-party application independently from Switch through some user interface provided by or with the third-party application. For example, by entering a license key in a dialog box or on a command line.

Although it violates the objective of allowing the application to be fully controlled from within Switch, this may be the most logical option for regular interactive applications that offer a rich user interface aside from the automation capabilities via Switch.

In Switch

Some third-party applications do not have a graphical user interface and are intended mostly for integration with products such as Switch. Since the user never directly interacts with the third-party application it is more logical to allow licensing from within Switch.

In this option the user enters a license key in a Switch dialog box that is accessed through a context menu item on the configurator's icon in the Elements pane. Switch can pass the license key on to the third-party application at the time the user enters the license key (the most frequently used option) and/or each time an action is executed. The third-party application should document the licensing process for the configurator.

Application licensing is implemented in the licenseApplication entry point.

Licensing state

Assuming that it is possible to automatically detect the licensing state of a third-party application, Switch can display this information through a context menu item on the configurator's icon in the Elements pane. This feedback is meaningful regardless whether the licensing operation itself can be performed from within Switch or not. Thus wherever feasible the third-party application should document a way for the configurator to detect licensing state.

Detecting licensing state is implemented in the getApplicationLicensing entry point.