Running the sample

To run the Java sample, simply open a command window and navigate to the build folder. Then type:

java -jar SwitchClientSDKSample.jar help and press Enter key.

The Java sample will print a short usage message.

Note: To run the Java sample, it is important that the cacert.jks file is located in the current working directory. You must have the Java 6 JRE installed to be able to run the sample.

The Java sample can be used to get a list of Submit points, Checkpoints or jobs in a specific Checkpoint and can upload a job, send a Checkpoint job further through the flow and replace Checkpoint job.

For example, to submit a file to Submit point “16.3”, the command could be:

java -jar SwitchClientSDKSample.jar --server=localhost

--user=Administrator --submitpoint=16.3 submit /Users/user/test.pdf

Note: Flow IDs, submit point IDs, and checkpoint IDs can change when the Switch Server is restarted.