Working with metadata

Often, while submitting a job or pushing it to a checkpoint’s connections, Switch will require metadata to be entered.  There are basically two types of metadata: metadata that is to be displayed to the user (read-only metadata), and metadata that the user has to provide.  The first is represented with MetadataToDisplayClass, the second with MetadataToFillClass.  For example, when getting information about a job in a checkpoint (using the GetCheckpointJobInfo method), we may get both display metadata and required metadata:
  <soap:Body xmlns:butterfly="">    
           <mtdLabel>Metadata Field 1</mtdLabel>
           <mtfLabel>Metadata Field 2</mtfLabel>
Note: For brevity, part of the jobInfo element has been omitted.

Here we can see that there is a display metadata field “Metadata Field 1” with value “hello”, and a second field “Metadata Field 2”, for which we should provide the value.  When pushing the job using  PushCheckpointJob, we provide the value for this field:

  <soap:Body xmlns:butterfly="">    
       <jobInfo href="#id0"/>    
        <multiRef id="id0" soapenc:root="0"
        <jobRequiredMetadata href="#id1"/>
        <multiRef id="id1" soapenc:root="0"
        <mtfLabel>Metadata Field 2</mtfLabel>